Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 274 Big Melee

"I didn't kill your father.

"Then why are you running!"

Suddenly, Black Panther raised his leg violently and kicked Bucky up. With some armor bonuses, Black Panther's strength is far beyond ordinary people.

Black Panther made a 360-degree roundabout kick from Thomas, and kicked Bucky's body who was still in mid-air, kicking him hard.

After crashing into a wooden air consignment box, Bucky sat up while leaning on the ground with his head dazed.

Looking at Black Panther, it seemed that he wanted Bucky's life and didn't give him a chance at all. He stretched out his palm and shot out five spikes from five fingers "like a real cheetah clearing its claws

Without any hesitation, T'Challa imitated Bucky's movement and grabbed at his neck as well.

Suddenly, another red light appeared, and the Origin Magic Power wrapped Black Panther's claws again, allowing Black Panther to push as hard as "one zero three", unable to move forward any more.

"Mmmmmm, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Not only that, Scarlet Witch twisted her body with difficulty, controlled the Origin Magic Power, threw Black Panther's body out again, and directly penetrated into a truck.


little Spider-Man, who was rushing to save Black Panther, also came a step late.


I saw that Captain America threw the shield in his hand fiercely, and cut off the cobweb dangling by little Spider-Man with incomparable precision. Little Spider-Man, who was about to fly over, also let go of the cobweb in his hand, and fell down from the sky all of a sudden.

"Hey, that thing of yours defies the laws of physics."

The little Spider-Man, who stabilized his body, saw that Captain America took back the thrown shield and pinned it on his arm again, and asked curiously. This question is asked, and this is not treating the other party as an opponent at all.

"Child, there are many things you don't understand here..."

Facing the little Spider-Man, one of Marvel's mouthpieces, Captain America also looked helpless.

"Mr. Stark said, you must say so."

little Spider-Man also retorted that, in terms of lip service, little Spider-Man was really not afraid of anyone except Tony.

After finishing speaking, little Spider-Man took advantage of his unpreparedness and shot out the cobweb in an instant. The cobweb of little Spider-Man is made of high-strength materials, basically it cannot be melted by fire, and it can be cut continuously [the degree of toughness can be imagined.

little Spider-Man is also very clever, directly glued the cobweb to Captain America's shield.

Captain America thought little Spider-Man was going to steal his shield. Whoever imagined it will be severely slapped in the face in the next second. Because, in the next second, Captain America's legs and feet were stuck again.

little Spider-Man yanked hard, and Captain America couldn't stand upright and fell straight to the spot. It's not over yet. At the same time as Captain America fell to the ground, little Spider-Man pulled the cobweb vigorously, and Captain America's body slid towards little Spider-Man uncontrollably.


Just as he was about to hit little Spider-Man, little Spider-Man slammed towards Captain America's body, kicking him hard and flying him, even the shield in his hand fell to the side.

"Mr. Stark also told me to attack your legs."

Captain America got up, not listening to him at all, looking at the shield, and rushed up to pick it up.


Two more cobwebs entangled Captain America and were about to touch shield's hand. little Spider-Man tugged on Captain America's arm as hard as he could, trying to pull him back.

It's just that Captain America's strength is a bit extraordinary, and he was able to grab cobweb and throw little Spider-Man out viciously.

In mid-air, Falcon, who was entangled with Tony, was constantly flying, and Tony also used missiles mercilessly behind him, trying to shoot him down.

"Hey, Clinton, help me get rid of him."

After all, Falcon is just a character who lives off of equipment, but how can this pair of carbon fiber wings show off in front of Tony's titanium alloy armor. In desperation, I can only ask for help.

"Okay, are your feet tight?"

On the ground, Hawkeye took down an arrow. After all, without Su Zicheng's absolute hit skills, he could only aim manually. Definitely, facing Tony's high-speed movement target in the air, no matter how he is an elite agent, there is no need to worry about the accuracy.

It's just that Hawkeye stared at Tony with one eye, and glanced at the arrow with the other eye. This sentence seemed to be directed at the arrow.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, archer man!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the arrow. It turned out to be Ant-Man in a reduced form. Ant-Man was lying on the arrow wretchedly, ready to make some small moves.

"Let's shoot the arrow, let's shoot the arrow."

Scott urged impatiently.


Tony, who was chasing Falcon, suddenly received a danger alert from the system, so he stopped and looked around......

The arrow arrived in an instant. Just when he was about to touch Tony, the arrow split apart violently. One arrow turned into five small arrows, each equipped with a small bomb.





Tony's system can automatically track the attack, raise the palm, and the palm cannon accurately destroys every arrow—but, in the blind spot where he didn't notice, Scott rolled like a lazy donkey, following Tony's raised armored arm Just got into Mark's armor, and Tony didn't know anything about it.

"Interesting, this arrow is really different."

The sound of the explosion here also caught Su Zicheng's attention.

Looking at Hawkeye's move, it is indeed very good. Although Su Zicheng himself is also a master with arrows. Bow and arrow? From Su Zicheng’s point of view, it’s just a matter of shooting on time, so

He always thought that after he had the skill of absolute hit, his ability to use bows and arrows would be regarded as the pinnacle.

But that is not the case. A real master of arrows is not only a condition of accurate shooting, sometimes it is necessary to shoot inaccurately. Pointing east and hitting west, the power of the arrow is not the bigger the better. Although the old saying goes, all magic can be broken with one force, but in some cases it really needs to be skillful.

"Arrow splitting, ummmm, subject."

Su Zicheng has always been focusing on using elemental arrows, and seems to have completely ignored the benefits that ordinary 4.2 arrows can bring. Looking at it now, it can only be said that each has its own strengths. The method of use and the occasion are different.

On the splitting arrow of Hawkeye, Su Zicheng had another whim. What would it be like if you found a denser material and used the magic drawing technique to superimpose several magic circles.

Or there are several arrows on one arrow, or several elements are added to one element. I don't know if the power is one plus one or a geometric multiple.

Looking at the other side, the little Spider-Man stood up from the ground and used the previous move again.

The cobweb ejected again and stuck to Captain America's shield, and little Spider-Man still wanted to grab the shield. Maybe little Spider-Man thinks that Captain America's combat effectiveness depends entirely on the shield...

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