Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 302 Dealing With Collector

Even Collector, who was lying on the ground with his hair burnt, looked unbelievable.

"Hey brother, you're so good at this move,"

"Where did you take out the bow and arrow, and how did you make it disappear?"

"There is also a magic circle, are you a magician?"

"I'm Groot..."

The four asked one by one, their small eyes full of doubts.

Su Zicheng raised his eyebrows, as if he had accidentally revealed his true strength, especially when he saw Quill's subtle move of putting the cosmic spirit ball into his pocket just now, Su Zicheng felt a little helpless.

Hey, it seems that in the end, Ronan was not the one who fetched water from the bamboo basket, but himself. After finally gaining their trust, I guess Quill would not feel at ease to hand over the power gem to Su Zicheng.

What's even more exasperating is that Su Zicheng hasn't responded to their questions yet.

You can’t tell them directly that you have a hunter’s space, you can store things directly, or just say, um, yes, that’s right, I’m a magician who can use magic, I’m not only a magician, I’m also a warrior, and I’m even an assassin in meat suit …

As for Groot's question, Su Zicheng880 has not debugged the universal language converter, so he does not know what question he is trying to express.

So, it’s okay to say it, maybe he can’t believe it, but Su Zicheng can’t say it, how can he expose his hole cards to others, but don’t say it, people will doubt you even more...

Just when Su Zicheng was in a dilemma, a scream came over suddenly, and at the same time a black figure rushed towards Su Zicheng.

Su Zicheng jumped, teleported and quickly hid to the side.

The black shadow made a fierce pounce, but it was in vain, and fell to the ground violently again.

"What are you going to do?"

It was only then that Su Zicheng realized that it was the Collector whose house had just been bombed.

"Little brother, I see that your bones are amazing, the sky is full, and your body is magnificent.

"Speak directly."

I have to say that the feeling of being flattered by others is quite beneficial. But Su Zicheng, who was used to being indifferent in front of others, still said indifferently.

"Um, uh, can you make a friend?"

"You see something about me, right?"

Using the mind reading technique to see through his mind, Su Zicheng suddenly understood.

"Since you're so direct, I'll just say it,"

"You make an offer, and I'll buy the bow in your hand, which is the one you used just now."

Unexpectedly, when I came to space and met an alien, he was still the same as a profiteer in China, glib and smooth-tongued, first I will put a top hat on you to get in touch, and make you feel embarrassed to ask for more. However, this point is useless to Su Zicheng, Su Zicheng doesn't accept this at all.

"Not for sale, not for sale."

Just kidding, the Elemental Bow followed Su Zicheng through life and death, and was one of the first weapons he acquired when fighting in all directions. How could Su Zicheng sell him.

"Don't be so stupid, how much is it, you set a price!"

"Why, even your home was bombed, and you still have money?"

Su Zicheng was also curious, what kind of confidence made him insist on buying the Elemental Bow so stubbornly.

"Just kidding, don't say the house was bombed,"

"Even if I take off my clothes and run out today,"

"The day after tomorrow I will be a famous Collector,"

"I have been in this interstellar world for so many years, so I still have the confidence."

"Boy, as I said just now, don't talk so deadly,"

"Maybe someday you'll ask me for something,"

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot."

After finishing speaking, Collector stood up and patted the burnt mink fur coat on his body, and said pretendingly.

"Oh, you said you've been hanging out for years,"

"Then do you know Bristar?"

Originally, he was thinking of rejecting him, but after listening to his words, Su Zicheng suddenly had an idea, which was more important than getting the power gem. (agac)

"Bristar? Never heard of it?"

"However, what you want to talk about should be the dark area about ten light-years southwest of Kerry."

"That's right, that's right there, you know that!"

Su Zicheng, who had just given up hope, became excited instantly.

"definitely know,"

"Not only that, I also know why it is called Bri Star,

"Then do you know how that area was formed?"

"What happened there?"

Upon hearing this, Su Zicheng became even more excited. Collector has been in this interstellar space for many years, and he has been mixing weird and weird things, he has seen a lot, and maybe he can really get useful things.


"It depends on the situation, mostly up to you."

As he spoke, he actually crushed his fingers.

Su Zicheng couldn't be more familiar with this posture, which obviously meant that he wanted to take advantage of it. Looking at his appearance, the ugly appearance of a profiteer in China. Why are profiteers in the entire universe like this...

"Two third-level star cores?"

"Don't haggle, if you want it, don't stop there."

At this time, Su Zicheng didn't care about so much, and directly took out two third-level ones. Anyway, I took advantage of the explosion just now and sneaked along. I originally wanted to use it as an upgrade material, but now I use his things to trick him, which is very suitable.

"Star Core,"

"What a long-standing name,"

"Okay, I'll just say what you said.

Hearing Su Zicheng say the word star core, Collector's body trembled visibly, as if recalling a long time ago. This scene was seen by Su Zicheng

It also made his eyes brighter.

The name Star Core was given to Su Zicheng by the system evaluation, and according to Su Zicheng's judgment, the hunter system is likely to be related to the mysterious man he saw on the moon before, so it can be inferred that the Collector must know something related to Su Zicheng's origin. thing.

These things have always troubled Su Zicheng, the power gem is not necessary, there are plenty of tenth-level star cores in the universe, but this is the only chance to know his own origin, Su Zicheng naturally can't understand which is more important.

In the distance, Quill, Rocket Raccoon and the others seemed to be a little curious about Su Zicheng's conversation, and surrounded them.

"I think back then,"

"I was very young, and I was a mediocre little star pirate at that time,"

"Because I act alone and don't have a gang, I am often bullied, even if I have good things, I am often robbed.

"Get to the point."

For this kind of person, Su Zicheng really wanted to slap him in the heart. Grandpa spends money not listening to your nagging.

If it weren't for his mind reading skills, he couldn't read his memory, and the mind control could only let him say it himself, and if he was as verbose as he is now, Su Zicheng would have controlled him long ago.

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