Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 406: The Story Of The Prehistoric Black Panther

Chapter 406 The Prehistoric Black Panther Story

"Actually, it's better to say that it's Mister Hunter's country than I established it."

"Just like that, I don't know how many years I lived,"

"In his presence, he also formed the Avengers, the ones you see,

"During this period, Mr. Hunter often disappeared from time to time, and I don't know where he went,"

"That is one day,"

"He found me and said to me seriously,"

"In the future, there will be a huge and extremely advanced country here,"

"And under this meteorite, there will be a boy exactly like him who will come to me,

"He asked me to wait here for you,"

"I didn't expect to wait for such a long time,"

"Even this remaining energy is almost gone,"

"A few years ago, I was still thinking that if you came a few days later, I am afraid that the old man will break his promise." 々.

So far, the story of the prehistoric Black Panther has been told. Su Zicheng, who had listened carefully, was also lost in thought. Sometimes Su Zicheng would be disgusted with such long-winded stories, but now Su Zicheng is really like a student, not only listening carefully, but also thinking about it.

That's right, it's just such a bounty hunter who doesn't even want to say a word of nonsense when killing people, a bounty hunter who doesn't blink when he cheats people, a ruthless and ruthless bounty hunter, who is acting like a student at the moment …

First, as the prehistoric Black Panther said. A prehistoric bounty hunter helped Black Panther build Wakanda because of Black Panther's kindness to him. Although Black Panther mentioned it in a few words, it is not difficult for Su Zicheng to imagine how many people would oppose the prehistoric Black Panther leading such a stranger into the tribe due to the feudal superstition at that time.

Although the prehistoric Black Panther didn't explain it, Su Zicheng could imagine the sadness in it with his toes. It was said that they were expelled from the tribe, but being expelled from the tribe at that time was no different from an abandoned three-year-old child, and he was also a child who took care of the wounded. The danger in it is self-evident. Not to mention daily food, just survival is a problem.

At this time, Su Zicheng understood that the prehistoric bounty hunter would call him senior, and told himself to treat Wakanda well before he died. Because the prehistoric Black Panther is his gift of reinvention.

Also, from the details, the fire rain should be a meteor shower, and the fireball is naturally this Vibranium meteorite.

However, why was the prehistoric bounty hunter dying and dying? Could it be that someone was chasing him? Then who was it that directly brought a Vibranium meteorite to the earth. Is it the god group?

Is it the Celestial Group? It seems that when the first Celestial Group came, the prehistoric bounty hunters knew it in advance. However, since they knew in advance that Su Zicheng would come here, they specially asked the prehistoric Black Panther to wait for him here, and let him see all of this.

But the universe is so big, Su Zicheng still doesn't understand how the Tianshen group can run to the earth smoothly.

"Senior, does he have anything else he wants you to tell me?"

Although this story is very touching, it seems to be useless to Su Zicheng.

"Words? What words?"

"No more, that's all, he just said let me wait for one person," he said.

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