Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 221 I'll Lend You A Shield

"This is what I want..."

He pointed to the energy pillar behind everyone.

"Avengers, against my army of Ultron, can you stop me?"

Faced with Thor's provocation, Ultron seems not to be outdone.

On the contrary, the Avengers frowned one by one. With so many robot legions, they dare not guarantee that any robot will touch the energy pillar. If it happens, the whole city will be ruined...

"Like the old guy said, fight side by side..."

At the moment Tony also put away his cynical look and said with a serious face.


Hulk also yelled a few times, showing that he agreed with Tony's statement. At the same time, it seems to be saying to the robot army, let the horse come here.

Sure enough, under the roar of Hulk, it was like blowing the horn of attack.

Ultron's robot army has begun to move against the Avengers.

In an instant, a black and overwhelming army of robots surrounded them like zombies. One by one, they crawled, rolled, flew and ran, just like desperadoes seeing money and beautiful women.

How can the Avengers be vegetarian? Which one is not an experienced and heroic warrior.

Needless to say, Thor, as the prince of Asgard and the one chosen by Mjolnir, his fighting power is naturally extraordinary.

Let’s not talk about hammering a child, then you have to hammer eighty, eighty, eighty, eighty, eighty, and in a short while, Thor’s feet are already full of broken mechanical limbs of robots.

A pile of machine parts.

Looking at Tony, having gone through so many battles, Tony has quite a lot of combat experience. He is equipped with the latest Mark armor [Compared with these low-level robots, it is completely like a dominator.

The palm cannon fires continuously, and each cannon can accurately take away a robot. There are also the latest weapon systems installed in other parts, allowing Tony to hit every shot in battle, and the efficiency is much higher than Thor.


"Be careful 々]]."

Tony punched a robot in mid-air that was about to attack Quicksilver, and said seriously.

In this situation, we must not take it lightly. Any robot may turn into Ultron, causing a fatal blow to everyone.

Now the lives of the citizens of SOKOVIA have been delivered in their hands, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the lifeblood of the entire earth is tightly held here.

Quicksilver may have just joined the Avengers alliance, so he was eager to perform and showed his flaws many times. But what happened next really opened everyone's eyes.

Quicksilver with a speed of 6 can even freeze time when running. If someone can keep up with his speed, then you will find that in his eyes, everyone's movements are slowed down countless times. The bullets crawled slowly past the ear, and Tony's missile also moved forward bit by bit in the air like a snail.

But in the eyes of others, this is not the case. They just feel a blur in front of their eyes and a gust of wind blowing past, but they can't notice anything. Even, the robot's missiles can't even be tracked, let alone aimed at them.

Quicksilver's speed is very fast, and it is fast enough to shuttle freely in such a dense crowd. Moreover, in the face of the enemy, Quicksilver does not need to deliberately attack at all, just a light touch, and the enemy will seem to have received tons of power. Therefore, wherever Quicksilver passed, it was like a knife cutting weeds, unrestrained and neat.

As Quicksilver's older sister, Scarlet Witch with Level 6 Origin Magic Power. Naturally no worse than others. When Origin Magic Power came out, it was really invincible.

Suddenly, a robot secretly took advantage of the cover of mechanical parts, jumped up violently, and wanted to break through from above.


As an archer, Hawkeye's eyes are naturally much more sensitive than others, and he always pays attention to the surrounding situation just for this moment. Draw the bow and set the arrow, all in one go.

However, it is still a step slower than Scarlet Witch, just when the arrow with the small bomb is about to hit the enemy. A flash of red light flashed across the arrow and the robot's body instantly shattered.

Scarlet Witch threw Hawkeye a wicked look and threw herself into the fight again.

Look at Thor, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch each showing their abilities. As the power type of Avengers, how did the green titan Hulk lose to them.

Hulk in anger is the most terrifying, looking at this group of zombie-like robot legions. Hulk became even more frantic.

Squeeze the head of the robot with one hand, and kick the body of another robot with the other. Even with a big mouth, it directly smashed the enemy into pieces. Hulk seems to be the invincible god of war, fully interpreting what is called violent aesthetics.

As a new member, Vision naturally has his means. With the blessing of Kanbaru stone, Vision is like a tiger joining a flock of sheep. The same robot Xiaoshi really established for them what is called invincibility.

The top of the church, above the power pillars, is basically given to Vision. As Flight, NO.7's abnormal character, he is naturally impeccable. What squeezed their heads and kicked their bodies, they were completely unrecognizable, and they were all weak. Vision directly staged what is called "..." shredding devils".

Two hands were inserted into the robot's body in an instant, green light spread all over the body, and when it was pushed outward, the robot immediately turned into a pile of mechanical parts, and a mechanical rain...

"No, there are too many..."

Although the Avengers are all extremely brave, the Ultron Legion is really like zombies, they can’t be defeated no matter what, the important thing is that the robots have no thoughts, only obey orders, and are not afraid of death at all. Even The Expendables can't play like this...

"Hi Captain"

Suddenly, Tony had an idea to tease Captain America.

Waiting for the captain to respond. I saw two inconspicuous tubes protruding from the shoulders and forearms of Tony's armor. (Enough) "Everyone, get down...Shin"

"Captain, I will borrow your shield for use."

Laser rays were ejected from the tube. So handsome.

"Oh Shet, you play like that too..."

Before Captain America could react, a wrist-thick ray had already shot at him.

Captain definitely knew what Tony was up to. Shield was so busy standing in front of him. In an instant, the ray was reflected as if it had met a mirror. The captain adjusted his direction slightly, and an open space suddenly appeared in front of him.

Tony wants to learn Thor's trick to deal with the big enemy like last time at the HYDRA base.

Although the captain's Vibranium shield could withstand Tony's laser rays, he couldn't bear it and kept eroding it. After a while, the shield was burned red under the reflection of the laser. Even the captain couldn't bear the high temperature for a long time, so he quickly got down on the ground. .

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