Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 244 The Earth Also Hides Secrets

The Ability of Ancient One is definitely a member of the strongest echelon officially recognized by Marvel. The Lord of the Earth deserves to be the Lord of the Earth. One can imagine the strength of a person who can protect the earth for thousands of years. Even Su Zicheng suspected that the reason why purple sweet potato essence has not come to earth for so long is because of Ancient One.

"According to the plot, it seems that after the death of Ancient One, Purple Sweet Potato Essence came to grab gems.

It's scary to think about it, but it's too late for Ancient One to die. Su Zicheng couldn't believe that such a powerful old monster who lived for so long would be killed by a small magic?

And, for these things happening on Earth. Su Zicheng really thought about it seriously.

Why are so many superheroes born on the earth? It seems that many bigwigs in the universe know the existence of the earth.

And the earth is also like a sweet pastry, being robbed by people "087". Not only people, but also many powerful substances in the universe, such as wireless gems, also exist on the earth. For example, Mind Gem, Time Gem, Space gem.

In the early days of creation, three of the six wireless gemstones appeared on the earth, and even two still exist on the earth now. What does this mean? Can it be said that there is something on the earth that attracts all things?

"Could it be that what the ancients said about the center of the earth is true? Is the earth really the center of the universe?"

Su Zicheng only felt that the compulsory education he had received all these years had been insulted.

It is said that the winner is the king, and history is rewritten by the winner, just like the famous saying in the king's pesticide, only the living are eligible to clear the line. Can it be said that the contents of the current history books are also half-truths and half-false, half true and half false.

Perhaps, some scientific truths have long been contrary to reality, as the saying goes, the end of science is metaphysics. Now Su Zicheng has reason to believe that those dead great figures in the scientific world must be hiding some truth. Maybe the earth really is the center of the universe.

There are not only these powerful cosmic substances on the earth, but also the Ancient One, and even Thor’s father, the King of God Odin of the Aesir Protoss in Norse Mythology, also came to the earth in his later years. Is this a coincidence? Anyway, Su Zicheng does not would think so.

"It doesn't matter, let's think about it later,"

"One day, I will get to the bottom of these things..."

Now Su Zicheng seriously doubts whether his time travel is also related to these. Maybe some kind of hunter system, some kind of bounty hunter, all of these have a kind of cause and effect somewhere.

When Su Zicheng thought of this, he didn't notice that the white circle of light that Jiali mentioned flickered a few times above his head.

"Now that you've come out, let's try your skills.

Being suppressed by Dormammu just now, Su Zicheng has not let go of his hands and feet. Not only is his anger pent up in his heart, but his hands are also itchy.

"come on!"

"Let me see your true strength."

Directly ahead, there are some small planets floating, or it can be said to be small meteorites. The average diameter is only about ten meters. The largest one is only thirty to fifty meters, and the smallest one is estimated to be less than one meter. However, since it is a meteorite, falling on the earth with a mass of ten meters can destroy a city with a population of tens of millions. Not to mention these small planet groups.


The lips parted slightly, and in an instant a Dormammu ray galloped towards one of the medium File size planets.

"Hey, it's a pity, the strength is not enough..."

For some reason, just as the ray shot out, Su Zicheng shook his head and sighed, as if disappointed.


Indeed, looking at the planet that hit it and turned around a few times, it was only shot through, and did not explode as expected.

It should be out of the dark matter world, without the support of enough dark matter, even the condensed Dormammu rays are much weaker.

"It seems that it can be used as a sneak attack skill."

Although the explosion damage is insufficient, the penetration ability is quite powerful. Being able to replicate this skill, Su Zicheng is already very satisfied, whoring for nothing, don't do it for nothing.

"A fifth-level copy eye is indeed possible."

It may be that Su Zicheng's strength has improved, or it may be a psychological effect. Inexplicably, I feel that the speed of analyzing Dormammu rays is much faster this time, and the time to get started is also shortened a lot.

"Since the ray doesn't work, I'm trying the Flood Dragon Trident."

With a flip of his wrist, the Flood Dragon Trident reappeared in his hand. With the strength of the calf, I came to this small planet in a single jump...

"Drink, open..."

The trident danced a knife flower in his hand, and instantly directed towards a large planet with a diameter of fifteen meters.


A planet of this quality can't last half a second under Su Zicheng's trident. It can be said that it exploded as soon as it touched the surface of the planet.

"Come again!!!"

The trident in the hand dances faster and faster, and dances faster and faster. The planet around him was also like falling rocks, all smashed into small gravel. It felt like firing a machine gun on a calm lake. There was a wave in an instant.


Before he knew it, Su Zicheng danced thousands of times. And the subsidiary skill of the Flood Dragon Trident, Flood Dragon's Roar was triggered again.

In the next second, the small planet zone, which was originally quite dense, burst into a blank area in an instant. Although the planets one after another in the distance can't shatter them, they can also shake them out.


This feeling of being able to hit the target every time you swing it is really different. Not like when we fought Dormammu. There is always a kind of strength and no place to use it. If you hit it, it seems to be sent on cotton, and it will not have any effect. It is really depressing.

"Host, Tian is here in five minutes!"

"Okay, don't remind me in the future, unless I tell you to."

"Yes. 5.4 When the prompt sounded and Su Zicheng was about to open the space crack again, he suddenly found some unique things floating in the blank space in front of him.

The thing is very small, like a little ball. But it was by no means the crushed stone that fell just now. That thing is very dark, and you can't really see it unless you look carefully. If it weren't for Su Zicheng's Hawkeye being turned on all the time. Su Zicheng really might not be able to see it.

He walked over and made a casual move, and the thing was in his hand.

"So heavy!!!"

Observe carefully, it seems that it is really an unknown sphere. There are also some weird textures on it. It is also heavy to hold. Su Zicheng has the strength of a thousand catties when he swings it casually, but it still feels a little strenuous to hold it in the palm of his hand. What it is specifically, Ren Su Zicheng lived two lifetimes and still can't tell what it is.

"System? What is this?".

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