Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 490 You Are Not A Bounty Hunter

Chapter 490 You Are Not a Bounty Hunter

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...

"you you you......"

"Why would you dark matter energy,

"You're not a bounty hunter,"

"Huh? No..."

"What exactly is going on!!!"

When the Dormammu ray hit the metal monster, it couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing that half of its arm was broken down by the Dormammu ray, the metal monster quickly shook its body. The chains that bound it rattled.

"Dark matter energy?"

"It seems that you also have weaknesses,"

"Aren't you a monster in the dark world?"

clatter clatter


Unexpectedly, just now when Su Zicheng hurt it, he was not in a hurry, but was irritated by Su Zicheng's words. Maybe it was stimulated by Su Zicheng's words. When Su Zicheng said that it was a monster of the dark world, he seemed to have stepped on its tail, roared, and suddenly became angry.


On the other hand, Su Zicheng, being yelled at by it, couldn't control it, a mouthful of boiling blood trickled down the corner of his mouth.

Obediently, the strength of this metal monster is actually so strong. And it took hundreds of millions of years, plus the reason why he was imprisoned in place by the chain. If this is the peak period, it must not be at the level of the Tianshen group, and Dormammu probably looks like this.


"Send you to heaven!"

However, Zaiqiang is a trapped beast that is still fighting, and being restrained, it can only be beaten passively.

Su Zicheng's eyes, which had turned completely red, stared at it coldly like a bloodthirsty Beast. He opened his mouth, and the Dormammu rays struck out again, and not one single shot, but bursts of shots. In an instant, one after another shot from the All directions surrounded the metal monster in a straight line.

Boom boom boom......

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom boom...

"Cuckoo cluck...  

"Didn't expect even this universe,"

"And the remnants of your party,"

"Are you the hope they say?"

"Ahhh, I'm in so much pain, so much pain!!!"

"Curse your hunter family to die!!!"

With the hit of several Dormammu rays, Su Zicheng could also feel the pain in its heart. But Su Zicheng didn't have the slightest sympathy. Then he changed into a strange posture. As if to cast some magic.

Sure enough, in the next second, a golden magic circle appeared in front of Su Zicheng. Moreover, the magic circle is expanding rapidly, becoming as big as a wall in the blink of an eye.

I saw this large magic circle suddenly shattered like a mirror, and then shot at the metal monster at high speed.

This 370 strokes was learned by Su Zicheng secretly in Kamar-Taj. You can tell by looking at the power, it definitely belongs to high level magic, and it is not the ordinary kind.

As Ancient One said, since her magic originates from dark matter, what Su Zicheng uses is also a kind of dark matter.

Therefore, when the metal monster saw the shards of the mirror, it trembled crazily, and its original complete body was about to disintegrate.

As for why Su Zicheng was able to replicate this magic so quickly. In fact, Su Zicheng was also a little surprised at the time. But just now when the metal monster said how Su Zicheng possessed dark matter energy, Su Zicheng finally understood. .

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