Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 453 Something Big Has Happened

Chapter 453 Something Big Has Happened

"Peter Peter, don't sleep,"

"Peter get out of bed,"

"Something has happened."

"Ah, what, what's the matter."

Looking at the little Spider-Man who was tinkering with the computer, rubbing his sleepy eyes, he asked with a yawn.

"Look, 1"

Ned didn't say much, and turned the computer directly to let little Spider-Man see it more clearly.

At this moment, the computer in Ned's hand is still connected to the purple energy device that Su Zicheng gave little Spider-Man. Presumably, Ned has cracked something again~.

The little Spider-Man seemed to have noticed it too, and immediately sat up startled, his little face leaning directly on the computer screen to look at -.

"It's the same gang that sells alien weapons,"

Maybe it was because he was afraid that little Spider-Man would sleep in a daze, and what he saw was not real, and because he was the kind of mouth that couldn't be shut up, Ned couldn't help but explain the situation in the end.

"Looks like what you knocked out yesterday was just a small branch of theirs,"

"Tomorrow they have another big move,"

"And there may be boss-level characters appearing,"

"Not only that, but the amount of the transaction is astonishingly large,"

"More importantly, they were trading on a cruise ship on the Mississippi River,"

"It's close to us."

"Peter, oh no, Spider-man,

"It's time to catch up."

"That's right, this time I will definitely be able to stand tall in front of Mr. Tony,"

"This time, he must have admired me very much,"

"Oh, by the way, Ned, you need to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"look at this"

"Hey, is this your new battle suit, it's too cool, 11

"Oh oh oh, what material is this made of, cool,"

"Is this a tracker?"

"Oh Schett, this must be what you spin,"

"Oh oh oh oh, this device, this device I'm familiar with,"

"I seem to have seen it at the press conference of Stark Industries,

"This is a new class of nanoscale molecular composites,"

"Right, right Peter,"

"Oh Shet, that's so cool,"

"If I were you, I would wear a suit every day,"

"Love it to death."

Somehow, little Spider-Man seems to have taken out the new battle suit Tony gave him. Needless to say, Ned, who has always admired Spider-man, was very excited when he saw this armor roaring and screaming. I almost didn't hold a kiss.

0...... Ask for flowers......

"okokok, okay Ned,"

"Quickly shut up your saliva,"

"This is a special gift from Mr. Tony for my good behavior,

"Don't make any wrong ideas,"


"If I hadn't asked for your help, I wouldn't have taken it out.


"Tell me Peter, if there is anything I can do for you, I will be happy to help you,"

"As long as you let me touch this dress, how about it."

When Ned heard that Spider-man also needed his help, he quickly stood up, slapped his chest, and said indignantly. However, when talking about little Spider-Man's new battle suit, his tone suddenly became humble again. That's right, not to mention Ned, even Su Zicheng is very curious about this outfit.

"It's nothing difficult,"

"Your strong point,"

"You know, Mr. Tony, in order to prevent me from acting without authorization,"

"That's why I specially sent Happy to spy on me,"

"So, there must be Mr. Tony's monitoring device inside this suit, soil."

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