Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 507 Potential Connection Between Dormammu And The Dark World

Chapter 507 Potential connection between Dormammu and the dark world

Wang was not surprised why Stephen Strange knew about Kaecilius, and that he stole the pages, but answered his question directly.

Following Wang's explanation, the miniature version of the earth model in mid-air was also constantly swallowed by Dormammu, and in the end, Su Zicheng's familiar big face appeared, as well as large chunks of dark matter energy condensed into mirrors.

In fact, just now Su Zicheng was wondering whether there is any connection between the Dark Age and the Dark World. Su Zicheng knew about the Dark Era mentioned by the king, and it is not difficult to understand that it is Dormammu's hometown, which is beyond doubt.

Dormammu is from the Dark Ages, and the metal gorilla-like monsters that Su Zicheng397 encountered before come from the Dark Space or Dark World. Although these two dark energies are not the same, they are also very similar.

Think about how Dormammu obtained such a powerful Ability.

Su Zicheng vaguely remembered that Dormammu first accidentally discovered the dark space and entered there, and then in order to become the master of the dark space and rule everything there, Dormammu abandoned his original body.

While giving up his physical body as a price, Dormammu also obtained extremely powerful dark power, his physical body was also replaced by terrible dark matter energy, and then began to conquer other dimensions.

Also, Dormammu seems to obtain pure mysterious energy through a certain dark dimension, and he can convert energy into body invisibility, change his own file size and shape, control various elements, Telepathy, teleportation and other super abilities. (That is, the other Abilities of Level Universe, almost all get seven.)

Even, as far as Su Zicheng knows, Dormammu can also create life and give other people powerful abilities. Just like his follower Kaecilius, however, this kind of relationship seems to be a host relationship, one prospers and the other prospers, and one loses all. Definitely, Dormammu can also directly kill the people it has endowed with abilities, that is, its little brothers.

A certain mysterious latitude? Drawing (agfe)? Discovering and entering a certain dark space, in connection with what Wang said just now, all these seem to explain something. Dormammu's life experience gradually surfaced.

Now, Su Zicheng has reason to believe that Dormammu's energy comes from his old enemy, that is, the dark world. The dark matter space where Dormammu is located is probably created by them, including the one under the throne.

Well, the purpose of doing all of this seems to be somewhat obvious, that is to conquer or take the Marvel universe as their own.

Definitely, all of this is Su Zicheng's rough speculation based on what he heard and experienced. This result still needs the test of time. Only when the truth comes out in the future can it be truly revealed.

And ah, the conclusion that Su Zicheng came up with also has its shortcomings, if you think about it carefully.

How to answer why the gorilla metal monster living in the dark space is afraid of Dormammu rays and the energy attack of dark matter. Also, if what the monster said at the time was true, why didn't my own family, that is, the hunter family, a high-level civilization, not kill it directly? "Kang Shizhong imprisoned it tenfold? It was for Su Zicheng Do you leave a mystery.......

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