Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 361 Going To The Vibranium Mountains Again

"I don't know what will happen if I eat it,"

"Wakanda is so blessed,"

"There is not only Vibranium, but also treasures like heart-shaped grass."

Looking at this unremarkable appearance, Su Zicheng can hardly imagine that it is a creature that has survived for tens of thousands of years. The green rhizomes, the purple-red leaves, and the pure red part of the fruit look very ordinary.

No matter what, Su Zicheng pretended to look at the growth of the heart-shaped grass, and squatted down again. Just as everyone else's attention was on the heart-shaped grass that was still spreading, Su Zicheng used the cover of his body to release his mental power. , unexpectedly took away a large piece of heart-shaped grass and soil all at once.

Then, Su Zicheng quickly used the copying eyes and cast a healing spell. In a blink of an eye, the taken away space was quickly filled with heart-shaped grass that grew over again.

"Huh, it's dangerous,"

"I don't know if people who don't belong to Wakanda can use it,"

"They're all wonders of heaven and earth, shouldn't they recognize the Lord?"

After doing all this, Su Zicheng hurriedly looked at the reactions of the Council of Elders, T'Challa, and his sister. Just now Su Zicheng moved very quickly, no one should have seen it clearly, but a few of them rubbed their eyes and saw that the heart-shaped grass in front of them hadn't changed, so they thought they were dazzled.

Su Zicheng also cautiously used his mind reading skills to scan one by one. When he knew that they had no doubts, he breathed a sigh of relief and came.

At this moment, Su Zicheng has only one thing to say, what we are playing is heartbeat.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Su Zicheng stole their heart-shaped grass without anyone noticing. Could Su Zicheng not be nervous?

But fortunately, Su Zicheng also has the bug of hunter space, which can not only contain people and objects, but also living things. Even now, Su Zicheng has even brought in the heart-shaped grass belt soil, so naturally he is not afraid that the heart-shaped grass will leave Wakanda and die. After all, the setting of Hunter Space 2.0 is to store life, and the heart-shaped grass is also life, it’s just a plant

Now, Su Zicheng is afraid that he has collected these heart-shaped grasses, but he can't use them, that would be embarrassing.

You must know that this heart-shaped grass is only taken by each generation of Wakanda kings when they take office. It seems that only the blood of the king can inherit the ability of Black Panther. Ordinary people should only take it for healing. Even so, Su Zicheng doesn't know if any ordinary people in Wakanda have ever taken it. Although Su Zicheng also wants to try it now, but it is obviously not the time.

"Let's go, my mission is done々~"

"It's time to fulfill your promise."

While the council of elders was still immersed in the joy of the rebirth of the heart-shaped grass, Su Zicheng hurriedly said something to T'Challa, and then led him out of the cave. Otherwise, how could these strange old men pester Su Zicheng to ask questions after a while?

T'Challa is also very witty, knowing that Su Zicheng doesn't like to deal with these red tapes and messy things, so he followed Su Zicheng out.

In fact, T'Challa knew what to do without Su Zicheng's reminder. It was beyond his expectation that he could really help save the heart-shaped grass. At this moment, even if T'Challa really took out a ton of Vibranium immediately, it seemed It doesn't hurt that much anymore.

Isn't it true, from ancient times to the present, the heart-shaped grass that has been passed down from generation to generation, T'Challa dare not just become extinct in his hands. Su Zicheng's move is not to say it is a life-saving grace

That can be regarded as a great benefactor of Wakanda. A ton of Vibranium seems to make sense compared to the extinct Heart Grass.

Under the gracious consent of the Council of Elders, T'Challa also directly led Su Zicheng towards the cave.

Somehow, Su Zicheng. Following T'Challa seems not to go to the Vibranium meteorite in the back mountain, but to answer the building where Su Zicheng stayed just now.

After entering, T'Challa didn't talk nonsense, and opened an elevator made of something unknown, and the two of them went all the way down. At first, Su Zicheng could still see the outside scene through the transparent elevator door.

It seems to have descended more than a dozen floors in a row, all of which are similar to laboratory rooms. Just as Su Zicheng continued to look at it curiously, suddenly, the speed of the elevator's descent suddenly accelerated, as if the chain pulling the elevator above suddenly broke, and the elevator instantly Like losing the brake, Su Zicheng also suddenly felt the long-lost sense of weightlessness.

I'm afraid that if T'Challa wasn't there, Su Zicheng would have wondered if the elevator in this building was in disrepair or something had broken down.

Not only did he feel the familiar feeling of weightlessness beside him, but in an instant, the scene outside the transparent elevator also suddenly darkened. For a moment, Su Zicheng seemed to be back in space again.

Feeling the speed that was whizzing down outside, Su Zicheng simply closed his eyes. At this moment, in the entire elevator, except for the light, it was dark outside, and the two people inside were silent, only the sound of heavy breathing intertwined.

I don't know how long it has passed, it may be one minute, two minutes, three minutes, or only a few seconds.

At a certain moment, there was only a click outside the elevator, the feeling of weightlessness disappeared instantly, and Su Zicheng felt down-to-earth again. Open your eyes, the elevator door has opened automatically and the elevator has stopped steadily.

Although the surrounding area was still dark, it was much better than before, as if there were some faint lights shining, at least Su Zicheng could still see the outside clearly without using Hawkeye.

T'Challa also smiled slightly, bent over and made a gesture of please.

Su Zicheng was not polite, he paused, and walked out first. It’s just that Su Zicheng wants to complain, the huge Wakanda, just like this (Li’s) search, even light bulbs, electric sticks and so on are not willing to install, so you have to make it groggy, to enhance the atmosphere? This is to open haunted house

"It's not reluctance,"

"During the high-speed descent, the ordinary electric current wire sensor outside of you can no longer be tried."

"Especially under such a strong magnetic field, not only the electric current will be disordered, but the human body will also be highly uncomfortable,"

"The lamps are not only for lighting, but also for soothing the human body and the senses,"

"As for why not use higher illuminance,"

"And for that reason."

Perhaps seeing Su Zicheng's hesitation, T'Challa spoke about the altar.

After hearing it, Su Zicheng can only say that a scumbag doesn't understand the pain of a bully. T'Challa said a lot, just talked about the effect, and did not analyze the principle for Su Zicheng, anyway, this is enough to make Su Zicheng confused. .

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