Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 209 Su Zicheng Was Tricked?

Black Braised Egg has learned to be smart this time, and he knows to treat himself when something goes wrong. In case something uncontrollable happens, it will be difficult to treat himself. Fight criminals with minimal cost

Sure enough, the black stewed egg is still the same black stewed egg.

"Top Floor of Tony's Stark Industries Building"


There's a party going on on the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building.

In a certain room, Nick Fury hung up the phone frowning.

"Tell me what's going on?"

Suddenly a voice sounded, and Nick Fury was startled.

Just put down the phone, looked up, when a man in black robe appeared in front of him. Isn't that the bounty hunter? Has this guy been here all this time? Why didn't he notice it just now? After a moment of surprise, Nick Fury was no stranger to it. It seems that the bounty hunter "Five Nine Seven" should do everything. Nick Fury believes that he can travel through time and space and that time is still. It was because I knew him too well that I invited him over at this time.

Looking at the messy dance party outside, Su Zicheng also wondered, isn't it all right?

Shouldn't it be asking myself to accompany them to drink? Or persuade them to drink? Or be responsible for sending them home one by one after they are drunk? Judging from the outside situation, it is estimated that Ultron has never even seen J.A.R.V.I.S...

"Huh? How should I say it?"

"True truth."

"Oh Maiga, Mr. Hunter is really a person who can't beat around the bush. Well, I'll just say it straight."

"If I'm not wrong, the Avengers attacked the HYDRA base and took back the Loki scepter, which is the Mind Gem, you should already know,

"I know, what does it have to do with what's going on now."

Nick Fury was shocked when Su Zicheng directly said that he knew. He must have installed monitoring equipment on us, so he knew everything.

"If you don't pretend, you are not worthy, let's continue to discuss cooperation."

Nick Fury froze for a moment, forgetting that he could read minds. Clearing his throat, he continued.

"I don't know why, but when I come back from them, I always have an ominous premonition. I can't explain it. I don't know the reason. Maybe it's because I've been sitting in this position for a long time and my nerves have become overwhelmed."

"You came to hire me just because of an ominous premonition, when did you lose your mind..."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious, especially Tony, I've been on edge since he came back, my right eyelid is twitching,

"There is an old saying in China that goes well, the left eye jumps for money, and the right eye jumps for disaster. I think something big is going to happen recently. y

"So you plan to hire me in advance, hoping it will be cheaper."

"Mr. Hunter is really a mess, smart, smart, I admire the bureau chief, feel ashamed, feel ashamed...

"Stop, stop, don't take this set, you know my appearance fee."

"Mr. Hunter just make an offer.

"Two hundred billion meters of knives, not one point less!"

The old fox is really an old fox, and he has been vaccinated in advance. Su Zicheng was also thinking that when Ultron was born and the world was turned upside down, he would sell at a high price and ruthlessly slaughter the black marinated egg.

The last time, it was Ultron who escaped, and Black Braised Dan felt that the matter was not that simple, so he quickly hired Su Zicheng. This is the deepest one Su Zicheng counted.

After all the calculations, I really didn't expect that this black stewed egg was so sensitive that he was hired just because of an unknown premonition. When everyone was still immersed in the joy of defeating HYDRA, the black stewed egg could prevent problems before they happened. Su Zicheng definitely admired this. However, his sixth sense is really accurate, as expected of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sitting in this position for a long time, even this kind of thing can be predicted.

"make a deal."

"Huh? Oh, OK? It's 200 billion! Not 20 million!"

Hearing the word "deal" suddenly, Su Zicheng almost fell off his chair. 200 billion is just a number made up by Su Zicheng. I didn't expect this guy to be so forthright

Just agree?

Originally, Su Zicheng wanted to use this number to frighten the black stewed egg, so that he would retreat in spite of the difficulties, so that he could sit on the ground and raise the price. Can you make a lot of money with this?

Old fox, old fox. I often walk by the river, my shoes are not wet, I often hunt geese, and in the end, I was pecked by geese...

"Yes, that's right, a deal."

"Then, that, without bargaining?"

"Mr. Hunter is worth the price......"

Nick Fury insisted this time, there will definitely be troubles if there is no time, instead of showing off like before, it is better to directly hire a bounty hunter, no matter how much he drives, just give it away. In the end, it saves a lot of money, and I feel uncomfortable, and the work is not beautiful.

"Well, that's fine, I'll accept this task."

After all, I drew the road by myself, and with tears in my eyes, I had to climb late. Today, Su Zicheng understood the mood of the black stewed eggs before. What does it mean to be clever but to be misunderstood by cleverness, what does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot. Su Zicheng is suffering and can't tell.

"Well, it's settled like this. If nothing happens, does it count as a mission failure?"

"Don't worry, honesty is the most important word in this business, if nothing happens, I only need half of it.

"Uh... okay."

In fact, what Nick Fury thought was if there was nothing wrong, could he not give the money. After all, you can eat, drink and have fun for so long. Besides, 100 billion is not a small sum.

Definitely, Su Zicheng will not tell him, your hunch is right. And it will happen soon.

"The dance has begun, Mr. Hunter, please take care of yourself."

The implication is that you just stay here and enjoy it, don't go anywhere, and pay attention all the time.

"Farewell 4.4."

Take people's money and eliminate disasters for others. Su Zicheng also understands this truth. Teleportation, came directly to the hall.

Seeing Su Zicheng appearing outside, Black Braised Egg let out a deep breath. For some reason, when the bounty hunter appeared, his right eyelid twitched even more. Could it be that

Are your hunches right?

"Phew, I hope it's just my nerves."

If the bounty hunter doesn't make a move, if he makes a move, a big event will happen. For such a big event, Nick Fury definitely doesn't want it to happen.

In such a situation, the only way to prevent it from happening is to ask a bounty hunter. If it doesn't work, Nick Fury can at least feel more at ease. Because in his eyes, Su Zicheng is really omniscient and omnipotent. If there is a god in this world, this bounty hunter is the best proof. .

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