Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 470 Seventy-Two Changes

Chapter 470 Seventy-two Changes

It was all right, Su Zicheng simply went to the backyard to become a flower farmer, saying that the flower farmer was just watering the heart-shaped grass. Because the number of these heart-shaped grasses is too small, and they are still in a state of continuous growth, Su Zicheng is also embarrassed to try at this time to see if it is useful.

Finally, after strengthening the energy shield, Su Zicheng became familiar with the skills and magic he had mastered. Especially the arbitrary transformation of cosmic skills.

The last time 06 almost made a joke at little Spider-Man, if it weren't for such an unskilled transformation skill, he would have missed it.

However, because the arbitrary transformation of cosmic skills requires a lot of mental power, Su Zicheng generally does not use them easily. I just have nothing to do today, just get acquainted with it, so as not to be able to control the desired File size last time.

Not only the arbitrary transformation of cosmic skills, but also the advanced version of the function, that is, the function similar to the seventy-two changes. Su Zicheng also tried it.

Su Zicheng keeps changing his body, turning into a small stone for a while, turning into a trash can for a while, and turning into a small dragonfly flying into the flowers for a while. Under this happy change, Su Zicheng can be regarded as the end of a boring day .

In the evening, Su Zicheng thought hard and finally made up his mind and decided what to do tomorrow.

It was early in the morning the next day, and today Su Zicheng couldn't sleep until noon. Because today he is serious

After reading today's morning news, washing up, and eating, Su Zicheng took out the hunter suit from the hunter space and put it on again. In an instant around the hood, Su Zicheng's body also disappeared into the villa.

At the junction of Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Bucky Stan and other countries, there is such a mysterious mountain range, which is covered with ice and snow all the year round. It was established tens of thousands of years ago, and it may be longer, but there is a hidden A force unique in the world. magic power.

That's right, this is the Himalayas, there is such an ordinary village near such a mysterious mountain range. Its name is Kamar-Taj, a holy place for monks here, a paradise of magic. Definitely, it is only a paradise for people who have learned magic. For some ordinary people, Kamar-Taj is still that poor little village.

At this moment, Su Zicheng's body was quietly falling on this land.

However, before Su Zicheng used his mental strength to investigate this somewhat backward village, before Su Zicheng knew about Kamar-Taj and Ancient One, he suddenly felt a voice, a mysterious force 460, coming from his head.

Looking at Su Zicheng, he had just landed on this land and hadn't taken two steps. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth rose slightly evilly, and his body disappeared in place again.

The next moment, on a certain peak of the Himalayas in the distance, there was heavy snowfall, and the thick layer of snow covered the entire peak. The weather here is cold and biting, as if to freeze human blood into ice.

And in this howling cold wind, there is such a touch of yellow standing in it, like a yellow plum rooted here, blooming proudly. That's right, this person is Ancient One. It is also the only Sorcerer Supreme that exists on Earth. That yellow is also her signature yellow cape. It can also be said to be a cloak. .

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