Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 321: Thor Vs Green Titan Hulk

Rows of walls and guardrails were smashed along the way, and the entire arena was smashed into pieces of rubble in an instant.

With Hulk's huge body, the force bearing area has also been greatly increased. In the ruins, Hulk was crushed there.

"Watt, no."

This scene seemed to be a bit unexpected to Gao Tianzun.


Loki also covered his forehead to cover his face, not daring to look at the next scene.


Similarly, Valkyrie, who was sitting on a high place, took a sip of the wine bottle with one hand, watched Hulk flying upside down, and not only felt a little pain for him.

While watching the arena, Thor looked at the Hulk who was beaten by him, held the hammer in one hand, and slowly approached the ruins.

In the ruins, Hulk held his painful head, slowly got up from the ruins, and the falling rocks on his body also fell down with a crackling sound.

"Hi, big guy,"

"The sun is going down soon,"

As Thor said, he approached Hulk cautiously, and at the same time stretched out a hand, wanting to hold Hulk's big hand.

Hulk seemed to be moved by Thor's actions, and also extended his hand.

"Yes, yes, that's right,"

110 "The sun is about to set."

Under everyone's gaze, Thor slowly put his palm in Hulk's.

"I swear, I will never hurt you again,"

"Nobody can hurt you."

After speaking, there was a motherly smile on Thor's face.

However, this smile looked particularly awkward in Su Zicheng's eyes. That's not the case with the unruly Jieer who was fearless and fearless before.

Back then, when Thor came to Earth for the first time, he made a big fuss in S.H.I.E.L.D. Just because of his Meow Hammer, he led his teammates into Su Zicheng’s house in Queens, and finally dared to challenge the Hand. .

But now, it seems that those who were tempered by Odin lost that kind of ruthlessness, and instead became much more solid and restrained.

It may be that Odin is eager to let Thor inherit his throne, lead Asgard, and become the overlord of the Nine Realms because his time is approaching and time is running out, so he throws Thor to the earth for training.

Why choose the earth? Su Zicheng guessed that it might be because Odin's wife and Thor's mother is the mother of the earth.

It's just this smile, not to mention how evil it is. Even though Thor's heart is pure now, Su Zicheng feels extremely obscene.

"Looks like Thor is going to be in trouble."

Just as Su Zicheng finished speaking, an exclamation came from the arena.

Looking down, Hulk looked at Thor's aunt's smiling face, and suddenly grabbed Thor's arm and stood up.

Then it hit the floor, left and right, like throwing Thor like a sandbag.

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, several large pits appeared on the ground.


After a few swings, Hulk threw Thor flying again.

Ho Ho Ho Ho...

Hulk puffed out his chest and yelled at the audience a few times. It's like showing off your achievements.

"Oh Shet,"


"That's what it feels like,"

"Hey, I'm so in love with this game!!!"

In the observation deck, for some reason, Loki stood up abruptly, shouted at Hulk, and flattered Gao Tianzun at the same time. Loki is in a super happy mood right now. The three words "I'm so cool" are almost written on the face.

Seeing this scene, Su Zicheng also smiled knowingly.

Loki just wanted to leave Sakaar with a frowning face, why did he suddenly jump up and down and shouted happily? The reason may have to start with Su Zicheng's first participation in the Avengers battle.

At that time, while Thor was not in Asgard, Loki usurped the throne and ascended to the throne [and then hooked up with the Chitauri Stars to prepare to occupy the earth. But was kicked out by Su Zicheng and the Avengers.

During the period, Loki also fought against (agag) Hulk, that scene, Su Zicheng still remembers.

Loki says we have an army of Chitauri, Tony says we have Hulk.

Then, Loki was knocked to the ground with a punch from Hulk.


"You lowly and lowly people,"

"I am a god,"

"I tell you,"

"I won't be given by ants..."

Before Loki could finish his sentence, Hulk grabbed his calf with an arm. Just like you did with Thor just now.

"Never seen such a weak god?"

Su Zicheng can still recall the very flabbergasting words that Hulk said after the fall of Loki, and Loki fell to the ground with his hands folded on his chest, with an innocent and pitiful expression, which looked a little cute, that was the result of being thrown. Confused.

Looking at Thor now, it is Loki's demeanor before. The two are worthy of being two brothers, loving and killing each other, cheating each other, and being thrown by the same person, they all have the same expression.

Especially now that Loki's gloating expression seems to be saying to Thor, you also have today?

This kid Loki, the truth made Su Zicheng amused.

When he looked at the arena again, Thor had stood up and wrestled with Hulk again.

However, Thor, who got serious this time, stopped letting the water go. He dodged Hulk's attack, found the right angle and hit his knee fiercely, and dodged behind Hulk again, hitting his spine again.

After dozens of rounds, not only the giant ax in Hulk's hand was hammered, but there was even a faint tendency to beat Hulk regardless of east, west, north, south. Even Gao Tianzun rubbed his legs anxiously.

"Oh, well, damn it,"

"Banner, I know you're in the body,"

"I'm going to get you out,"

After speaking, Thor flew Hulk to the ground with another hammer.

Hulk's temper is always the kind that refuses to accept, the more he feels pain, the angrier his emotions become, and at the same time his strength will increase again.

No, with a loud roar, he still rushed up like a brave death squad.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Do you know how embarrassing you are for me,"

"I also flaunted to everyone that we are friends."

Thor prepared his posture, fighting and talking, and after a few blows, Thor still had the upper hand.

"This is the true glory of the Northern God."

Su Zicheng couldn't sit still anymore, he didn't come here to watch the wrestling, this trip has a purpose. If it wasn't for the power of Thor's Awakening Thor, Su Zicheng would have blown the entire arena out.

"Banner, come out for me."

Suddenly, Thor imitated Hulk and yelled, and swung the hammer directly at Hulk's head.


However, unexpectedly, Hulk grabbed the hammer. At the same time, the other hand that had been clenched tightly for a long time slammed out. .

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