Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 317 The Arena

Don't think about it, Gao Tianzun must be there.

At the same time, the mental power also detected that there seemed to be a large number of people gathered there.

The crowd is quite dense, basically people next to each other. Su Zicheng guessed that it should be Gao Tianzun's arena, and there should be a wrestling going on at the moment, and if the crowd guessed correctly, they were the audience.

"Hmph, I'm quite upbeat."

The voice was still on the spot, but Su Zicheng's body had already appeared in front of the gate of the arena.

There are several teams of heavily armed patrols guarding the gate, and everyone who enters has to pay for a ticket in order to enter.

However, it is impossible for Su Zicheng to pay for a ticket. Using teleport again, Su Zicheng has come to the auditorium of the arena.

The sudden appearance of Su Zicheng couldn't help but startled the people around him, but the audience cheered because of the battle in the arena, the waves of shouts were louder than the waves, perfectly suppressing their voices.

When everyone was immersed in the joy of fighting, Su Zicheng was also looking around at the arena.

Just the area occupied by this arena probably occupies one-twentieth of the land in this wealthy area where every inch of land is expensive. The United States is one-twentieth of a state, which is not small. Converted to the size of the earth, it is at least as large as twenty standard-countless fields.

The building is very ordinary, similar to the Colosseum of the ancient Roman Empire on earth, stacked up layer by layer, this is the audience stand | The flat area of ​​the bottom ten football fields File size is the place where gladiators fight Certainly.

However, the most eye-catching place is undoubtedly directly in front of the arena, which is also the highest place in the entire arena.

There is a circle of viewing platforms that resemble transparent glass. At first glance, this viewing platform is exclusive to noble people. Not only is it 360 degrees and there are no dead ends, but there are also dedicated servants serving it. It can be said to be a VIP supreme room.

Su Zicheng glanced over, as if he found a familiar figure.

"Oh hoo,"

"Little Loki?"

Dressed in a green robe, with curly hair, he looked quite happy. At the moment, the one who was dictating the battle below was Loki.

And sitting next to Loki should be Gao Tianzun, the ruler of Sakaar.

It was an old man who seemed to be half a century old, dressed in fancy clothes, painted a few colors on his face, had a large string of animal teeth hanging around his neck, and held a scepter in his hand, looking like Tribal leader in the Amazon.

At the same time, there were several maids around him, feeding him fruits one by one, living this little life as if he was an ancient Chinese emperor.

This kind of person who looks kind is generally very evil in his heart. It is estimated that only Loki is as flattering as a flatterer can talk to Gao Tianzun in such a short period of time

And gain his trust.

When Su Zicheng looked at Gao Tianzun, at the same time, Gao Tianzun who was far away in the viewing platform seemed to have noticed Su Zicheng.

Although there are tens of thousands of spectators at least, Su Zicheng's temperament is very different from ordinary people. It can be said that Su Zicheng stands out from the crowd here.

Just now Su Zicheng thought that he had completely blended into the crowd, but inadvertently realized that the people around him actually kept a little distance from him intentionally or unintentionally.

It may be because Su Zicheng didn't deliberately use the shadow concealment technique to disguise himself, so that his killing aura of a bounty hunter emanated faintly, and Su Zicheng's invisible body was surrounded by a frosty and cold aura. No wonder Gao Tianzun noticed Su Zicheng in the crowd.

However, Su Zicheng wasn't worried either, anyway, sooner or later, when he and Gao Tianzun met, they had to talk about it, not to mention life and death.

Looking at Gao Tianzun, he waved his hand and whispered something to the people next to him. Then I looked at Su Zicheng again.

Because he was in the crowd, the shouts filled Su Zicheng's eardrums, he could only see Gao Tianzun's movements, but could not hear what he said.

However, Su Zicheng still didn't worry about it, no need to guess that it was related to him, either go up to have tea, or find someone to fight, no matter what, Su Zicheng will take over.

Then, Su Zicheng's gaze, like the audience in the auditorium, was devoted to the battle below.

Placing Hawkeye above the arena immediately improved the overall vision, not only can all the audience see clearly "the two gladiators fighting on the ground are also clearly visible.

0...seeking flowers...

The two gladiators who were fighting, Su Zicheng, did not know each other. Definitely, not just any character in the Marvel universe deserves to let him know.

Among the two gladiators, one is a strange-looking stone man, covered with earth-yellow stones all over his body, which looks solid to others, but looks like a lump of soft mud to Su Zicheng As if dried in the sun, not only is it ugly, but it can be shattered with a slap.

Although this big man is two meters tall, his chest muscles and tendons protrude like stones. Uh, it's weird, the stone should be protruding like tendon, huh? It doesn't seem right

Anyway, it looks very special and strong.

On the other hand, his opponent was a dwarf less than one meter tall, thin and short. If he didn't look carefully, Su Zicheng really didn't notice him.

However, even though he was a dwarf, compared with the simple and simple stone monster, this guy was really vicious.

His body is not a normal human body, but a monster like a praying mantis. His two front claws are extremely sharp, but his small head can rotate 360 ​​degrees, especially the row of blood-red teeth, which are like sawtooth. There are also two eyes, the big ones are like copper bells. It seems that the whole body is pieced together, seriously uncoordinated, Su Zicheng is disgusting to see 0

Moreover, this praying mantis seems to have mutated. Its body is not green as usual, but dark gray. You can't tell what it is at first glance. If it weren't for it, it could still talk

Su Zicheng even wondered if Gao Tianzun randomly found a giant praying mantis that ate insecticide and mutated to fool the audience.

"Hey, these aliens are ugly,"

"One is more weird than the other."

"Wonderful in thinking, even weirder in appearance."

Su Zicheng couldn't help but want to complain, especially when he turned Hawkeye and glanced around the auditorium.

I thought that only Gao Tianzun likes to collect these weird gladiators, but I didn't expect that it's not a question of whether he collects or not, it's mainly because alien creatures are so weird.

After this lap, Su Zicheng found a lot of things.

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