Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 460 It's Really A Pity

Chapter 460 It's Really a Pity

Needless to say, the energy contained in the alien weapon, a small device can produce such a large-scale explosion, let alone this is a specially modified weapon.

The huge amounts of extraterrestrial energy, like a balloon filled with fine sand and popped, shot out crazily. Every trace of energy cuts everything around like a laser.

In an instant, the entire cruise ship was cut in half from the middle. Think about it, even the cruise ship was cut in half, not to mention the people inside, all panicked to death, fleeing in all directions. But this is the sea, where should they escape? (I guess Uncle Psy is also interested in this point, in order to prevent little Spider-Man from escaping, he is far away on the 06 round, alas, it is a pity that he has deceived others..... ...

"Oh, it's really a pity,"

"This is really going to be the Titan Nick,"

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk..."

In the sky, in a dark place, Su Zicheng, who was watching this scene, said gloatingly. I told little Spider-Man to spend money to hire him, but I didn't want to. Now it's all right, it's a catastrophe. I still want to show my performance in front of Tony, so it's fine if I don't get scolded.

Looking at Uncle Psy, the alien weapon directly cut the cruise ship in half. If the responsibility falls to an individual, Uncle Psy will have to pay Dafa. Therefore, I hurriedly tore off the cobweb on the wings, scooped up my teammates and flew away without a trace.

On the other hand, little Spider-Man, who had never seen such a big scene before, was frightened and frightened while spinning and swinging back and forth, trying to stitch the two halves of the cruise ship together.

"no, nononononb..."


"Come over here, but

"You, you, and you..."

For a while, I only heard little Spider-Man chattering non-stop, and at the same time, the cobweb in his hand was also flying non-stop.

However, no matter what little Spider-Man can do to remedy it, the cobweb is still a cobweb. No matter how tough it is, it is impossible to stitch the entire cruise ship together. After all, this cruise ship must be at least hundreds of thousands of tons. Although the current strength of little Spider-Man can easily pull down a speeding bus, but compared with the cruise ship, the bus "doesn't seem a bit dwarfed"


"Hey hey hey, don't get excited,

"Do you need help this time?"

Su Zicheng also saw the right time at this time, and when little Spider-Man was overwhelmed with grief, he launched another wave of self-promotion.

"Oh, Mr. Hunter,"

"Oh Shet, thank goodness you showed up at last,

"Quick, help me, Mr. Hunter,"

"I can't do it alone."

Hearing this familiar voice again, little Spider-Man might feel like crying. Weeping and jumping, he ran to Su Zicheng. begged.

"Hey, 167, don't get close at this time,"

"This is your own responsibility,"

"It's none of my business,"

"I have no obligation to help you..."


"Stop talking, Mister Hunter, hurry up and shoot,


"The cruise ship is sinking..."

Little Spider-Man's final voice was about to bring out tears, and it could be seen how flustered he was at the moment.

"No hurry, no hurry,"

"Aren't you out of money?"

Su Zicheng continued to joke.


"This is the private money I secretly saved when I went shopping behind Aunt Mei's back."

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