Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 357 Commission One Ton Of Vibranium

At the end of the talk, the two people looked at each other in unison, opened the door and walked in without saying a word.

Su Zicheng was also a little confused, even with his mind reading skills, he couldn't see what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of these two brothers and sisters. Should he really be sent away with a ton of Vibranium? Su Zicheng still has business to do.

Just when Su Zicheng wanted to raise the price again. T'Challa directly interrupted Su Zicheng's thinking.

"Mr. Hunter, I want you to do me a favor with this ton of Vibranium,"

"Aren't you a bounty hunter?"

"I believe you should agree to this condition."

T'Challa put his hands behind his back again, and said to Su Zicheng from a distance. However, his tone seemed to reveal his confidence. He decided that Su Zicheng would agree, unless Su Zicheng didn't want this ton of Vibranium anymore.

And the facts are indeed true. Facing a ton of Vibranium, how could Su Zicheng not be moved? He didn't expect that he just said casually just now, and they really found a task and used so much Vibranium as a commission It was given to Su Zicheng.

Now, it's Su Zicheng's turn to be in trouble. He still wants a ton of Vibranium, and at the same time wants to go there for 000 and have a look. For the money-hungry Su Zicheng, both sides seem to be equally important.

Is it really necessary to collect this ton of Vibranium first, and then secretly come to Wakanda when I find time, looking for opportunities to sneak in. But what about the metal wall that can shield Su Zicheng's spiritual power, and the Hawkeye, and that mysterious voice seems to be preventing Su Zicheng from entering.

Moreover, if Su Zicheng wants to enter Wakanda again, it will be difficult to succeed without attracting T'Challa's attention. Unless Su Zicheng kills all the people in Wakanda directly, then he can do whatever he wants.

Definitely, this is also impossible, if it gets out, wouldn't the name of the bounty hunter here be wiped out? Who would dare to set up a mission and hire Su Zicheng in the future. Besides, Su Zicheng is not the kind of bloodthirsty person.

Right now, it seems that there is only one way.

"Yes, but I have one condition."


"I promise your mission,

"But after completing the task,"

"Not only do I want a ton of Vibranium, I also have to go down the mine with you, and I want to see your Vibranium mountains with my own eyes,"

"But don't worry, I won't take more."

As long as T'Challa agrees, he will definitely go down the mine when Vibranium is mined. At that time, as long as Su Zicheng follows T'Challa, he will be able to go in unimpeded all the way. As long as you can get in, it's not up to Su Zicheng to do what you want.

While looking at T'Challa, although the request made by Su Zicheng is somewhat incomprehensible, it is not a big problem. The Vibranium Mountains are not something to be shady, so there is no harm in seeing them. Besides, as long as it can send him away, it doesn't matter if it is added.

"Okay, what you said is all right,"

"It's just that you are not curious, what is the reward task I want to talk about?"

"Come on, I'll take it all together."

Although Su Zicheng already knew T'Challa's thoughts through mind reading, he still responded cooperatively.

"Wonder if you've heard of another of our Wakanda specialties?"

"Heart Grass?"

"It seems that the bounty hunter is indeed omniscient, omniscient."

"Unfortunately, just before, I had a cousin who was not sensible,

"On impulse, a fire burned the heart-shaped grass,"

"Because the heart-shaped grass grows in a special way,"

"You can't be like weeds, spring wind blows and grows again,"

"So, you want me to..."

"That's right, your mission is to revive Wakanda's Heart Grass."

Seeing T'Challa's expression, Su Zicheng shrugged his shoulders, it doesn't matter, the flowers and plants in the backyard of his villa, I don't know how many times they were killed (agfc) in the quilt, and how many times they were saved.

Also, Prince T'Challa really knows how to make up the cousin's impulsiveness, even such a lie can be told. Being a cousin, isn't it just a fight with a leopard, hasn't he hit anyone before? There's nothing to be ashamed of. However, T'Challa tactfully didn't ask Su Zicheng without mentioning Su Zicheng.

This kind of task is indeed very important to Wakanda, but to Su Zicheng, it is all about giving points. T'Challa has turned into a money-spreading boy and sent money here specially.

"I took it,"

"It's not too late, let's go now."

In fact, Su Zicheng is not in a hurry to help T'Challa save the heart-shaped grass, but just wants to go to the mountains to have a look after the task is completed. That voice, as well as the things inside the mountain, are like a monkey at this moment, shaking Su Zicheng's heartstrings all the time.

"Come with me."

It seems that not only Su Zicheng is anxious, T'Challa wants to send Su Zicheng away as soon as possible.

Looking at T'Challa who was leading the way ahead, Su Zicheng didn't hesitate, and followed after raising his legs.

The three of them walked around and around for a while, and finally stopped in front of a waterfall.

"Go and inform the Council of Elders,"

"Mr. Hunter come with me."

T'Challa first ordered his sister to invite the Council of Elders of Wakanda. After all, it is impossible to save the heart-shaped grass without letting Vibranium be mined. If that is the case, it would be embarrassing.

Su Zicheng didn't say anything, because Su Zicheng already knew the medicine sold in the gourds of the two brothers and sisters. So, now continue to follow T'Challa to the back of this waterfall.

Behind the waterfall is a cave, and it doesn't look small. There are also common natural stalactite caves inside. I don't know when, it seems that someone has been waiting here for a long time.

It appears that this cave is also inhabited by the Wakanda tribe. Look at the small plate inlaid in the man's lips, the gaudy gown on his body, the make-up on his face, and the white spots one by one. Looking at their appearance, isn't it the same tribe that Su Zicheng had seen on the grassland outside?

There are many old people in this tribe. Although the fighting power of this tribe cannot be said to be average, it is also very weak. However, as far as Wakanda is concerned, the status of this tribe should be quite high. Because they may be responsible for rituals such as Wakanda's sacrificial rituals.

Since the heart-shaped grass is here, it is likely to belong to them. After all, every Wakanda king, that is, every Black Panther, needs to take the heart-shaped grass to obtain Ability.

Definitely, Su Zicheng automatically ignores them. These old men and women have lived in feudal superstition all their lives, and they will never get out of Wakanda.

These people also led Su Zicheng and T'Challa directly to a bunker behind the cave. .

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