Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 212 Crazy Green Titan

These two are brothers and sisters Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The two were specially invited by Ultron. With this Ability, it is not surprising that Ultron can be seen and gathered.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were completely brainwashed by Ultron's impassioned speech. The two groups hit it off and decided to kill the Avengers first. Destroy the Avengers on behalf of Earth.

"Now, I need a brand new body, this body is too fragile."

"Your mission is to help me find the hardest metal on Earth, Vibranium."

"Where should I find it?"

"Don't worry, I know where it is, you just need to be responsible for covering me,"

"Although I don't know the reason, just now, Avengers already knew about the existence of that person, so we need to hurry up."

Crowe is a smuggler who can not only smuggle arms and drugs, but also special materials such as Vibranium. Definitely all of this is due to one person.

As early as a few hours ago, he had already received news that there was a big gold major buying Vibranium at a high price. So, after agreeing on the location, he waited here early.

Suddenly, 410 heard the sound of a plane engine galloping down from overhead. It is artificial intelligence - Ultron.

"Huh? Tin bump?"

"What about Vibranium?"

"Hey, this robot can still talk, are you wearing a robot shell?"

"I'm the one who wants the goods, where are the goods?"

"You are the employer who wants to buy Vibranium, what do you want so much Vibranium for?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll cut your tongue off!"

Ultron shook his head, the mechanical skull creaked, why is this man so annoying, are all arms dealers like this, he is more verbose than an eighty old woman.

"Then you have to think about it, this amount of Vibranium is only available to me."

"Don't worry, I have money?"

"Oh Maikar, do you know how hard this thing is to get it done? Do you know how much Vibranium with the size of a fingernail is worth?"

Seeing Crowe talking non-stop, Ultron couldn't stand it anymore. I have never seen anyone who can talk better than me.

Ultron raised his hand and fired a palm cannon.

"One last time, where is Vibranium?

This act calmed Crowe, and hurriedly took Ultron to get Vibranium. It's just that when Ultron got Vibranium, he didn't seem to plan to give money.

"Pay the money with one hand, and deliver the goods with the other hand. You should know the rules of this business."

This Crowe is really a talker...

Ultron raised his hand with a machete, cutting off Crowe's arm directly. You still ask me for money, I have tolerated you for a long time, I will take things again and not give money.

Holding the Vibranium, Ultron turned around and flew away without looking back. Chattering Crowe also cried out in pain, watching helplessly as he snatched his things.

Suddenly, a round shield flew over and smashed Ultron head-on. The Avengers 6 arrived just in time.

Su Zicheng watched from above, not planning to make a move. It's not that I can't, but I don't want to. First, even if Ultron is killed, Ultron can still escape without completely destroying the Internet. In this case, his mission is not complete, so Su Zicheng needs someone to restrain him. And this person is Vision. With Vision, Ultron can be controlled to prevent him from using the Internet to escape again.

Second, Su Zicheng wants to set a long line to catch big fish. Today, he really has to let Ultron go. Only when Ultron creates Vision can Su Zicheng encounter the purple sweet potato essence that came to Earth. Even for purple sweet potato essence, for more money, and Ultron's escape, Su Zicheng has to do it.

Su Zicheng doesn't care whether Vision will be born or not, he only cares about money, who has trouble with money. If Vision has nothing to do with Purple Sweet Potato Essence, or if he can control the Internet, then Su Zicheng will definitely make a move today. (ciba)

Seeing the Ultron fighting fiercely below, Su Zicheng unleashed his spiritual power, and immediately activated the soul tracking technique. Before Ultron knew it, Su Zicheng had planted his spiritual seeds in his mechanical brain. This move is not to kill him, just to know his position at any time.

Just when the battle was getting more and more intense and Ultron was retreating steadily, suddenly, a figure of extreme speed leaped past, and one of the 6 members didn't pay attention, and was knocked to the ground by Quicksilver.

Scarlet Witch followed, followed by Quicksilver, and took control of Captain America and the others with a single hand of mind control.

Tony left Captain America and Thor to deal with these two, choosing to take on Ultron himself.

It's just that when everything is done, the rest of the green titans will suffer. I saw that Scarlet Witch's hands released the scarlet Origin Magic Power, which directly covered Banner's head. Banner seemed to be trying to resist, but it didn't work. After all, it is the super-ability developed by Mind Gem, which cannot be resisted by Mutants like Banner who mutate by gamma ray irradiation.

The next second, Banner roared loudly, the veins on his body popped out, and his eyes were bloodshot. It seemed that Scarlet Witch had affected her mind, and she lost control directly.

Banner turned into Hulk and quickly jumped out into the distance. It was obvious that he was very angry. Who dares to stop this state, even Thor...

This Level 1 paragraph seems to be very long, but it actually happened in a few seconds, let alone Tony didn't react. Even Su Zicheng watched as it happened.

Originally, Su Zicheng wanted to control Scarlet Witch in advance and try to ensure the safety of everyone in Avengers. This was his task. only. Knowing that Scarlet Witch wanted to control Banner, Su Zicheng didn't react. As expected of a Level 6 Origin Magic Power. It is indeed unusual.

From a distance, Ultron in this state is not very strong. In the sky, Tony chased all the way, and soon, Ultron's body was hit and smoked, and he fell straight on a pier.

"The Vibranium is about to be shipped off."

Watching, Tony held his palm up to himself, Ultron said.

"But you can't get anywhere."

How could Tony be the kind of simple-minded person, without any hesitation, with a flick of his wrist, a missile was already aimed at Ultron.

"I'm definitely not going away, my purpose has been achieved."

"You'll follow my train of thought, but first with Dr. Banner."


The missile shot out, directly blowing Ultron's body to pieces. Don't worry about Su Zicheng's spiritual seeds, the seeds are planted directly into the soul, although Ultron has no soul, but he has consciousness. That's enough.

Tony also sensed that the time was running out and the situation was a little bad, so he blew up Ultron and flew up to find Banner.

"Search news and videos, keyword Hulk.

After confirming the location of Banner, Tony went directly to it.

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