Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 533 Enlighten Stephen Strange

Chapter 533 Enlighten Stephen Strange

Dormammu can't come to the earth, so Su Zicheng can accept this fifth-level star core without fighting, and it is logical. Definitely, it's not that Su Zicheng is afraid of Dormammu. It's just, there are loot for free, so why not do it. It not only saves time, but also saves effort and energy, why not do it. Thinking of this, a wicked smile leaked from the corner of Su Zicheng's mouth. Then turned around and walked out. However, if someone could see through Su Zicheng's smile, they would know that Su Zicheng was either trying to kill someone, or had premeditated a plan that required bloodshed. "Stephen Strange," "I believe you can make a greater contribution," "It's just you in the end, you can't make great achievements," "You are not important..." Su Zicheng just walked into Kamar -In the living room of Taj School of Magic, I heard Ancient One talking inside. No need to think about it, it must have been said to Stephen Strange. It's just that, for a while, you can make contributions, and for a while, you are not important. What kind of trouble is Ancient One going to do? Is this instructing people? Why can’t Su Zicheng understand? Or is it that Ancient One has lived too long and has a higher level of thought than Su Zicheng? “But, I’m not ready yet.” At this time, Stephen Strange also spoke. Listening to his answer, it was also irrelevant. I don't know if he understood what Ancient One said just now..."No one is ready," "We can't help but choose the timing." Su Zicheng walked in and sat down. On the side, I quietly poured a cup of tea by myself, and tasted it alone. Although Su Zicheng doesn't know how to taste tea, he can't taste how unique the tea brewed from this cup of tea that Ancient One calls a thousand-year-old tea tree. However, Su Zicheng could tell what the two sentences that Ancient One said just now meant. No one is ready', it sounded like she was trying to comfort Stephen Strange, but Su Zicheng felt that she was not only referring to Stephen Strange, it is very likely that Ancient One also included herself. Even Ancient One probably wasn't ready, for one day, he would suddenly face death. Before, when Su Zicheng talked with Ancient One, he mentioned more than once that the deadline for Ancient One is approaching

Ancient One is dying, etc. But Ancient One herself seemed to be alright, facing death, she was not afraid, even Su Zicheng couldn't tell anything strange from Ancient One's face, but faced it with a smile. It is estimated that if you change to an ordinary person on the earth, from any country, a person with sound limbs, healthy body, a successful career and a happy family, tell him that he is about to die, and his time limit is approaching. to. Do you think he will beat this man half to death, and he doesn't take it as a joke. But if you really let him face this reality. Su Zicheng felt that there should be few Zhengcha people who could hold back their collapse. (Normal people refer to the majority. In this world, there are still many people who are living on the brink of death, such as illness and poverty. These people wish to die as soon as possible and be freed sooner... After all, death is not terrible, but it is terrible facing death

"However, I came to Kamar-Taj only to treat my hand, six".

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