Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 386 Gathering The Power Of Prehistoric Avengers To Fight Against The Celestial Group

Chapter 386 Gathering the power of prehistoric Avengers to fight against the gods

If it is said to shoot out like this, and shoot directly into the sun, Su Zicheng would believe it.


The arrow shot out, just in time to meet the approaching Tenjin group. With a bang, the arrow exploded directly. It must have depicted the magic circle, because the arrow didn't hit him, but exploded instead. Moreover, when the Celestial Group retreated, Su Zicheng found that there were no fewer thunderbolts beating on his body than Odin's.

Even the Celestial God group couldn't stop trembling in the face of such a strong super-advanced magical thunder power.

This explosion was the call to battle.

The first to rush out were Odin and Phoenix, (it is said that these two people have also teamed up with CP) The strength of Odin and Phoenix is ​​naturally beyond doubt. Presumably with the two of them, although they can't deal with the Tianshen group, it shouldn't be a problem for him to be incapable of duplication.

The Celestial Group just got rid of the thunder magic circle shot by the bounty hunter, and saw another thunderbolt approaching, maybe they were out of breath, and directly grabbed his weapon like a pillar of Optimus with both hands.


However, before he swung it out, the prehistoric bounty hunter drew his bow and set his arrows, grabbed it with his hand, and shot five arrows directly.

Boom boom boom boom......

Immediately, the monstrous fire became one piece, not only blocking the attack of the Celestial Group, but also covering the remaining prehistoric Avengers.

No, Xingbiao and Iron Fist came to the feet of the Tianshen group in a few jumps in the blink of an eye.

The two of them jumped again, and after kicking the ground out of two lake-like craters, they jumped straight up high. And it just reached the height behind the knees of the Tenjin group.

The two of them struck out at the same time, carrying two fists with the power of heaven and earth, and slammed into the leg of the Tianshen group.

However, as the prehistoric bounty hunters said, how could this group of gods be imagined by them, and their strength reached Level Universe? How could they not have anticipated the sneak attack of these two people.

"Be careful."


Suddenly, just as the star and the iron fist approached the legs of the Celestial Group, Ghost Rider seemed to have discovered something. With a fierce roar, the flames on his body became even hotter, and the big iron chain in his hand was thrown out suddenly.

The iron chain seemed to be able to be extended infinitely, and it was directly wrapped around the legs of the Tianshen group, trying to restrain him. However, even he underestimated the strength of the Tianshen group.

Looking at the Tianshen group, they also raised their legs violently, not only opening Ghost Rider's burning iron chain, but also kicking the star and Iron Fist out.

Fortunately, the bodies of the two were strong enough to withstand such a blow, but they only coughed up a little blood.

The elemental flames of the bounty hunter dissipated, and Odin and Phoenix had already arrived in front of the Celestial Group.

Although the bodies of the two people are like dragonfly File size in front of this big head. But (Li Dehao) saw his teammates being beaten, how could they just stand by like this.

Phoenix opened her arms, and saw that the Phoenix force on her body swept away in an instant, directly towards the armor on the face of the god group, and specially selected two rows of eyes. The tingling sensation brought by the strong Phoenix force also forced the Celestial Team to raise their hands to defend.

However, before he could make a move, another giant hammer shining with silver light came crashing down. The bright lightning seemed to split the earth in half.

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