Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 520 Useless

Chapter 520 Useless

At this time, some people may say, such a weak skill, it becomes larger and limits Ability, so why buy it at that time. Definitely, it doesn't mean that the arbitrary transformation of cosmic skills is useless.

After all, it is a Level Universe other skill, definitely it also has its shining points. Anyway, Scott didn't use this Ability very well. What's more, Su Zicheng's arbitrary transformation of the universe skill is not an artificial imitation, it is an out-and-out Level Universe special skill 06.

All in all, after Su Zicheng's continuous attempts, the file size of ten feet can not only greatly increase the attack power, but also the speed will not be weakened too much. It is the most suitable body type for fighting.

Not much to say, looking at Ancient One whose File size was already like a pet dog, Su Zicheng punched him without any hesitation.

It sounds long, but in fact all this happened in an instant. The magic shield was shattered, Su Zicheng used cosmic skills to change freely, his body became bigger, and he punched out. These are all coherent movements, done in one go, without any muddy water. So smooth that it feels like it happened in an instant,

With this punch, Su Zicheng still didn't retain his strength, it was a real blow. If before, Su Zicheng's full blow could penetrate a planet, (a planet smaller than the moon.) Then this blow after being enlarged can basically smash half of the moon.

Feeling the howling fist wind and the compressed air in front of Su Zicheng's fist, Ancient One had to get serious this time.

Before the fist arrived, the compressed air cannon in front had already attacked Ancient One.



Just when Su Zicheng thought that Ancient One was careless, and his own blow hit her, the real casserole-sized fist pierced Ancient One's body directly.

Because Su Zicheng used all his strength for this punch, he thought that Ancient One would use a stronger defense again, and Su Zicheng was ready to copy it, but he didn't expect to hit the air with one punch, so, the huge amounts of inertia made Su Zicheng's body couldn't stop staggering forward a few steps.

Although it was inertia, Su Zicheng adjusted his position quickly, but when Su Zicheng looked up at Ancient One, he was stunned.

One, two, ten, one hundred...

As soon as Su Zicheng raised his head, in front of him, the sky, the ground, and midair were all surrounded by the figure of Ancient One. Moreover, this time it is not the afterimage caused by the too fast speed of Ancient One, but the difficulty of duplication of Ancient One.

Su Zicheng is still familiar with this trick. Therefore, seeing Ancient One actually used this trick, the copy eyes in Su Zicheng's eyes turned even faster.

Copying back to copying, Su Zicheng didn't stop the movement of his hand, and aimed at the Ancient One closest to him, Su Zicheng directly punched 117 and swung it.

This time, Su Zicheng changed tactics. Although it was still a fist attack, but this time it swept across horizontally, transforming so many duplications, presumably Ancient One should not escape, it must be trying to kill more elephants with ants, and use numbers to suppress Su Zicheng's huge size .

Therefore, in the face of this tactic, Su Zicheng directly swept a large area by relying on his size advantage. Caught her off guard.

However, in the next second, the way Shi Yu responded was still beyond Su Zicheng's expectations.

I saw many duplications of Ancient One, (including Ancient One, mixed in it.).

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