Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 388: Flood Dragon Roars And Iced Sky Burial Flowers

Chapter 388

Don't think it must be Agamotto's handwriting.

As for the remaining two people, Su Zicheng keenly discovered that there was actually a black lightning bolt rushing over in an instant, and when it reached Xingbiao and Iron Fist, he kicked the leg of the Tianshen group that was about to reach the ground, and reflected it out again.

This sudden flash, I don't know what it is, the speed is so fast, even Su Zicheng can't see it clearly.

When Su Zicheng turned his head to look at its stopped body, he was not only a little dumbfounded, but that thing was nothing but a black leopard.

It has silky hair and white spots on its body, isn't it the one Su Zicheng saw on the altar.

It's just that its speed is too fast, even Su Zicheng can't catch its shadow under high-speed movement. And it's still under the condition of a hunchback. Especially Xingbiao, with a body like a green titan, it is indeed unbelievable that he can run so fast with him.

However, Su Zicheng couldn't even notice this level of speed. Doesn't it prove that it exceeds the speed of light? But why is there no sign of space wanting to tear apart?

This doubt has been wanted to say since they started fighting Su Zicheng. Reasonably speaking, such a battle with the power of heaven and earth can explode the earth in minutes, even if the energy leaked inadvertently is enough. But until now the earth seems to be still intact. Although it was destroyed by them, the mountains collapsed and the ground collapsed, but it was far from being unsupportable.

"Could it be that the space here has also been specially reinforced?"

"Then who strengthened the space under the Wakanda Vibranium meteorite?"

Originally, Su Zicheng thought that the magic circle under the Vibranium meteorite might be left by Agamotto or a prehistoric bounty hunter, but now it seems that it is not. I thought seeing these people Su Zicheng's doubts might answer most of them, but now it seems that there is still a big mystery behind the prehistoric Avengers.

"Hey, maybe the earth in ancient times was more resistant to beating..."

Anyway, Su Zicheng couldn't figure out what was going on, so he simply asked and answered, and found an excuse to stop thinking about it.

0...seeking flowers...

It's just that anyone who thinks a little bit knows that this answer is not true. Obviously it was more fragile at the beginning. The star core has to go through the baptism of time to become more and more solid, and the energy becomes more and more pure, let alone a planet?


Suddenly, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, making Su Zicheng's eyes focus on the Tianshen group again.


The moment the Tianshen group arrived on the ground, for some reason, my perception of danger became stronger instead. And it went straight to my mind through the soul, even very similar to the feeling of meeting Dormammu before. But in this situation, it is clear that the prehistoric Avengers have the upper hand.


Suddenly, the prehistoric bounty hunter teleported straight to Odin and Phoenix. Apparently, prehistoric bounty hunters sensed this feeling too.

Su Zicheng just came in front of them. Suddenly the world became dark again, and in the night sky, only the silver arc of Odin, the orange-red Phoenix force of Phoenix, and the magic colors of Ghost Rider and Agamotto in the distance remained.


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