Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 447 Missteps And Drowning

Chapter 447

As soon as he raised his hand, another cobweb was directly stuck to the pulley of the plane. Just like that, little Spider-Man flew away with Uncle Psy and the others.

little Spider-Man is also stubborn, and he will not give up until he catches them. After all, he can't lose face in front of Tony. Now it's not as simple as selling alien weapons, but rising to the level of little Spider-Man's personal dignity.

That being said, little Spider-Man seems to be playing a hero too, trying to save face and suffer. No, Su Zicheng, who had been following behind, hadn't flown very far when he saw that for some reason, the cobweb in little Spider-Man's hand suddenly broke, and immediately after, little Spider-Man's body also fell. down.


Fortunately, the plane just flew to 210 above the big river next to Queens. This river is connected to the Pacific Ocean, so the river is deep enough and wide enough. The body of little Spider-Man also happened to fall into this river with a plop. However, little Spider-Man's body seems to have not recovered from the electric shock at this moment, if Su Zicheng does not care about it, the river water may drown little Spider-Man. At that time, when the body of little Spider-Man surfaced in the river, the headlines of tomorrow's news will also be that a generation of super hero Spider-man will be drowned first......

Seeing that little Spider-Man was already in danger, and thinking that it was his first client after all, Su Zicheng just wanted to go down to save people. There was only a whoosh, and something came over.

I didn't expect it to be Tony's mark armor. Seeing this, the armor didn't hesitate, and went straight into the river to fish out the little Spider-Man.

"Well, uh,

"Mr. Stark, you know, I can actually do this by myself,"

"It's just that things are a little more troublesome than I imagined,"

"But don't worry, I'm sure I'll catch the gang."

little Spider-Man seemed to be afraid of being underestimated by Tony, so he hurriedly made a show of his determination.

"Don't worry about this matter,"

"Ah, no no no, trust me, Mr. Stark,"

"Repay, repay, for me,"

"I also trouble you to come here yourself."

Seeing Tony again (agdf), the little Spider-Man couldn't speak with excitement.

However, Su Zicheng, who already knew everything, saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart.

"Well, actually,"


"not here......"

After speaking, the mask of Mark's armor was opened, and sure enough, it was empty inside. This time, this operation stunned little Spider-Man. He looked at the empty Mark armor with a dazed expression. I'm afraid he never imagined that Tony's AI technology is so powerful, he can control the armor to save himself from a distance of 100,000 miles, and he can also talk to himself.

As for Tony, he is indeed far away now, because he is in India at the moment, while on vacation, preparing for the wedding, and now he is praying in ten temples in India.

Next, it was also Tony's warning to little Spider-Man, don't meddle in anything, and be a good urban management with peace of mind, chasing criminals like Uncle Psy, naturally there will be more powerful people to deal with it.

After Tony finished speaking earnestly, Mark closed his mask, turned on the engine and flew away. Only little Spider-Man is left messy in the wind.

As for the bunch that Tony said just now, little Spider-Man didn't listen to a word at all, and was still immersed in why Tony could send an armor to save him.


"Oh oh oh, Mr. Hunter," he said.

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