Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 404 Origin Of Prehistoric Bounty Hunters

Chapter 404 Origin of Prehistoric Bounty Hunter

That, let him treat Wakanda Su Zicheng well too.

Just, be careful Wade Winston Wilson What does this mean, Wade Winston Wilson Su Zicheng knows, that is, little cheap.

Think about it, the last time we met, if you didn’t have a blind eye, it seemed to be the time of “May 10” when the non-civil service team led by Captain America fought against the civil service team led by Iron Man

At that time, Xiao Jianjian was drawing little Spider-Man with a drawing board, and at the same time Su Zicheng saw him, the guy jumped down from the upstairs directly when he looked at him.

What's even more strange is that when Su Zicheng rushed over, Xiao Jianjian's body disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

Moreover, Su Zicheng had killed him once before. But why would a prehistoric bounty hunter have to tell himself to be careful of such an inconspicuous little character before he died. Could it be that the little bitch can turn the world upside down and become a big boss?

However, since the prehistoric bounty hunter said this to Su Zicheng before he died, there should be some truth to it, and when we meet him in the future, just be careful.


"you're awake."

Just as Su Zicheng took a breath and stood up, the mysterious voice under the Vibranium meteorite sounded again, err, it wasn't a mysterious voice, it should be the voice of Black Panther. Because Su Zicheng can still hear it. Because I heard it just now, even after millions of years

"Yes, senior."

Su Zicheng is also willing to cry out to someone who can make a prehistoric bounty hunter desperate for revenge after so many experiences.

"How? What did you dream about?"

I don't know if it has been sleeping here for so many centuries, this prehistoric Black Panther is too lonely, and I can't wait to pull Su Zicheng to chat.

"Ah, a dream of ten thousand years, I saw you when you were young?"

Su Zicheng didn't hide anything, he told the truth. The same people who make prehistoric bounty hunters trust, definitely deserve Su Zicheng's trust too.

"Oh, interesting,"

"It seems that you have seen that person too?"

"Yeah, it's so handsome to look so desperate for you!"

"Fart, obviously stupid, incredibly stupid,"

"For my broken body to fight against the gods, isn't that going to die? Hmph..."

For some reason, when Su Zicheng mentioned this matter, the prehistoric Black Panther's emotions seemed to suddenly become intense.

"Haha, but, he still killed the Celestial Group that killed you,"

"I don't think it's stupid to fight against the five gods with one's own strength. On the contrary, it's very handsome, and extremely handsome."

"What group of five gods,"

"I am ashamed to be old..."

"Mr. Hunter, you shouldn't, woo woo woo..."

When Su Zicheng described the prehistoric bounty hunter fighting against five gods, Black Panther actually cried. Who would have thought that a soul that has survived for millions of years, no, is just a broken energy 0.2 crystal , Under Su Zicheng's few words, he started to cry regardless of his dignity. One can imagine how worthwhile all this prehistoric bounty hunters did.

It can also be imagined that for so many centuries, the prehistoric Black Panther must have spent every day in self-blame. For that person, the prehistoric Black Panther felt that the most correct thing he did in his generation was to follow the right person. .

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