Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 510 Black Demon Magician

Chapter 510 Black Demon Magician

To be honest, it is impossible to completely solve these problems, not to mention Su Zicheng, even if she forced Ancient One today, she would not be able to say one, two, three.

Then there might be another question. Since these problems cannot be solved by Su Zicheng and Ancient One, then why does Su Zicheng still stay here and look up so many materials honestly? Isn’t it a waste of time? Also, since it can’t be solved, why does Su Zicheng ask for help? Say you have the answer in your heart and have a way to deal with it?

The first 06, in fact, Su Zicheng had a bottom line on the third day after he came to Kamar-Taj. As for why you still stay here. That's because Su Zicheng wanted to know what happened to the white magic recorded in the Book of Cagliostro, and what happened to the time magic.

Most importantly, Ancient One called Su Zicheng before, saying that Su Zicheng's magic foundation is not solid. Powerful magic requires the addition of basic magic to comprehend it more thoroughly.

Therefore, these geniuses like Su Zicheng are immersed in the library of Ancient One and cannot extricate themselves. In addition to looking for opportunities to read the Book of Cagliostro, it is also to consolidate and deepen the basic magic. Definitely, watching others outside during the day is also one of the ways of practicing.

Second. This is why Su Zicheng said that he has the answer in his heart.

In fact, Su Zicheng really needs to thank one person. This person is not Ancient One, nor Stephen Strange, but that black magician.

Why him. This started with the sparring match between Stephen Strange and the black magician a few days ago. Because Stephen Strange had just come to Kamar-Taj Academy not long ago, not only magic, but also many things that he had never touched, so ah, Stephen Strange had many questions naturally. up. And when the black magician was fighting, he also solved many problems for Stephen Strange.

On that day, Su Zicheng was also drinking tea in the living room after studying hard all night, watching Stephen Strange and the black magician who were discussing outside.

At this moment, the black magician said a sentence, a sentence that was spoken inadvertently, but it was this sentence that Su Zicheng firmly remembered.

The black magician said that some magic is too powerful to maintain, we can only inject it into objects and let them bear the burden we cannot bear.

Powerful magic, magic weapon. This is the way Su Zicheng found, to find a way to solve the problem.

Although it is said that Su Zicheng is still unable to flexibly use the other magics of the Level Universe that he possesses like Ancient One and Jiali, without restrictions. But Su Zicheng can use other methods to achieve his goal. And this method 480 is to use magic tools.

When Stephen Strange was fighting, the black magician also said, when you are ready, your magic weapon will come to you by itself. And Stephen Strange asked. Where is my magic weapon? I feel like I'm ready. At this time, the black magician said, it's not that you feel ready, but it (magical instrument) feels that you are ready, and you are really ready.

So, Su Zicheng was thinking at this time, what was prepared or not prepared, messed up, anyway, he was not a professional magician, so why didn't Su Zicheng make a magic weapon of his own. .

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