Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 441 Special Channel

Chapter 441 Special Channel

While listening, Su Zicheng continued to extend them to this topic. Anyway, he was idle, so he simply teased little Spider-Man.

"Well, Sue, you have a point,"

"Alien weapons are not so easy to get,

"They must have some kind of special channel,"

"Don't eat, Ned, we have to go.

"Oh oh oh, good."

Before leaving, the little fat man did not forget to take a turkey.

Looking at the two people who said to leave, Su Zicheng also looked confused, and continued to extend the topic after agreeing, and left as soon as he said...

It seems that little Spider-Man can't hold back his temper, and wants to investigate the dark forces behind it as soon as possible. That's right, little Spider-Man should have been itching for such a trivial matter these days. Finally, there was such a clue, and after Su Zicheng dialed it, he immediately pursued it.

However, although little Spider-Man didn't say anything, Su Zicheng seemed to have some impression of this man. It's not because Su Zicheng is supernatural and knows astronomy and geography, but because Su Zicheng originally is a bug, and it is only for the bug in the Marvel world. After all, Su Zicheng can know the plot of Marvel in advance.

In other words, Su Zicheng knows who this arms dealer is, that is, the guy who sells alien weapons.

If I guessed correctly, it was a guy named Uncle Bird, definitely, this was just his nickname, as for the name, Su Zicheng couldn't remember either.

Uncle Bird, in fact, he was originally a decent company. Keep the company running by cleaning up Avengers every time, or the mess after a certain superhero battle

But the good times didn't last long, because Tony's Stark Industry robbed them of their jobs and took over their jobs, so these people could only be forced to lay off. After all, you can do whatever you want with money.

Uncle Piao, who was laid off, led their team and chose to roll up their sleeves and work harder to continue their business. Use the returned alien wreckage to make weapons, and then sell them through Uncle Psy's packaging and illegal channels.

As for why Uncle Psy is called Uncle Psy, it is because he has his own metal battle suit similar to the wings of a roc, definitely the kind that can fly, and it is also because of this battle suit that he can continue to plunder Alien material. Realize the circular operation of the enterprise.

Su Zicheng smiled wryly when he thought of this Uncle Bird who only had his own armor that looked like scraps of iron. It's another stinky salty fish, my little one, this kind of role is only interested in superheroes like little Spider-Man who spend farts at home every day. As far as Uncle Psy is concerned, it is estimated that S.H.I.E.L.D can send out any agent to solve it.

Continue to eat some, and with the help of little Spider-Man, especially the wind and clouds, the table is finally consumed.

Wiping his mouth, Su Zicheng teleported directly back to (Wang Zhao) villa area. People, they always feel too lazy to act after they are full. Even Su Zicheng is no exception.

However, fortunately, Su Zicheng did not lie down on the bed to rest immediately after returning home. Instead, he came to the backyard, blew the wind for a while, and unknowingly used some magic. it seems

Before going to bed, Su Zicheng still wants to familiarize himself with the skills he just bought.

With Su Zicheng playing to the fullest, in the darkness, the backyard of this villa radiated colorful colors again. .

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