Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 462 Ant-Man Is So Happy

Chapter 462 Ant-Man is so happy

That's right, it is Su Zicheng. In an instant, Su Zicheng's body suddenly became bigger, taller than the mountain, and his legs were like needles that stabilized the sea, and they went straight into the sea, and only the lower legs were submerged. Isn't this move the arbitrary transformation of the cosmic skills that Su Zicheng just learned?

At this moment, not to mention the passengers on the cruise ship, even little Spider-Man dropped his jaw in shock, stared at Su Zicheng intently with his eyes wide open. It's a pity that the word 'fuck' is not popular in the United States, otherwise little Spider-Man must have a series of crap to express his mood at the moment.

"Oh, beef batch,"

"Is this what it feels like to be big?"

"Ant-Man is so happy."

I saw that Su Zicheng seemed to feel that 170 has become a bit too big, maybe he just learned it and hasn't mastered the essence yet. Immediately afterwards, Su Zicheng's body gradually became smaller, and finally stopped when he was about 10 to 20 meters higher than the cruise ship. Then, Su Zicheng was also casual, holding both hands together, and merged the cruise ship that had been cut in half so easily. After all, at this moment, for Su Zicheng, the file size of the cruise ship is just a bigger toy in his eyes.

However, just holding it with both hands is not a problem. Because Su Zicheng can't afford to make the cruise ship merge into one (agfc) and let it automatically return to its original state. You can’t put it in the hunter’s space in front of little Spider-Man, and it’s not that you can’t let little Spider-Man see it. The main reason is to put it in the hunter’s space, don’t you have to find a place to put it down? Su Zicheng didn’t want to make a fuss. some trouble. Because, his rescuers came.

whoosh whoosh...

whoosh whoosh...

whoosh whoosh...

The next moment, a series of small propellers flew over from nowhere in the sky. One by one, swishing like locusts, they spread out their octopus-like tentacles, each attached to the cracked outer hull of the cruise ship. Then, the engine of the flight at the rear was directly pushed to the maximum, ejecting huge amounts of energy, and the two halves of the cruise ship were squeezed together again.

It's not over yet. In the direction Su Zicheng was looking at just now, a figure flew over at this moment. Red and yellow armor, Ark engine, who else would it be if it wasn't Tony.

Because of the very moment, Tony is not long-winded. The mechanical arm was crackling and shapeshifting, and it turned into two things like laser nozzles. Then it sprayed wildly at the gap opened by the cruise ship. Unexpectedly, this nozzle is still a welding machine. In less than an hour, the whole cruise ship was miraculously welded together.

Sure enough, Uncle Ni will always be Uncle Ni. Therefore, life experience once again emphasizes that things that are sewn together are still not as strong as welded. Which company has the best electric welding technology, the United States Stark asked Tony.

All the 'fathers' who watched little Spider-Man came. Anyway, Su Zicheng's goal has been achieved. So, transform the body again and return to normal File size. Without waiting for Tony to come over and say thanks. Direct teleportation disappeared in place.

As for why Tony came, it must be the reason that Harpy has been reporting. There is also little Spider-Man, who should be beaten by Tony.

The sun was setting, and on a tall building in Washington, little Spider-Man was also wearing a gorgeous battle suit, sitting on the edge of the guardrail with his legs drooping.

It's just that, from little Spider-Man's depressed expression, it can be seen that he is not very happy at the moment.

And next to little Spider-Man, there is also a person standing, oh no, it is armor. .

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