Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 201 Jiali: I Can't See Through You

From Su Zicheng's experience on this day, Su Zicheng thinks it's worth it. You know, when you upgraded the hunter system to 2.0, it only cost you so much. Maybe the system realized the stupidity before and set the price of the upgraded hunter space so high. It can be seen that the Hunter System 2.0 is really worth the money.

The price of each product is clearly marked, from the instructions for use to the place of production, which really surprised Su Zicheng. Moreover, each function has practical value. For example, this one-click shielding, automatic screening, compared with the previous system is simply a bright spot.

The most commendable thing is this artificial intelligence, which is so convenient. In the past, Su Zicheng could only search for the products he wanted to buy one by one, but now it is different, he can order the system to help him find them, and he can also set the range, which is really not too cool. This is dozens of times faster. It used to be 2g and now it is flying at the same speed as 6g7g.

There is also a virtual experience, which is completely real, whether it is touch, hearing, or even smell, it is like facing a real thing. It's like being in a fairyland. It feels great to be there. No wonder that guy Tony keeps upgrading J.A.R.V.I.S.

If Su Zicheng used to be able to comfort himself when his life was in danger, with the system, he could buy life-saving supplies at any time. However, only Su Zicheng knew. Will people who can cause danger to him still give him time to open the system mall to buy things? No way. But it's different now. Even in battle, Su Zicheng can order the system to screen for him in the background first, and then automatically select the most suitable one for the host, which can save a lot of time and minimize the danger.

"All in all, the magic of Hunter System 2.0 has only just been developed."

Su Zicheng was immersed in the joy of the day and fell asleep in anticipation of the Hunter Space 2.0 upgrade.

The season is now in late winter, early spring.

Although winter is coming to an end, the weather in the United States is so weird, it is almost spring, and there is still some snow on the ground. It's just that the air flow in the air is no longer a piercing cold wind. Instead, it feels like a spring breeze is blowing on the face.

The morning in the United States is bright early, probably due to the high latitude. There is no fog in the early morning, and the glare of the sun comes up, waking you up through the curtains.

"Ahhh...․.․Huh? Something is pressing on me...."

Su Zicheng finally couldn't bear the glare of the sun, and woke up with a yawn. It's just that when he just woke up, he discovered something was wrong. Could it be that those crazy ninjas from the Hand are coming again?

"Ah, what are you doing in the early morning, I want to sleep a little longer."

Suddenly, a soft loli voice came. Suddenly Su Zicheng was startled.

"Damn it, Carrie? When did you come back..."

"Last night..."

Su Zicheng never expected that it was Jiali who had disappeared for a long time who was pressing on him. No wonder this familiar texture is so comfortable. Jia Li, a little loli, still likes to sleep on Su Zicheng's body as always.

Last night, I felt a bang when I fell asleep. Then I felt like I was being crushed by a ghost, and I thought it was a dream. No wonder, with Jiali's strength, it is not easy to enter Su Zicheng's bedroom without Su Zicheng noticing, and she can enter as she wants.

Jiali was still wearing the loli outfit that Su Zicheng bought for him, she still had the same cute look, she hadn't changed at all. Even the planet maker watch in his hand is still preserved. It seems that Su Zicheng has left an indelible impression on Jiali.

"Gary, what would you like to eat later?"

Su Zicheng asked while brushing his teeth.

"I want to brush too..."

Jiali didn't answer Su Zicheng, but stretched her head towards the sink, motioning for Su Zicheng to wash her too.

"You haven't changed at all, hehe..."

Su Zicheng also skillfully took a toothbrush and washed her up.

After the two of them washed up, Su Zicheng felt a little embarrassed. asked again. "What do you want to eat?" Although this sentence is redundant. Daughter of Uncle Galactus, do you still choose what to eat? I stuff everything in my stomach if I take anything from the earth.

"All, all, take what you have..."

Hearing this, Su Zicheng instantly understood that the former Jiali was right. He picked up the special line in his villa and directly booked all the food for a week in several hotels. Then hang up in an unbelievable manner on the other end of the phone.

"Gary, what method did your father use to fill your stomach?"

Su Zicheng was also puzzled, logically, Jiali, a little loli, should cry out that she is hungry every once in a while, even though she still takes out a planet every fifteen minutes and eats it. But this should be just a relief, not very useful.

"..." It just ate a few galaxies, oh, it's only dozens of times bigger than your Milky Way.

‘It’s only a few dozen times larger than your Milky Way!’ If this sentence was uttered by someone else, Su Zicheng would definitely give him a big mouth. But when Li said it, Su Zicheng absolutely believed it. It's just, why is it so strange to say this sentence from such a harmless little loli.

"Only you two have such a good appetite!!!"

Su Zicheng was really powerless to complain. Eating galaxies as food, can we find other people in this universe?

"It's useless, it's just temporarily filling the stomach, and it will be replenished after a while."

You two really don't shy away from talking.

"Then why are you back?"

"Miss you?"

"(Mano's) sneaked out?"

"Shh, don't let my dad find out, or he will be angry, I will sneak a look at you this time, and I have to leave in a few days.

Jiali carefully hooked her head and turned around, as if someone was really watching her around her, she looked extremely cute.

"By the way, Su Zicheng, you seem to have changed."

"Why did you change the army?"

"There seems to be a circle of white light above your head, which I can't see through."

"What? There are things you can't see through."

Su Zicheng immediately became interested, and the boss of Level Universe said that he couldn't understand Su Zicheng, which made Su Zicheng so proud.

"However, if I'm not mistaken, it should probably be possible. In the language of your earth, it's something called luck.

"Uh, that's it."

Su Zicheng thought that his strength had become stronger, which made Jiali look at him with admiration. .

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