Unexpectedly, the fat policeman who was knocked out by the king of electricity just now woke up and shot without any hesitation, directly hitting the king of electricity.


Anyway, he was caught off guard, Dian Wang was completely unprepared, and was hit by a bullet.

Suddenly, Electric King Rage. The arc flows, and the bullet exits the body automatically.

In the next second, Dian Wang's body was shot out. Straight into little Spider-Man's head.

At the moment the gun went off, little Spider-Man had realized something was wrong. Defense and retreat were already prepared.

After all, Electro is a fan of little Spider-Man. little Spider-Man didn't dare confront him. After several rounds, little Spider-Man suffered a lot.

little Spider-Man is also suffering. Fans or not, this is the time, who cares about that.

It’s not that we don’t dare to fight, it’s just that he can’t do it, Max is like a Quill, he has nowhere to do it, every time he catches his tricks, he will be shocked by the electric shock.

I dare not answer it, and I can't hide it. I can only keep dodging around him, picking up a guy from time to time, and attacking, but this can't cause any damage at all.

"It's not okay to drag it on like this."

597 little Spider-Man seems to have realized the seriousness of the matter. But there is still no way.

At the same time, the king of electricity seems to be a little bit powerless. Although his body has a voltage of tens of millions of volts, the only shortcoming is that he can't supply his own energy source constantly and can only rely on external sources. At the same time, the stronger the electricity, the stronger the king of electricity. The stronger he is, the explosive growth of his body can occur with the absorbed electric energy.

He also seemed to know that procrastination would be of no benefit to anyone.

After a certain attack, Den-O suddenly stopped.

"Spider-man, I admit that you are very powerful, and I used to admire you very much, but whenever I need you, you are always not there,"

"This kind of worship, don't worry..."

At the end, King Dian yelled out with all his strength, and it seemed that he was about to amplify his moves after the sensational speech.

I saw him squatting down slowly, with both palms close to the ground. At a certain moment, his body erupted with a strong blue light. This is to use all the energy in the body to deliver a blow.

As the blue light suddenly appeared, the ground began to crack inch by inch, and an astonishing electric current was hidden in each crack. If he was hit by a (cifg) electric current of this intensity, Su Zicheng, who was watching the show from a distance, even doubted that the current little Spider-Man would not be able to bear it.

The electric current with thick arms is like bloodthirsty pythons, centered on King Electric, spreading crazily around. The marbles along the route were all broken one by one, and even the cars parked on the route were ejected.

"Oh Shet, damn it, okay, it's really powerful."

little Spider-Man jumped up quickly, trying to avoid the blow.

"Spider-man, look behind you, if you dare too much, they will die, uh haha... this is your weakness..."

"You really know meow."

Helpless, little Spider-Man could only stand on the roof of a car, thinking about the calendar rapidly.

"Mr. Hunter, are you there, Mr. Hunter? I know you must be watching somewhere..."

"Help me figure out a way..."

"If you don't make a move, something big will happen, Mister Hunter..."

little Spider-Man's mind was thinking fast, turning faster and faster, and finally the figure of the bounty hunter popped up in his mind. In desperation, little Spider-Man could only ask for help, and pray that Mr. Hunter is watching him...

"This is your business, I won't interfere, just figure it out...

Sure enough, Mr. Hunter heard it, but this sentence extinguished his hope in an instant.

"Mr. Hunter, you will kill someone if you don't make a move. I can't beat him..."

"Kill someone? What do I care..."

Su Zicheng directly vetoed it. I helped you so many times a few days ago, it has already violated my principles, and now I still want to rely on me [dreaming!

"Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter..."

Next, no matter how little Spider-Man yelled or yelled, Su Zicheng didn't agree. This can make little Spider-Man anxious.

Just when the electric current was about to rush in front of little Spider-Man, suddenly, the broken fire hydrant on the side of the road caught his attention. Dian Wang, who was about to succeed and smiled, seemed to have noticed something unusual, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"That's right, listen well in class so you can fight monsters well..."

Water can conduct electricity and also short circuit it. Since Max exists with electricity, it is a capacitor, so it has to be afraid of water.

Thinking of this, little Spider-Man not only smiled smugly. With a flick of his wrist, he quickly jumped over and pulled up the surging water outlet pipe, barking wildly at King Dian...

"High-achieving students are different, their brains are easy to use..."

Su Zicheng shook his head with a wry smile. I really can't envy the brain.

While watching Dianwang, I was exposed to water, and my whole body really twitched, like an electric leak. After a while, the entire intersection was covered with water stains, and there were electric arcs jumping all over the ground...

Looking at Max who was sitting on the ground and kept receding, little Spider-Man couldn't help feeling pity. However, somehow, Spider Telepathy jerked into action, seemingly in danger.

In Watching TV King, he had used all his electricity and was supposed to be lying on the ground collapsed, but at this moment, he stood up alive and well, and, from the intensity of Spider Telepathy. This guy seems to be stronger. Looking at the place where he was standing, little Spider-Man understood that just now he pretended to retreat on the ground, but he was actually looking for cables to absorb electric energy. No wonder the surrounding electric lights were much dimmed.

"Okay, let's draw the bottom of the pot and hide it from the sky. I'll take you with a water gun..."

little Spider-Man raised the water hose that was still spraying water in his hand, and continued to spit water at the Electric King. However, this time, the picture that little Spider-Man imagined did not appear.

At the moment little Spider-Man sprayed water on him, Electron turned into lightning and stabbed directly in front of little Spider-Man. The punch full of energy smashed out fiercely.

Little Spider-Man couldn't react at all, the speed was too fast, even the time for the body's conditioned reflex to dodge under Spider Telepathy was too late.


A bright red seeped through little Spider-Man's hood. This blow directly caused little Spider-Man to vomit blood.

The King of Lightning didn't let it go, and then kicked the little Spider-Man cruelly in the abdomen with a thunderous kick. little Spider-Man's body instantly flew backwards like a kite with a broken string

From far away, Su Zicheng could hear the sound of ribs breaking.

"Mr. Hunter, I'm dying, help, help..."

little Spider-Man finished the sentence with the last of his strength, fell to the ground hard, and passed out.

On the other hand, Dianwang seems to be preparing for the final blow, and he really will take advantage of your illness to kill you. This famous saying will be carried out to the end. .

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