Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 214: Iron Man Vs Green Titan

In the next second, Tony only felt his body sink, and fell directly to the ground. Don't think about it, it must be Hulk's tricks.

"Move me, Banner..."

How could Hulk be obedient, the lamp pole was locked in against the arm of Hulk's armor.

This arm is considered useless... Seeing that he was temporarily suppressing Tony, Hulk became even more crazy. Two pairs of giant hands, like Erhu tearing down a house, kept trying to tear down Tony's clothes

"Okay, don't make me hit you."

The arm held tightly by Hulk suddenly fell off, forming an independent flight device, and the clenched mechanical fist went straight to Hulk's face. As a last resort, I can only let go of Tony under me

"Veronica, help me."

The necrotic mechanical arm on the anti-Hulk armor began to fall off automatically. In mid-air, pieces of mechanical parts flew out of Tony's 'toolbox' at a rapid "one, three, three" speed. It should be to replenish the places destroyed by Hulk at any time.

Hulk came to his senses again, yelled at Tony, and accelerated towards Tony with a run-up.

With one arm disabled, Tony could only use the other arm to fire a laser cannon in an attempt to slow down Hulk. However, the mere laser cannon can do nothing for Hulk. Directly carry it hard, facing the laser cannon and attacking Tony.

Fortunately, Veronica's replenishment was quick, and when Hulk rushed over, the mechanical arm had already been repaired. Just in time, Hulk also rushed in front of him.


The two refused to give in, and directly chose to face each other head-on and punch each other.

In an instant, at the place where the fists collided, a ferocious air wave instantly swept in all directions. Automobile glass, window glass, no matter what kind of product it is, they are all shattered by the earthquake in an instant

Tony throws Hulk to the ground with an overhand throw. Hold down Hulk with one hand, and the other hand that has just been repaired hits Hulk like a hammer. It's like pounding garlic at home, holding it with one hand, and smashing the garlic with the other hand.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep

Tony hammered Hulk's head while muttering.

Hulk is such a disadvantaged person, the more Tony hammers him, the angrier he becomes, and the angrier he is, the more powerful he becomes. The person who dared to hit me like this has not yet been born, and you are really the first. When Hulk went crazy, it was as if he didn't recognize his relatives, and he was afraid, let alone Tony.


Hulk clenched his teeth, and the giant green hand tightly clenched his armored fist. Stopping Tony's hammering.

click․ ...

However, before Hulk could react, the mechanical fist he was grasping retracted. And quickly changed the shapeshifting shape, just like shapeshifting King Kong, the mechanical sound was heard, and the arm turned into a steel pipe-shaped pipe that stuck Hulk's arm tightly. moment.

"Okay dude, I gotta get you out of downtown..."

After speaking, the back engine of the anti-Hulk armor and the engine under the shoe started simultaneously, and flew into the sky with Hulk.

"Oh Shet, it's not here, no is wrong, isn't it..."

Even in the air, how could Hulk easily become honest. Hulk body, twisting randomly, even if the anti-Hulk armor is equipped with a powerful power system, it can't withstand Hulk's toss. With just a few strokes and a sudden turn, Tony found himself off the flight route, led by the Hulk's gravity, and crashed headlong into a building.

"Please, Bruce, cooperate."

One hand is still stuck on Hulk's arm, and the other hand is facing Hulk, which is crazy output. I saw a spray sprayed on Hulk's face, which is a spray similar to sleeping pills, which is used to help Hulk sleep.

But how could the angry Hulk be easily put to sleep. Leaning his back against the wall, he kicked hard on the anti-Hulk armor with both feet, instantly sending Tony flying, and at the same time freed one hand from being restrained.

When Tony flew out, he realized that there was an elevator behind him, and there were people in it...

As a superhero, saving lives is of course the most important thing. Hold the cable with one hand and jet the engine with the other. The moment the elevator barely reached the ground, it stopped.

"Evacuate quickly"

As soon as he got off the elevator, Hulk's attack came up. Fortunately, Tony was smart. With a backflip, he not only avoided Hulk's attack, but also kicked him out.

"Please call me athlete."

After finishing speaking, Tony manipulated the anti-Hulk armor to pull the elevator, like a hammer, and smashed hard at Hulk who had just fallen to the ground. A good elevator, instantly smashed

Hulk turned his head, gave Tony a ferocious look, and then spat on the ground, not sure if it was the blood, spittle, or a tooth that was thrown out by Tony just now.

"Oh Maika, I'm so sorry."

Seeing that he seemed to make Hulk even more angry, Tony said a little embarrassedly.

In the next second, Hulk had already stepped on the anti-Hulk armor, imitating Tony's posture, he also hammered up randomly, and constantly disassembled his parts.

Tony has no choice but to push the engine to raise his body, trying to use the air superiority to deal with Hulk. Two people climbed vertically on this building, fighting while taking off.

"Bad enough, damage report,"

"...this is too general, give me some practical help."

The flight device in the air is constantly scanning the anti-Hulk armor, and if any piece is damaged to the point that it cannot be used, the corresponding parts should be quickly replenished and repaired.

Although Hulk is a big guy, it doesn't mean he doesn't have IQ. How could Hulk, who has already met once, give Tony a second chance to supplement and repair. One hand kept picking and pulling the parts of the anti-Hulk armor, and the other hand looked at the timing, punching the flying supplementary parts one by one.

Suddenly, an unfinished building under construction in front of him caught Tony's attention.

"How quickly we can buy the building."

"Hey, does anyone need help with 3.1,"

"Huh? It seems that someone is very interested in this building."

Tony, who was pulling Hulk on a slow flight, suddenly heard a familiar voice, right next to his ear.

"Mr. Hunter, you're finally here, can you help keep the Hulk in check, this guy is completely insane,"

"I offer five billion."


The battle between Tony and Banner, it feels like you have been fighting for a long time when you come and go, but it is not. arrive.

Since someone paid for the task, how could a qualified bounty hunter stand by and do nothing.

With the wind blowing under his feet, Su Zicheng's body stopped firmly in the air, his hands firmly grasped Hulk's leg like pliers, and he slammed it down. .

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