Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 246 Su Zicheng: Slapped Hard In The Face

Although most of these arrows are ordinary arrows, they can't handle the large number. Just for a moment, Su Zicheng actually cleared out a clearing in front of Su Zicheng.

The large and large planets that were originally floating in the distance have all become dust at this moment. This large piece of crushed stone floated in front of him, and there was still some special beauty. Coupled with the unextinguished flames and jumping arcs shot out by the advanced version of the arrow, it looks like a different kind of scenery.

Su Zicheng's arrow test was false, and collecting star cores was his goal. Blow up all of this space, not only can try the ability of the bow of elements that has increased to forty, but also can see how many star cores, kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone, today Su Zicheng can be regarded as carrying forward the fine traditions of China.. ....

"Alright, let me see where my little ones are?"

Su Zicheng rubbed his hands, and closed his eyes impatiently. From God's perspective, in this sea of ​​gravel, no corner or shadow could escape Su Zicheng's sight.

ten minutes later.………….

Looking at the five star cores floating in the hunter space, Su Zicheng was about to shed tears of grievance.

This fucking has been busy for a long time, only five?

"System, evaluate the purity of these few."

Looking at several star cores with different file sizes, colors, and patterns, Su Zicheng once again had a sense of luck in his heart. If there is a second-level and fourth-level one, then it will make a lot of money, one is worth ten. Although the hope is very slim, it does not delay Su Zicheng's reverie, who made us have the physique of the European Emperor, and who made us be favored by the North God.

"Three are at level 0.1, one is at level 0.5, and the last one is the largest and the darkest one reaches level one."

What is slap in the face, I just said that I am a super lucky star, the imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is slap in the face.

"I said, system, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"Such a large film, the highest is a level."

"Is it time for you to update version 2.0 again..."

Su Zicheng is still unwilling to accept this fact, and until now Su Zicheng still firmly believes in the favor of the god of luck.

"Satisfy, your luck is already unfathomable, if you are someone else, you may not be able to find a first-level star core even if you search through a galaxy.

"You have found so many places less than 100 million light years away, and you are still not satisfied."

Listening to Su Zicheng's non-stop complaints, Hinata's serious system couldn't help complaining about him. …

"You mean I have to thank my European emperor physique?"

"I really can't believe my luck is so bad,"

"The god of luck has always favored me, you must have made a mistake,"

"No matter how Superman artificial intelligence is, it is still dead."

"I don't believe it, you are checking it again."

No matter what, Su Zicheng still can't accept this result... He belongs to the kind of person who won't die until he reaches the Yellow River, doesn't look back until he hits the south wall, and doesn't cry when he doesn't see the coffin.


"According to the host's question, the system came to a conclusion again after careful inspection.

"Well, let me tell you, you must be mistaken."

"There was indeed a mistake in the latest test."

"Come and say it out loud, I, Su Zicheng's luck is not covered."

When the system said it was wrong, Su Zicheng became even more proud. Even the next step has been figured out how to ask the system for rewards. Such a serious mistake happened this time, and then he made up for it with his penetrating tongue. Why is it embarrassing.

"Others remain unchanged, the fourth one, after inspection, the dent on the surface is too large, and the pattern is somewhat blurred,"

"That's why there was an error in judgment."

"The reason is that the advanced version of the arrow directly hit the star core, causing shapeshifting......"

"Oh, just hurry up and tell me what level of purity it is, don't hold your breath here."

"One point one."


Su Zicheng couldn't help shouting, why am I so talkative, so unnecessary [If I exchanged it just now, it would be a few cities... What does it mean to stand higher and fall harder. Su Zicheng wanted to cry even more this time. Make you believe too much in your luck. Can this thing be 100% dependable...

"Forget it, forget it, the universe is so big, I still don't believe I can't get a tenth level."

Frustrated, Su Zicheng wanted to get some of these 'short-sought goods'.

It's just that Hawkeye completely let go, and this piece of space was blown to pieces by Su Zicheng, and it couldn't be done on the big planet, and the small planet was blown up again, it can be done like this.

Suddenly, a place suddenly appeared in Su Zicheng's mind.

"Yeah, why did you forget this place?"

Su Zicheng slapped his head, and directly used the ring to open a space crack.

The place where Su Zicheng is now is the solar system, more precisely on Mars. Although Su Zicheng has not been to Mars, it does not mean that Su Zicheng does not know its location

A long time ago, even the world before Su Zicheng traveled, the earth has already explored Mars. No matter how unclear, at least I have learned more or less basic knowledge about Mars in textbooks or photos. So the coordinates of Mars Su Zicheng is still right.

..." The feeling of stepping on the ground. "

Stepping on Mars, Su Zicheng couldn't help jumping a few times.

Looking from here to the earth, the earth is a huge amounts of blue planet. As the second most suitable planet in the solar system for human survival, Mars is smaller than Earth. Although the surface of Mars is also pitted and uneven, it is not like the moon. The large and small pits and low-lying places on the moon can be filled with a mountain.

Turning his head and looking to the other side, it was a small ring-shaped planet belt. A belt of planets between Mars and Jupiter. (Good Zhao)

It is this planet belt that forms a natural barrier within Mars. Basically, meteorites that pass through the solar system will be blocked by the huge gravitational force of this planet belt, or become a part of it. Even if meteorites occasionally fly to the earth, there is a high probability that they slipped and fell on this planet belt.

As a former top student, Su Zicheng is quite aware of this. And that's why Su Zicheng thought of it in the first place. To say that it has existed for a long time, this planet belt should have lived for more than tens of thousands, maybe millions of years.

Looking at the Mars under his feet, Su Zicheng slowly adapted to its history.

"You're lucky, I don't want your luck for now."

Stepping on sparks under his feet, Su Zicheng dared to say so. If Su Zicheng has the strength to crush Mars today, maybe Mars will really suffer. Su Zicheng didn't care about whether he would break the laws of the planet's operation in the solar system, there is nothing to be afraid of if it is gone. .

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