Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 443 Finding My Secret

Chapter 443 Finding My Secret

However, the arrogance of the Tenjin group is also their fatal reason. It is also because of this that prehistoric bounty hunters were able to grab their hearts and kill them.

Now, Su Zicheng's physique has reached 450 points, three-quarters of the god-level physique. Putting on the hunter suit and using the indestructible body when necessary, Su Zicheng is confident that he can also be strong to a certain extent.

Although it can't compare to the prehistoric bounty hunters, nor can it compare to the god group, but at least it should have half the physique of Odin in his peak period.

However, Su Zicheng knows that in this dangerous universe, it is impossible to make a living with such a body, let alone how to collect information and find his own secrets.

Many factors have led to Su Zicheng's crazily cultivating magic, and copying a lot of magic.

This is why Su Zicheng actually forgot to upgrade his physique when he was shopping last time. Instead, he chose to spend a lot of money to buy skills and practice magic. All the star cores were thrown out. If it was done in the past, Su Zicheng would definitely not have done it~.

In any case, Su Zicheng would copy any rare magic he encountered now, no matter how dangerous the situation he was in, Su Zicheng would give up even against a powerful enemy like Dormammu. This can be seen from the circular magic-array in the Wakanda Vibranium crater.

"It seems that if there is an opportunity in the future, it is very necessary to look for a tongue."

Apparently, Su Zicheng was not very satisfied with the magic he possessed, and actually wanted to copy some more powerful magic.

That's right, most of the magic that Su Zicheng has mastered are ordinary and low-level magic. Even if it is some relatively powerful ones, it is just a small fight. If you really want to deal with characters like Dormammu and the Celestial Group, you must use other magic from Level Universe.

However, the other Level Universe magics mastered by Su Zicheng either require a lot of mental energy, making it impossible for Su Zicheng to last for too long, such as teleportation is a good example.

0......seeking flowers......

Now, the range of Su Zicheng's teleportation can almost cover the entire earth, but it is still very difficult for Su Zicheng to teleport the entire earth instantly, if nothing else, the mental power is not enough for him to do so.

There is still time to stand still, with Su Zicheng's current mental power, he can only release the file size of a small village.

Some people may say, why not buy some products that enhance mental power? That is because even Su Zicheng has more powerful mental power than now, and it is several times more. However, against the god group, Su Zicheng does not hide In the hunter space, there is still nothing to do but to catch him without a fight.

Not only is there a lack of mental power, Su Zicheng also has a limit on the number of uses of these Level Universe magics.

The arbitrary transformation of cosmic skills is also a good example. The number of times each Angel can be used is not only limited, but even the time must be controlled within one or two hours. very uncomfortable

However, the solution to all this is not without righteousness. .

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