Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 391 Don't Be Rampant

Chapter 391

Moreover, Su Zicheng not only couldn't understand this magic circle, he couldn't even feel a trace of energy fluctuations. You must know that Su Zicheng has practiced a lot of magic circles from the hunter system.

After watching the sealing magic circle rise, he quickly flew over the head of the god group.

As soon as it reached the top of the Tianshen group, the magic circle expanded and extended in an instant, forming a giant net, a golden circular giant net covered with lines and ravines.

After the giant net expanded to a certain extent, it fell directly. Immediately, like a big mountain, the body of the Tianshen group was covered with a bang.

However, this giant net doesn't seem to be very strong, because the head has been connected to the body of the gods, and they are constantly struggling. This giant net is also precarious and feels like it will be broken at any time.

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"Stop going crazy!"

Looking at the prehistoric self, after returning the trident to the hunter space, he also crossed his legs in the sky above the god group, and kept changing gestures in his hands.

Moreover, with the change of gestures, Su Zicheng found that there seemed to be something flying from himself to the Tianshen group. Nothing else, it is the star core that contains the power of the universe. There are even three tenth-level star cores. This made Su Zicheng's jaw drop even more.

The tenth-level star core is lost as soon as it is said, it seems that I was really a local tyrant before. From this it can also be explained that with the dragon trident in Su Zicheng's hands now, oh no, even the curse poison on the trident in his hands in this era can't restrain the Self-healing Ability of a boss of this level in the Celestial Group.

Originally, Su Zicheng was still thinking that curse poison could suppress the keel, so why couldn't it suppress the Celestial Group? Thinking about it now, he made another low-level mistake. (Su Zicheng of At the moment did not see prehistoric bounty hunters using curse poison. This is just his own speculation. The specific situation will be revealed later.)

The star cores that flew out, like well-trained soldiers, were inlaid into the four sides of Agamotto's magic circle.

"It seems to be a formation eye `"?"

"Use life to draw a magic circle, use star core as energy source,"

"A magic circle actually needs so many star cores,"

"How powerful is this sealing magic circle, even the tenth-level star core is used,"

"Sure enough, it's a big deal, worthy of the Sorcerer Supreme."

Su Zicheng also saw this scene. Even if he was as proud as him, At the moment couldn't help admiring the cooperation of these two people, which was perfect and complemented each other.

When the star core was constantly embedded in the magic circle, the celestial group on the ground became much more honest, and the magic circle went a step further, directly covering his entire body, covering him just now, but this time wrapping him up like a mummy.

Along with the falling of the star cores, Su Zicheng counted them on purpose. In the blink of an eye, the prehistoric bounty hunter (Wang Qian's) threw no less than three tenth-level star cores, and they happened to be distributed in the Tianshen group. head, abdomen, and calves. As for the star cores of other levels, there are countless, Su Zicheng, who was dazzled, didn't even see Xia Ribo throwing them out.

With the bodies of the gods group motionless, the battle can be considered to have come to an end. Although Su Zicheng didn't know the significance of his time travel, but in the end, he still gained something. .

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