Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 527 Sorcerer Supreme Asks For Help

Chapter 527 Sorcerer Supreme Asks for Help

Although Su Zicheng has never seen the level of Kaecilius, Su Zicheng knows that a ruthless character who practiced magic with Ancient One since childhood, and was also eroded by the dark matter of Dormammu, so his magic level is definitely a super high level.

Sure enough, this group of people hadn't fought for a few rounds, and none of them had even broken their skin, let alone seen blood. Su Zicheng thinks that this is no longer a question of whether to release water or not. Ancient One can't do it.

Such a Sorcerer Supreme has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, experienced countless years of change, even the creator god Yongheng has seen it, Su Zicheng does not believe that Ancient One has never killed anyone, and has no blood on his hands. When I was fighting with Su Zicheng just now, Su Zicheng didn't notice that she was a bit weak

I think so, after all, he has been a disciple of Ancient One for many years, no matter how rebellious he is, he is still a disciple, and it is normal for Ancient One not to make a move. Have you ever imagined that a Sorcerer Supreme, who practiced for a hundred years, finally made his heart as soft as an ascetic.

The speed of the treadmill is fast, and athletes running on it can still cross over. It is not difficult for ordinary people, let alone magicians with magic. So, not long after, Kaecilius betrayed a younger brother and used him as a backing, then quickly opened another magic portal, and escaped with the rest of the younger brothers.

Seeing this, there is no need for Su Zicheng to continue watching. The main character, Kaecilius, has run away, what else is there to see. Originally, I thought that Ancient One, including Kaecilius, would fight each other fiercely, but in the end it turned out to be a small fight.

I also thought that Ancient One would never return, and then before he died, he would come to some magic that would make Su Zicheng's eyes shine, and it could not be copied, but it would also open Su Zicheng's horizons and gain a lot of insight. However, what is this for, other than wasting half an hour (a GBc) of Su Zicheng's time, just to show Su Zicheng a scene of a mentor-student relationship?

When he came back to his senses, Su Zicheng didn't think about them anymore, so he should quickly read the book of Cagliostro in his hand. Otherwise, when the king or the black magician returns, maybe something will happen again.

After about half an hour, Su Zicheng finally managed to read the entire book of Cagliostro from beginning to end.

It's just that I read it quickly and forget it quickly, basically I didn't remember much. The main reason is that although the above white magic is comprehensive, all the included ones are small magic "not many are really useful.

What's more, this book of Cagliostro can be regarded as a encyclopedia, and its thickness is almost as thick as that of the last two Oxford dictionaries combined. It would be good for Su Zicheng to finish reading in half an hour. It is impossible to write down everything. Just pick the key points.

It's just that I've finished reading the magic books, why people like Kamar-Taj haven't come back yet. How to call directly to Dormammu?

Anyway, Su Zicheng has no reason to stay here. So, Su Zicheng was about to leave Kamar-Taj and go back to his villa in Queens. However, just as Su Zicheng stood up, he heard a few thuds coming from behind. .

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