Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 412 Metal Key Fragments Combined Into One

Chapter 412 The metal key fragment combined into one

It was as if there was a big hand holding Su Zicheng in the invisible, preventing him from leaving, and letting him move forward in a certain direction.

For a moment, Su Zicheng suddenly became alert. After experiencing so much today, Su Zicheng can't believe whether this guiding power is good for him, or if this is a deception to lure people into a trap.

However, Su Zicheng struggled a few times in his heart. In the end, curiosity overcame his vigilance. Anyway, there was a hunter space, and he couldn't die. He was afraid of a woolen thread. this trip

Isn't Su Zicheng here to find the answer? If 523 gets scared because of this, don't mess around in the future. f

Carrying the burden, Su Zicheng cautiously followed the force and slowly approached the source.

In fact, just now Su Zicheng was still thinking that when he came to Wakanda, this force had appeared before, guiding him all the way to the outside of the metal mountain covered with Vibranium meteorites.

This feeling didn't disappear until Su Zicheng landed under the circular magic circle, that is, at the altar.

Su Zicheng also thought that it was the prehistoric Black Panther, or some kind of energy left on the altar (a GBi), that was guiding him. After seeing his prehistoric self, Su Zicheng also confirmed this idea.

However, now this force has appeared again. That means, there must be something blocking this force. After thinking about it, Su Zicheng finally had only one answer, that is, the circular magic circle was blocking this force, preventing him from attracting Su Zicheng. Similarly, in this Vibranium meteorite, there must be something or information that Su Zicheng wanted, and it is something that prehistoric bounty hunters have never obtained. Otherwise, the circular magic circle would not be able to isolate the two.

When Su Zicheng came to a small hole again, Su Zicheng stopped. It wasn't because they flinched, but because the hole was sealed.

The entrance of this cave is in the innermost part of the mining site. If you don't look carefully, you can't really find it, because the entrance of the cave is only half a person's height. If Su Zicheng wants to go in, he probably has to bend his body to get in. It seems that the workers who mined Vibranium in Wakanda in the past accidentally discovered this cave, and it is a natural cave. Then, maybe for some reason, maybe a dead person was inside, or maybe some supernatural event [finally decided to let them seal the hole permanently.

Su Zicheng carefully pulled out the baffle plate fixed on the stone wall, and then tore off the isolation belt, and then managed to get in.

Not to mention the space inside, it’s quite big, probably the same as an ordinary room, with a file size of 20 to 30 square meters, that is, a space that can accommodate about ten people. Because the entry hole is too small, the space inside is in a dark environment. However, under Hawkeye, these negative effects are completely negligible.

However, Su Zicheng looked around, and found nothing inside, and found nothing. Not to mention the mysterious things, I didn't even see a Deadman Su Zicheng. If it wasn't for the extra large Vibranium raw materials on the wall next to it, Su Zicheng would have thought he had returned home. (Feeling of nothing but nothing...).

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