Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 278 Near The End

In the distance, Scarlet Witch shot again remotely. Perhaps it was to make up for the large number of casualties caused by the failure of the remote-controlled bomb before. In this battle, Scarlet Witch was controlled remotely and swept the formation from a distance. Always help when it matters most.

Just as the Iron Patriot was flying, the car controlled by Scarlet Witch crashed over again. Now, the two of them had a great time playing.

At this moment, Captain America and Barton have arrived at the Warehouse door where the B2 fighter jet is parked.

As a yellow diamond member of the civil service team, Vision can't just sit idly by again and again.

Facing Ant-Man, Vision rushed directly over again. Scott thought Vision was going to hit him, so he reached out his hands to grab him. However, when his hand was about to grab Vision, he was surprised to find that the other person's body was actually transparent, and, as if ignoring the existence of Ant-Man, he passed through directly.

"Oh Schett, everyone, something, penetrated my body,"

"I'm not going to die."

Scott growled in shock.

"I'm going~, what's the situation?"

In the distance, Barton and Captain America were rushing towards the Warehouse to fly the plane. When they accidentally saw this scene, they were startled.

"no big deal,"

"These days, everyone - has tricks."

On the contrary, Captain America has long been used to it. Captain America woke up earlier than Barton and joined the Avengers earlier. So, for these weird super abilities, to be honest, I have really gotten used to them.

At first, not to mention this, even Thor's hammer, releasing lightning, and Tony's armor, these are enough for Captain America to be rare for a long time. After all, he was a person who lived during World War II, and his world view was relatively narrow, but it has not affected him in the slightest now.

Vision opened his eyes suddenly, and the Mind Gem above his head suddenly released a yellow laser, aiming directly at the building next to the Warehouse.


The building that was hit on its foundation immediately fell down, and there were Captain America and Barton just below.

The two of them wanted to avoid it, but the stones, bricks, and reinforced concrete did not fall down. Looking up, at some point, Scarlet Witch used Origin Magic Power to prop up the falling ruins.

From a distance, one can see from Scarlet Witch's expression how hard he is. However, just as Captain America and Barton were about to pass. Huge amounts of ruins fell down one by one.

buzz buzz...

At some point, the Iron Patriot flew behind Scarlet Witch, playing a piercing sound wave.

Scarlet Witch also covered her ears, feeling like her eardrums were about to burst. At this moment, the ruins without Scarlet Witch's control fell down again.

"Looks like there's only Ant-Man left."

"It's almost over."

Su Zicheng, who has been looking at the overall situation, said to himself.

The fight, on the whole, went like that. Now, even Su Zicheng is a little unsure if he can beat all these people after seeing their strength

It has to be said that some people did really well. But some people just come here to make soy sauce. Even better at watching theater than Su Zicheng.

For example, this Scarlet Witch, who obviously has such a powerful Origin Magic Power, came up and released a big move, and everyone present would probably burp.

There is also Tony, who seems to want to release water on purpose, and I don't know if it is because he can't let go, or because the other party is someone he is familiar with. If only Tony had summoned the anti-Hulk armor earlier. Maybe Tony alone can have one v six.

The even more exasperating Vision is made entirely of Vibranium, and is inlaid with a tenth-level star core, Mind Gem. Not to mention blasting a building with a laser, if you want to, blowing up the entire airport is not a problem, right?

Maybe it's because it's at Captain America's home court, and everyone gave him a face and didn't give it his all. If Su Zicheng hadn't been a theatergoer, he would have tried two tricks with them himself, just to test the results of his recent exercise.

While Su Zicheng was still complaining, there was still a fight below.

"Hey guys, have you ever seen a really old movie."

"The Empire Strikes Back,"

"It's kind of similar to what's going on now,"

"And the Cowboys,"

"Do you still remember the exclusive move of the cowboy?"

I saw the little Spider-Man, while avoiding Ant-Man's pursuit, climbed onto Ant-Man's body with the help of the plane. At the same time, turn on the gibberish mode through the wireless headset.

"Oh Maiga, Tony, who is this man?"


Finally, some people couldn't take it anymore and started to complain to Tony who brought little Spider-Man over.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either,"

"I'm not dating him, he's younger..."

"Who knew he was a kid,"

Tony was also talking nonsense, throwing the pot out of the water.

"Remember, cowboys would use ropes to lasso the bodies of their enemies,

"Also, cowboys put rope around the horns of cows."

"Just like me, I will wrap his body with a spider web."

Little Spider-Man kept talking, but his hands didn't stop. Spray the cobweb on Ant-Man all the time, and swing around constantly. After a while, Ant-Man's body was entangled.


Ant-Man is now bound by the tough cobweb around both knees and his arms are bound. It's actually exactly the same as the cowboy routine that little Spider-Man said.

"Maybe this young man has a good idea."

"I know, Tony, fly high."

Roosevelt and Tony seemed to be in agreement with each other and kept flying high, and directly above was Ant-Man's chin.

Iron Man and Iron Patriot raised their right fists like Superman, and aimed at Ant-Man's jaw.

The Ant-Man whose legs were bound was also staggering non-stop, to the point where he couldn't stand still. It is estimated that without Tony's shot, he would fall down by himself.


There was a crisp sound of steel beating, and Ant-Man's body came in response, and that huge body fell backwards straight.

"Oh, YESYES did a great job."

Seeing the big man they cooperated to kill, little Spider-Man shouted excitedly. After all, I was still a child, and the joy of success was irrepressible.

It's just, it seems a little too soon to be happy.

little Spider-Man pulled the cobweb and was just about to swing out, but because he was too happy, he didn't notice that when Ant-Man fell down, the arm that was raised due to inertia, immediately knocked little Spider-Man into the air.

With such a big body, coupled with the inertia of falling down, this blow probably made little Spider-Man stunned again. He fell to the ground fiercely, groaning and couldn't get up.

Definitely, it didn't feel good for Scott who fell down. Maybe it's time to lose. .

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