Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 331 Su Zicheng: Another Purple Sweet Potato Essence?

But now killing so many people. Su Zicheng actually felt guilty.

And this feeling rushed straight into his heart, making Su Zicheng a little uncomfortable. Su Zicheng didn't feel it when he killed one or two before, but now he suddenly slaughtered so many, not to mention the blood flowed into rivers, and the corpses were scattered all over the field. It's not an exaggeration. It made Su Zicheng palpitate a little.

Fortunately, without Su Zicheng's knowledge, the soul pendant hanging around his neck emitted a soft light at the right time to soothe his nerves, which made Su Zicheng look cheerful.

After all, Su Zicheng is just an ordinary high school student, a teenager, who should have sat in the classroom enjoying the joy of youth and learning, but accidentally touched the hunter system, which made such a young man Wander in the universe. It is indeed not easy to be able to do this step. After all, it's only been a few years.

Boom, boom, boom……….

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, when the crowd fell into silence, the sound of heavy footsteps came along the ground into the arena. The sound of these footsteps was unusually heavy, and every time they stepped out, they felt like the ground was shaking. It seemed that the entire 387 gladiatorial fights were trembling. Carefully observe the stones on the ground, and at this moment they are beating regularly with the sound of footsteps.

It was Hulk who jumped into the arena first. With this kick, the corpse under Hulk's feet was crushed even more, turning into a pulp.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Hulk still had the look of disobedience, feeling like he was going to start a fight with others at any time. He has a big ax and a big hammer in his hand.

I saw Hulk ping-pong the weapon in his hand, and yelled at the auditorium just like before. However, this time the audience did not cheer together, but seemed extremely heavy.

Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, Hulk calmed down tactfully and honestly.

Just when Hulk was stirring up the atmosphere of the audience, a familiar voice caught Su Zicheng's attention.

"Hi, Mr. Hunter,"

"long time no see,"

"How did you get down?"

"You did all of this?"

The one who speaks is naturally Thor. No idea where Thor came from. At the moment, he was unarmed and didn't wear a helmet, as if he didn't come to fight.

Thor is not as nervous as Hulk. The corpses all over the ground in the arena and the blood that almost condenses into a stream also make Thor sensitive.

However, after all, Thor is also the prince of Asgard. He is hundreds of years old. He has experienced many wars with big file size and small size. I didn't ask any more questions.

Facing Thor's question, Su Zicheng was unmoved, turned over the trident in his hand and took it back to the hunter space.

In his opinion, the battle is over, and the remaining youngsters should have been scared of being beaten and dare not go up, and Gao Tianzun let Hulk and Thor be the finale, which was originally a mistake.

Because, the moment Hulk saw Su Zicheng at this moment, Su Zicheng could tell that Hulk, who had always been fearless, was also a little timid when he saw himself. It may be that Su Zicheng has also hit him directly, so he has no power to parry.

Especially the scene where he was blown away with one punch and several buildings were blown up, not only Su Zicheng still remembers, but Hulk as a victim is still fresh in his memory.

The two generals have lost one of them before they started fighting. As for Thor, who is afraid of Su Zicheng's strength, even if he can fight, he can't let go.

Therefore, for these two opponents, let alone who is left behind, they may not be able to fight.

But the fact is exactly as Su Zicheng thought, when Su Zicheng raised his head to stare at Hulk, the big man actually backed up a few steps, because there were people and blood under his feet, so he almost fell down.

(agah) But Su Zicheng, who will be playing next, has a little bit of anticipation. Being able to be the finale with Hulk and Thor, the strength is naturally average. Who are they.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom...

The dull footsteps are still calmly washing, step by step approaching the mains, which is about to appear in the arena.

Su Zicheng was now in a pool of blood, with his hands folded around his chest, his eyes narrowed, and he looked towards a passage.

In the pitch-black passage, a dark figure was slowly coming out.

When his body was completely exposed in the arena, Su Zicheng suddenly felt his mind tremble, as if he had seen an extremely terrifying existence.

"I'll go, it can't be such a coincidence,"

"No, no, definitely not him,"

"Then this guy shouldn't be his relative,"

"Like, so much like,"

"It's just another purple sweet potato essence."

Su Zicheng wiped his eyes, and it was really unbelievable that the person in front of him also had purple skin all over his body, and there was a big fold on his chin, so he was somewhat similar to Purple Sweet Potato Essence.

"Could it be that he also belongs to Titan Star?"

But Su Zicheng could tell with a little deduction that the purple titan in front of him was definitely not the purple sweet potato essence in his memory.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Purple Sweet Potato Essence to be under the hands of Gao Tianzun. Although Gao Tianzun is also the oldest life in the Marvel universe--a member of the Universe Elders, Purple Sweet Potato Essence is not the prince of the Titan Star, so in front of him This fake purple sweet potato essence can only be said to come from Titan.

Moreover, this person actually has hair, and Purple Sweet Potato Jing has a big bald head.

Su Zicheng didn't expect that Purple Sweet Potato Essence had destroyed all life on his Titan star long ago, but now the one in front of him undoubtedly came from Titan star, how to explain this. Could it be that he was exiled by Purple Sweet Potato? Or did he escape before Purple Sweet Potato destroyed the planet?

Su Zicheng shook his head, he didn't want to think anymore, he only needed to know whether this person was an enemy or a friend.

Just when Su Zicheng thought Gao Tianzun's hole card was this person, he saw another person came out of the passage behind him.

This man was wearing a big metal helmet, which felt so heavy that only his eyes could be exposed. This person is also thick-backed, and his body shape is actually comparable to this Titan star.

He was wearing clothes that looked like prison clothes, and the huge handcuffs on his wrists hadn't been untied yet. He should have been imprisoned by Gao Tianzun for a long time.

It's just that, revealing his tattered clothes, revealing muscular muscles, and skin, Su Zicheng can accurately identify that this guy is from Earth.

In addition, within the perception of Su Zicheng's mental power, there were actually several very obscure auras coming from the passage, but they seemed to be in a sealed state, and there was no sign of coming out. .

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