Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 276 Giant Ant-Man

It should not be difficult for Captain America and Bucky to fly a plane. After all, both of them are special forces, and proficiency in various means of transportation is an essential skill for them.

However, it still needs people to operate it, and as a character with a flight ability level of seven, Vision is definitely the number one obstacle affecting their actions.

"No, you go fly the plane,"

"you two."

Just as Bucky was about to leave, a person roared over his head, it was Falcon.

I don't know where this guy got the confidence to use his Ability to block Vision.

"You go, the rest of us stay and hold them back."

Indeed, Hawkeye is quite clever. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them all to leave. Instead of fighting here all the time, it is better to leave a few people to hold them back and let another one or two people carry out the task.


In the sky, the Iron Patriot blew Hawkeye aside and flew away again, and started paddling again.....

"Hey, I said, this lineup over there,"

"Though I hate to admit it,"

"However, someone has to die if this battle is to be won."

Hawkeye drew an arrow from his back quiver and aimed it at Tony and the Iron Patriot again. Saying these words may also agree with Falcon's words.

Captain America also frowned, said nothing, and lowered his head to think.

"This isn't a real fight, Steve."

"Well, what's the plan, Sam."

Finally, Captain America compromised and chose Falcon's argument. Anyway, Captain America doesn't want to see casualties.

"We need a big guy to divert attention."

The Iron Patriots behind were still chasing Falcon. After saying this, Falcon quickly changed the flight route to avoid the attack.

"Hey hey everyone,"

"I have a big one, but it won't last very long."

In the distance, Scott who heard his teammates talking suddenly interjected.

"Wait for my signal, then run as hard as I can"々

"If I were torn in two,

"Don't come back and save me."

While talking, Scott ran towards the center of the battlefield.

Bucky's forehead creased at those words. Grinning as if seeing the picture of Ant-Man being torn apart...

"Shouldn't he tear himself in two?"

Barton murmured to himself suspiciously.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Scott."

"No problem, I've done experiments many times,"

"One of them was in the lab, and then I just passed out..."

With that said, Stewart was going to drive past the Iron Patriot beside him.

"I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it."

"Ward sent a guest......"

Scott was sprinting, while thinking about it, at some point, Avengers had another talk...

As the Iron Patriot passes near a shipping container. Scott, who was still in the state of insect file size, jumped hard and grabbed the Iron Patriot's back with great precision.

I saw that Scott was debugging on the screen on the forearm of the Ant-Man armor for a while, and suddenly, the moment he pressed a button. Scott's body instantly grew larger.

ten meters,

twenty meters,

Thirty meters.

In an instant, it became larger than the planes parked in the airport. No, the planes are probably small toys in front of him at the moment.

The steel patriot who was flying also noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly increased his horsepower to fly away.

But how could Scott give him a chance, besides, it was on him just now, and this stretched out hand directly grabbed the Iron Patriot's leg. No matter how much he turned the engine switch to the maximum, it would not help.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, ha ha ha...

Seeing that he had succeeded, Ant-Man also let out a frenzied laugh, that laugh was too magical, even more obscene than the rhinoceros.

"Oh Shet, my goodness..."

Seeing this scene, little Spider-Man couldn't help but burst out.

"Well, the little guy is getting bigger now, he's getting bigger!!!"

Roosevelt also gave up struggling and notified his teammates through the headset. Then quickly stabilize your body. Since you can't escape, you should stop first. Otherwise, the engine with the highest horsepower will fail to fly after such exhaustion. It is estimated that it will break down soon.

"This is the signal..."

Not only Iron Man's civil servant team was surprised by this scene, Captain America and Bucky were also stunned. The two walked out from behind the container. Staring blankly at Ant-Man. When the hell did you see this kind of scene.

"Nice job, little Ant-Man..."

Falcon couldn't help but praise too.

Looking at the enlarged Scott, he bent slightly and made a shot put action. As if to throw the Iron Patriot out.

"Hey hey, return Rhodes to me."

If he is thrown out, not only Roosevelt's Iron Patriot armor will be scrapped, but the people inside will also be scrapped...



Just when Tony was about to go up to snatch someone, suddenly, a pair of big feet flew over and kicked him out. This guy Falcon actually took advantage of his unpreparedness and sneaked up on Tony.

The Iron Patriot's body also flew out at the same time.

Seeing the situation, Vision hurried forward, wanting to help, when suddenly, another shadow flew over. It turned out to be little Spider-Man.

"..." I'll deal with him. "

Little Spider-Man glued the cobweb to the flying body of the Iron Patriot, holding him desperately to hit the body of the plane that was parked on the ground.

However, the inertia of Scott's throw was too great, and little Spider-Man's feet pushed out two dirt pits on the ground without stopping him. Fortunately, there was a truck in front of him. little Spider-Man kicked the overturned truck, put his feet against it, and finally stabilized his body with the joint efforts of the Iron Patriot.

Scott on the side naturally wouldn't let them succeed so easily. It happened that there was a bus under (Qian Zhao), and he kicked it, and the bus flew straight towards little Spider-Man's body.


Another black shadow rushed over. Looking at the bus that was about to hit little Spider-Man's body, it was split open by him like a piece of rotten iron. Sombra is the Black Panther cabinet that rushed to the rescue.

Watching Captain America and Bucky rushing towards the plane. Black Panther gave chase again.

However, Scott looked like he wanted to tangle with them to the end. He actually took a picture of an airplane and threw it at him.

In mid-air, Hawkeye and Tony were also entangled. Seeing this scene, Tony kicked Hawkeye away with both feet, and then just met the flying wing.

Fortunately, Tony's battle armor is relatively flexible. The engine of one hand was turned to the maximum in an instant, and Tony's body also stopped suddenly. When he turned around, his body changed another angle and flew towards the sky. The huge wings also exploded when the soles of his feet touched the ground. .

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