Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 169 Another Two Billion

Finally, there was a roar, like a bomb exploding.

Together with this piece of smoke and dust, the two of them just disappeared from sight.

However, when he looked up, Su Zicheng's body was already standing on a crane.

Looking down high. Not even a little dust fell on the body.

This is the horror of teleportation, if you use absolute speed, Su Zicheng can reach here in an instant.

It's just that you need a process at a fast speed, and this process is that you have to go through this piece of dust.

Teleportation is different, this is a process of space jumping, completely ignoring the process of passing through the dust.

Looking at Killian, the flames of magma were all over his body, his original appearance had long since disappeared, and the only thing that could be recognized was his shape and facial features made of magma.

"Originally, I was a little "eight-eight-three" afraid of your sword, it seems that you want to kill yourself..."

"I forgot to tell you, actually, I am Mandarin, haha, how about it, no surprise.

"I know..."

Originally, he thought that Su Zicheng would be a little surprised if he revealed his true identity, but unexpectedly, he just said "I know" and swallowed the rest of the pretending to pretend.

...Are all bounty hunters like this...

Killian patted the dust off his body, but there was nothing left on his body.

The whole body breathes fire, coupled with the temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius, there is nothing left.

Even the air next to it creaked.

"Really... Meteor Flame..."

After finishing speaking, the copy eyes in Su Zicheng's eyes suddenly lit up with five-colored stars.

And above Killian's head also appeared a magic pentagram matrix.

Aren't you magma, aren't you playing with fire? It must be very aggrieved to let you die under the magma.

In fact, at the same time as the gunshot, the entire port was alarmed.

All the desperate fighters quickly surrounded Su Zicheng.

And behind a container, two figures also secretly looked towards the office.

"Tony, Tony, look, isn't that Pepper, we need help..."

"We're not fighting alone..."

Just as Tony finished speaking, a swish, swish, swish sound suddenly came from the sky.

It turned out to be Tony's armor.

And not just one set, but one set after another.

In a few breaths, no less than a hundred suits of armor have come.

From Mark 7 to Mark 42.

This is Tony's true strength after leading the Chitauri Stars to invade the earth.

Every day is dedicated to the research and development of various armors, improving the strength of weapons, and various details. So rigorous that he ignored the existence of his girlfriend Pepper.

Because, in that battle, Tony realized his big shortcomings, and it can even be said that he was still far behind.

Now Tony has a bit of anxiety disorder, no matter how strong he is, he is nothing more than what Thor said, just a mortal hiding in an iron sheet.

He even doubted whether it was him, Tony Stark himself, or this set of steel armor that everyone admired.

"OK, you can choose a set yourself, maybe there is no model of yours..."

"Well, say what you want, but I'm not surprised by this move...

"The president will leave it to you, I will save Pepper..."

After speaking, Tony rushed forward without looking back whether James Rhodes heard or not.

The presence of so many 'Iron Man' naturally attracted the attention of Killian and his men.

"Oh, Falk, this guy always surprises me."

Immediately, Killian's desperate fighters and Tony's armor staged a man-machine battle.

Definitely, facing these defective products is just a one-sided plot.

I believe that in less than two hours, all Extremis soldiers will fall under the shells of 'Iron Man'.

"Meteor Flame!!!"

Before Killian could observe the battle situation, a flame meteorite with a diameter of 3 meters appeared above his head in the next second.

Su Zicheng thought this way, just like fighting against one of the Five Fingers of the Hand Association, he used Killian's best skills to deal with him, so that he could realize what it means to know that there are people outside people, and there is a sky outside the sky. It can be regarded as humiliating and humiliating him.

"Give me..."

Killian didn't dodge at all, and yelled, "He punched the meteorite fiercely.


Unexpectedly, the meteorite, which was enough to kill a big steel fish, paused for a moment.

It seems that this Killian still has some skills.

However, no matter how awesome it is, under the flames of the meteorite, it is still "somewhat", this blow, Su Zicheng has the mentality of killing......

Sure enough, within three seconds of being a real man, Killian was slammed into the horizon by the meteorite with a pop.

This time, even if it is not burned to ashes, it must be smashed into a meat paste.

"Unexpectedly, I have already used the fastest speed, but I still haven't snatched Mr. Hunter."

Tony, who was wearing Mark's armor, finally came too.

"I said, each depends on his ability, but it seems that you are indeed a step late, goodbye."

"Hey, wait a minute, I need your help with one more thing."

"Uh, well, it's hiring..."

"Tell me..."

"I don't know if Mr. Hunter can give my girlfriend's virus to... umm..."

"How much..."

"Oh Shet, do you only have money in your mind? I have hired so many times, the oldest customer can't get a discount..."

"goodbye..." billion...oh no, two billion, and my price..."

"I took this task..."

On the surface Su Zicheng is cold and cold, but in his heart he has already burst into laughter.

Haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Tony is really a fool.

Two billion, again.

In fact, with Tony's current level of technology, he can cure Pepper by himself.

Definitely, Su Zicheng will not tell the truth, if you have money, you don't make money.

By taking advantage of Tony's concern for his girlfriend, he is making a fortune out of him. As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, 4.7 caring leads to chaos, which means caring leads to chaos. Ha ha.

Jokes aside, Su Zicheng honestly opened the system mall to look for things that could cure diseases.

Speaking of therapy. In fact, you have to use potions. After all, Su Zicheng has no other good way to deal with this thing. He can just kill and kill others. Needless to say, he needs to use medicine to heal this thing. If someone else needs it, he has to ask the system for help at critical moments.

The [Healing Potion] that treated Happy last time popped out first. However, this time it is obviously a bit of the right medicine.

After looking around for a long time, I only saw that the [Hundred Poisons Not Invading Pill] that I used last time sold for 1,000,000

It seems that this is the only one left. Without any hesitation, I bought it for one million. One million is exchanged for two billion. Isn’t it good? Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it good?

Strictly speaking, Extremis can also be regarded as a kind of poison. Since it is invulnerable to all poisons, then this elixir should be fine. .

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