Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 355 Give Me A Ton And I Will Leave

In an empty room, there is an ordinary small metal bed with white sheets, a console in the distance, and a large transparent glass on the opposite side of the bed, and the bustling metropolis of Wakanda is outside the glass. However, there are still some mountains and jungles.

It seems that this room is in the depths of some deep mountain and old forest, but it is so high that you can see the bustling area.

When Su Zicheng opened his eyes again, what he saw instantly woke him up. The professional ethics of a bounty hunter made him absolutely unable to just lie down in an unfamiliar environment.

"you're awake

"Don't worry, just a slight concussion,"

"It's really easy to walk around, you can find such a hidden place,"

"As expected of a famous bounty hunter."

Su Zicheng just sat up when another voice came from behind. Su Zicheng quickly turned his head to look. Fortunately, it's Black Panther, T'Challa.

T'Challa didn't wear his Black Panther uniform, but 06 wore the black robe of the King of Wakanda. Not to mention, he looked like a leader, and his serious black face added a bit of majesty .

"Uh, that, this,"

"By coincidence, by chance,"

"I also want to see if there are any savages in the primeval forest behind,"

"In case a Sabretooth or two survive,"

"Not too good for you Wakanda, ha."

"Well, don't thank me, I'm just so kind,"

"Because my name is Lei Feng."

In this matter, Su Zicheng was at fault in the first place, and he was still a little guilty, so he could only play sloppy. Definitely, the last two sentences were said by Su Zicheng in his heart, if T'Challa also heard these two sentences, he would kick Su Zicheng out directly. It’s fine if you want to do bad things, and if you get caught, you’ll get to the bottom of it. You still want to be cheap and behave yourself, which is unbearable.

"There are no savages behind, and there are no savages in Wakanda,"

"Besides, Sabretooth is a snowfield animal, which has long been extinct."

Seeing the bounty hunter so hesitant, T'Challa also found it funny. If you want Vibranium, just say no, and use this trick.

Fortunately, after Su Zicheng left T'Challa's surveillance, T'Challa knew what Su Zicheng wanted to do with just a little brainstorming. There are so many fancy reasons to come to Wakanda, just for one thing. That is Vibranium. Therefore, Tezhila also directly sent people to the Vibranium Mountains to wait for the rabbit.

Sure enough, as soon as I got there, I saw the bounty hunter lying on the ground. After seeing what T'Challa was thinking, Su Zicheng couldn't laugh or cry.

If it wasn't a last resort, who the hell would want to pass out in that ghostly place, especially with an unknown voice.

"Well, by the way, that voice?"

"It seems that there is no amnesia this time..."

Su Zicheng sat up immediately as if he had discovered something. What happened just now may be as unclear as Su Zicheng's life experience.

So Su Zicheng must go again.

"cough cough,"

"You know the purpose of my coming here," 1

"That's right, I just want to go in and have a look,"

"I'll just see how Vibranium is made,"

"I can vouch for my reputation as a bounty hunter,"

"I'll go inside and have a look, and then I'll come out."

Being exposed, Su Zicheng coughed twice in embarrassment. Anyway, before T'Challa tore the last piece of paper, Su Zicheng simply had a thick skin.

"I want Vibranium,"

"I can give it to you."

I also thought that T'Challa was embarrassed to point out Su Zicheng's purpose, but as soon as Su Zicheng finished speaking, T'Challa ruthlessly refuted it. This time Su Zicheng was honest, it seems that he is worthy of being a king. Playing tricks, Su Zicheng, this is not playing big swords in front of Guan Gong, asking for boredom, isn't it...

"Then I just said"

"I want a ton, can you give it?"

In order to be able to go to that mountain again, Su Zicheng directly broke out a suffocating number.

Although a ton of metal does not sound like a lot, what Su Zicheng wants is Vibranium. Also known as sound-absorbing steel, Vibranium is one of the hardest materials in the Marvel Universe

Vibranium is very hard, and its special molecular structure makes it almost indestructible, because its molecules are relatively static, so that it hardly conducts heat and kinetic energy, this feature allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy. It is second to Adamantium, and ranks first in the defense meter because of its ability to absorb kinetic energy.

And it's extremely rare on Earth. The previous king of Wakanda, the father of Black Panther T'Challa, only sold a small amount of Vibranium, enough to send domestic bachelors to study abroad, making Wakanda a high-tech country, which shows its value.

It is no exaggeration to say that the price of Vibranium on the outside black market has reached 10,000 meters per gram. Be optimistic, it is one gram per ten thousand meters, not one catty, nor one kilogram. Even so, on the underground black market, Vibranium is still something that has a price but no market.

It is conceivable that when Su Zicheng's upper lip and lower lip touch, a lion will open his mouth wide. What is the concept of a ton of Vibranium? One ton is equal to one million grams, which is equivalent to one million rice knives, and about ten million soft sister coins.

Definitely, to Su Zicheng, this amount of money is just a fraction of his balance. 450 is believed to be just a drizzle for Wakanda.

But, remember, what Su Zicheng wants is not rice knives, but Vibranium.

The rarity of Vibranium is self-evident. It turned out that more than 10,000 years ago, a meteorite from nowhere fell on Africa, that is, the land of Wakanda.

It was because of this meteorite that the first generation of Black Panther came into existence, and it was also because of the first generation of Black Panther that all the tribes near the meteorite were united together. This formed the current Wakanda.

You know, after more than 10,000 years, how big is this meteorite to withstand Wakanda's construction. From this, it can be imagined that Wakanda's Vibranium reserves must not be very ideal.

Su Zicheng roughly estimates that a ton of Vibranium may delay Wakanda's economic development for at least fifty years. Definitely, it's just Su Zicheng's guess out of thin air, without any theoretical basis, after all, it's not that they don't know how many reserves they still have.

Sure enough, the facts are as Su Zicheng guessed, when Su Zicheng opened his mouth and said a ton, T'Challa also directly hesitated. A ton of Vibranium, don't say T'Challa doesn't agree, neither does the Elder Tribal Council of Wakanda.

Isn't it obvious that they want to cut their flesh? .

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