Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 492 The More You Think About It, The More Chaotic

Chapter 492

Then why is this metal monster imprisoned here? Could it be that the dark space is somewhere in the dark world, or why Su Zicheng's body would repel it, or is it that the originally good space was polluted by the metal monster.

In this way, this clean and white place was left by the former hunter family. As for why they were all destroyed, was this metal monster acting as an undercover agent here and tipping off the dark world, which led to the destruction of Su Zicheng's entire family?

No, it's also possible that this metal monster was once a member of the Hunter family, and because of something, it betrayed it.

And Ancient One, Karoo, how did they get that mass of dark matter, is it a coincidence? Or someone from 823 deliberately let them see, discover and master it. Su Zicheng always feels that this is another huge amounts of conspiracy, and the era that Ancient One said will come eventually, did he also predict something. Now Su Zicheng is increasingly aware that a storm is coming, and it is not as simple as Ancient One said, and it seems that the center of this storm is Su Zicheng.

For some reason, the more Su Zicheng thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. All the thoughts were entangled together, so that Su Zicheng couldn't tell them apart at all.

Also, does it still refer to this universe? Although Su Zicheng knows (a GBb) that the Marvel universe is originally a multi-universe, so Su Zicheng’s family is in another universe, Su Zicheng is not surprised.

And, the metal monster said that Su Zicheng is what kind of hope, Ancient One also concluded that he will shine in the dark age in the future, is this implying something again.

Could it be that this is the secret that the prehistoric bounty hunters have been looking for all their lives? Not even a prehistoric bounty hunter as powerful as him can solve the real mystery. Even now that Su Zicheng has come into contact with so many things, I'm afraid it's just the tip of the iceberg among many mysteries, and he only sees a rough outline. It seems that this time, Su Zicheng has to shoulder this burden.

However, in such a powerful civilization, even an undercover agent, a traitor, has experienced the scouring of time and rivers, and still has such a strong strength, what about the leader of this civilization? What a powerful existence that is. There is also a dark world that destroys this civilization, which is even more unimaginable. I'm afraid everything is not as simple as Su Zicheng thought

Being able to find these should already be a lot of luck for Su Zicheng here. And how many secrets there are, and how big a conspiracy is hidden, Su Zicheng doesn't know. It's just that the veil is being lifted bit by bit by Su Zicheng, and I believe Su Zicheng will know everything in the near future.

Such a powerful family, such a powerful planetary universe, probably has reached the level of a creation god. Then, it is impossible for the five existing creation gods not to know their existence.

Therefore, if Su Zicheng wants to truly understand something deeper, he must improve his own strength. To reach the Level Universe as soon as possible, he is qualified to touch the secrets of that level.

"Okay, let's go,"

"At least know that I come from another universe,

"One's own enemy is the dark world,"

"That's enough, isn't it?"

"Next, as long as the strength is constantly improved."

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