Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 233: Upgrade Flood Dragon Trident

At long range, there is the Bow of Elements, and at short range, there is Cursed Blood Knife. If you encounter toughness, it is the Flood Dragon Trident.

One inch long and one inch strong, the dragon trident can undoubtedly reveal Su Zicheng's strength.

Moreover, the dragon trident can also be used together with the magic engraving technique, such as engraving the formation of flaming meteorites on the tip of the trident. During the battle, the duel can have an unexpected effect.

And for such a long weapon, it only costs 20 billion yuan, so it's quite a bargain, isn't it?

After all, their materials are from Atlantis. Atlantis, of course, needs no introduction. That - but super new civilization.

"Unfortunately, these two things cannot be upgraded, otherwise I will activate these two first."

Because, because of the system upgrade, Su Zicheng can check the effect of the second level when the skill or equipment is at the first level, and check the effect of the third level when the skill or equipment is at the second level, and so on.

As far as the magic characterization is concerned, there is nothing curious about it. It is linked to Su Zicheng's spiritual power. In the future, as long as Su Zicheng continues to upgrade the spiritual pendant, it will be fine.

What made Su Zicheng curious was the dragon trident. Level 1, has no function, but is extremely hard and extremely sharp. Other than that there is nothing else.

But at the second level, there is a significant change. Such as the first additional skills. 【The dragon roars】. There is a 0.001% chance to release it. That is to say, when Su Zicheng is fighting against the enemy, every thousand attacks, he has a chance to release this skill.

And what does this skill do? Sonic attack. When released, it roars at you like a Dragon.

Such a roar directly penetrates the soul, making the enemy temporarily deaf and stunned. There is no need to say more about the consequences of this.

The second additional skill, [Ice Burial Flower] also has a 0.001% chance to release this skill. When released, it will suddenly release a large amount of cold air from the tip of the halberd, freezing the enemy, and the freezing time is proportional to Su Zicheng's strength.

For the time being, we can only know these two additional skills. Maybe we will develop new skills when we upgrade to a higher level in the future. To Su Zicheng's extra surprise, the release rate of these skills can be improved with the level up.

Thinking of this, Su Zicheng couldn't help it. With such awesome skills right in front of him, it would be a real trouble for Deadman not to be able to upgrade. Not as good as...

"System, is it possible to melt the Cursed Blood Knife and the Bow of the White Snake, and then forge the Flood Dragon Trident.

"Drip, drop, drop..."

"After 100,000 checks, it is theoretically possible."

"No, the probability is one in a hundred thousand."

"Damn it, I can't wait, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain,"

"Come on, open the forging bar, and throw the White Snake Bow and Cursed Blood Knife into it."

"Yes/No to melt the Cursed Blood Knife and the Bow of the White Snake."


I definitely don’t feel sorry for Su Zicheng, the bow of the White Snake. Instead of letting him eat ashes in the hunter’s space, it’s better to melt it, but the Curse Blood Knife is different. For the Curse Blood Knife, I also learned swordsmanship, and the curse poison is very suitable for Su. Zicheng's mind. You know, curse poison can also restrain the keel of the Hand.

Su Zicheng covered his eyes and didn't dare to look.

two minutes later...

"The Bow of the White Snake and the Cursed Blood Knife have been melted, yes/no to forge the Flood Dragon Trident."


The melting is all melting, so I can only bite the bullet and go on.

It's just that the forging time is torturous, the probability of one in ten thousand, Su Zicheng would not have dared to think about it before, but fortunately, the god of luck favored him, but he is still afraid. .


Suddenly, the system sent out a signal, indicating that the forging was complete. It's just that you only made a fucking ding, how do I know if it's successful or not, and we dare not look at it.


Su Zicheng took a few deep breaths to calm down his excited and nervous mood.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit~~"

"It really worked."

Looking at the forging bar, the dragon trident prompts +1 Su Zicheng's heart almost jumped into his throat.

"The god of fate favors me, the god of fate favors me,"

Su Zicheng put his palms together nervously and thanked him quickly. It's just that without his knowledge just now, the circle of white light above his head flickered again,

【Dragon Trident (+1 level)】, 3.3 meters long, additional skill [Dragon Roar] release rate 0.001% sonic attack. The additional skill [Ice Burial Flower] releases the skill 0.001% of freezing attack. The additional skill [Curse Poison] is used in the same way as the Curse Blood Knife.

……… Ask for flowers…

"Earn, earn, earn big."

Unexpectedly, the ability of the Cursed Blood Knife was not eliminated, but was instead attached to the Flood Dragon Trident. It was a windfall indeed. I just guessed that the White Snake Bow didn't have any effect. Although it was a +25 weapon, the starting point of the White Snake Bow was low, so it was a bargain when I bought it.

"Quick, quick, the system recommends me a cheat book suitable for using the trident."

"[Spring and Autumn Knife Technique] sells for 1,000,000."

"Huh? I'm not mistaken, I'm using a trident. Can you introduce me to a book of sword techniques?"

"Originally, swords and swords are indistinguishable, and I already have swordsmanship."

"[Spring and Autumn Saber Technique] is a force of opening and closing. It is different from swordsmanship. The founder of this sword technique was created by the king of the first generation of Atlantis, and he used the main fork.

"Oh, that's what happened."

If it is the skill from Atlantis, Su Zicheng is convinced. You know, whoever uses the "Guan Gong" in the trident, the person in Atlantis is the first, and I am afraid no one will dare to use it. called second.

Besides, the method created by the king of the first generation of Atlantis was only sold for one million. Isn't this a big mistake?

"By the way, I still need disposable consumables."

This thing has also been liked by Su Zicheng a long time ago. The name is 'Explosive TNT'. You can tell what it is just by hearing the name.

That's right, it's a bomb, and it's as powerful as those big treasures in the hands of the United States senior management. Each one is worth 100 million yuan, which is a lot cheaper for those big treasures. And it only has explosion damage, no radiation or anything.

There is a reason why it is so cheap.

The 'Burst TNT' sold by the system is just a bomb, without a launcher, without a weapon, just a bare bomb. This thing, in the hands of those people in the United States, is a lump of iron, and it is useless except as a bench to sit on.

Instead, Su Zicheng holds it and that is a weapon of destruction begging. .

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