Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 193: Lightning King

Then suddenly, it seemed that a strong force hit his body. When he reacted, his body flew up uncontrollably, and huge amounts of pain instantly entered his brain.

Definitely, Su Zicheng from At the moment didn't know how far he ran. The attack just now wasn't to fight an injustice, Su Zicheng wasn't free enough to do that. It's just that he wanted to do a little experiment. Looking at it now, the result is just as Su Zicheng imagined. When a person is advancing at super high speed, as long as he quietly exerts force on a stationary object, the force will be amplified geometrically.

For example, if a high-speed train is moving at full speed, if someone dares to approach slightly on the platform, then this force will easily suck you into the track. At worst, it will mess up your body.

The speed is already very fast, but Su Zicheng still has not reached the limit. Gritting his teeth hard, his speed seemed to double again. At this time, Su Zicheng seemed to find a circle of black lines around the air barrier around him. And the black line is getting bigger and bigger. It seems to be a sign that the space is torn apart.

Su Zicheng didn't dare to vent his anger, and wanted to put in more effort. Already able to see the starlight in the crack. No matter how fast, no matter how fast, no matter how fast, it seems that time has paused

With no intuition in his legs, Su Zicheng's upper body immediately relaxed. Looking at the scenes around him that were constantly receding, Su Zicheng seemed to have stepped into a wonderful space.

No, he hasn't fully entered yet, and there is a mysterious barrier blocking him, presumably, this is the speed threshold.

"It seems that compared with Quicksilver and The Flash, my speed is still a bit behind..."

Those two are masters who can easily break through barriers and span time and space, and they have already surpassed the speed threshold. Don't look at Su Zicheng who has already touched the threshold barrier, but the difference between this barrier and me is very different.

I don't know how long he ran, but in the process of running with all his strength, Su Zicheng lost the time. I am also fortunate to be wearing a hunter suit, otherwise I would never have reached this level. This is the speed achieved by relying on pure physical strength. Although there is the blessing and protection of the hunter suit, it is enough to make Su Zicheng feel relieved.

Su Zicheng knew that by joining the Hunter system, this was only the starting point for him to become stronger, and there was still a long way to go in the future.

Canada, here we are, in three minutes.

"There is still a gap between Quicksilver's 92 seconds to circle the earth."

Su Zicheng said with some regret.

"Now that we're here, let's get down to business, 80 billion, I'm Su Zicheng

Su Zicheng was about to charge towards Dian Wang ten kilometers away. In three minutes, Dian Wang only moved a few miles.

However, in the next second, Su Zicheng realized something was wrong. My legs seem to be a little out of control. The originally black trouser legs of the hunter's suit turned out to be dyed a lot of red at some point.

Su Zicheng lifted his trouser legs and saw that the capillaries on the surface of his legs were continuously oozing blood.

"His grandma's, after all, is only 1/8 of the divine body, and still can't bear the tearing of space."

After a pause for a few seconds, the Self-healing Ability kicks in. Su Zicheng took a few deep breaths and his long legs recovered as before, and they seemed to be stronger than before.

"It seems that the surface of the body is resistant to beatings, but the inside is still a little fragile. I have to strengthen it when I go back."

Su Zicheng didn't want to become the Iron Fan Princess and let the enemy defeat him from the inside. Thinking of the phrase 'sister-in-law, I'm in your belly' Su Zicheng not only shivered, it was disgusting.

"Who are you..."

King Dian was rushing to the next nuclear power plant when he suddenly found a person in front of him. Can't help but jump. Then, think that I have just absorbed a nuclear power plant "seems to have confidence

"The person who wants to kill you..."

Su Zicheng didn't ink any ink, and did it directly.

"I have no enmity with you..."

"Using people's money to eliminate disasters..."

After saying this, the cursed blood knife was pulled out. Holding the knife with one hand, he slashed across his chest and rushed forward to the doctor.

Dian Wang didn't seem to be afraid, he clasped his palms together and clamped the Cursed Blood Knife directly.


Dian Wang underestimated the curse poison carried by the 10-plus Curse Blood Knife. When clasping his palms together, Dian Wang also noticed something was wrong.

There was actually a whiff of white smoke. The arc crackled wildly. A voltage of 100 million volts can't suppress the opponent's knife.


The king of electricity understood in an instant. Let go quickly.

Whoever Su Zicheng is, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the leader in the world of fighting techniques. He can command all fighting techniques in the world like an arm.


When the Cursed Blood Knife was clamped, he was still a little surprised that the energy absorbed by a nuclear power plant was really strong. However, before the other party could react, a punch with an inch of force had already arrived at the other party's chest.

"So fast, dare to get close "It seems that you are also a funeral..."

Su Zicheng didn't speak, and the Cun Jin in his hand secretly increased a little bit of strength. Inside the brim of the hat, the corners of Su Zicheng's mouth slightly raised, "Brute man, isn't it? Then how about you come and taste the fist of the reckless man."

When Dian Wang let go of the hand holding the Cursed Blood Knife, his fist had already reached in front of him. In an emergency, he could only put one arm across his chest to resist it.



A dull voice came. Electric King's body unexpectedly flew backwards uncontrollably.

"What, you are not afraid of electricity..."

Originally, in the King of Electricity's imagination, the black-robed man in front of him should have been shocked, why did I fly away while he was unscathed...

In this regard, Su Zicheng could only snort coldly, I am not even afraid of the thunder and lightning released by Thor's Mjolnir, your power is not enough to give me electrotherapy.

"I kill you..."

Electric King was angry. In the next second, a blue lightning flashed, and the ground was scorched black. In the next second, Su Zicheng suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Compared to speed, you are not afraid of flashing your waist..."

At first glance, Dian Wang, who can't fight recklessly, plans to compete with him in speed. Su Zicheng is even happier, he is almost catching up with the speed of time, playing big swords in front of me, in front of Guan Gong??? Then play with you...



"What, afterimage, when did Tian


Su Zicheng walked slowly, while running, he threw out another punch.

"you are too slow..."

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck..."

King Dian went berserk completely, waving his fists constantly to his side, already out of order. Even though he was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out how anyone in this world could be faster than electricity.

However, the reality is so cruel. Su Zicheng played with Electro like a cat catching a mouse.

"I thought you could race with me, but it's a pity, you can die... dead body."

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