Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 523 Parting?

Chapter 523 Parting Between Life and Death?

When it comes to learning magic, Stephen Strange can be said to have extraordinary ability, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius. But what about the bounty hunter? Stephen Strange is a genius, and the bounty hunter must be a ghost, a wizard, the best of all, uniquely blessed, born with the pride of heaven. "I still can't see through him," "This person is definitely not in the pool," "Maybe, the turning point is about to happen to him," "I hope God didn't make a mistake." For a moment, Ancient One's heart Like surging waves, ups and downs. And these are the truest thoughts in her heart. Swish... Helpless, Su Zicheng is about to use all the powerful magic he has learned in the past few days. Seeing that the attack that he has accumulated for so long has been neutralized by Ancient One, Su Zicheng A little discouraged, the body returned to the normal file size. Definitely, it wasn't that Su Zicheng gave up, but that Su Zicheng felt that his spiritual power was no longer enough to support the use of the arbitrary transformation of the cosmic skills, so he changed back. ...... Just like that, Su Zicheng and Ancient One both used pure magic, and they fought back and forth for countless rounds. You come up with a trick and I tear down a trick. You come and I hide. The fight between the two was exhilarating, and neither could do anything to the other. It may be that Ancient One hasn't met such a difficult opponent for a long time, and they just accompanied Su Zicheng to fight down. However, it also happens to be cheaper than Su Zicheng. In just this short period of time, Su Zicheng's harvest can definitely be described as a pot of body hexagrams. Except for some spells that were particularly difficult to analyze, Su Zicheng wondered if he had copied all the magic from Ancient One. …… "Okay," "Let's stop here, Mister Hunter," "I'm afraid I have to make a move?" Su Zicheng had just knocked down the golden magic disc thrown by Ancient One, when he heard Ancient One suddenly appearing said such a sentence. "Is it Kaecilius?" "Stephen Strange?" As an insider of the Marvel plot, Ancient One just spoke, and Su Zicheng almost knew what she wanted to express. Originally, Su Zicheng thought that he had really changed the plot, held back Ancient One, and prevented her from going to support, so it meant that Ancient One didn't have to die. In the end, it still couldn't change the direction of the plot. No matter how Su Zicheng tried to obstruct it deliberately, the incident would still return to the right track as before. "En." After finishing speaking, Ancient One waved again, turned around and left the mirror world directly, without giving Su Zicheng a chance to save him. There is no way, I can’t play it anymore, if I copy it, it should be enough. Anyway, the initiative is on Ancient One, Su Zicheng can only withdraw his moves, and also hide his copying eyes. People also followed Ancient One out. Outside, the servant in the living room was still doing other tasks, and it looked as if he had no idea that such an earth-shattering battle between Ancient One and Su Zicheng just happened here. Moreover, talking about the length of the phone call personally, Su Zicheng felt that it was an hour or two, but the servants outside were still working here. .

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