Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 537: Battle Of Wisdom Kaecilius

Chapter 537 Wisdom Fight Kaecilius

Stephen Strange didn't show any hesitation, he turned around and got in directly.

Seeing this, the three younger brothers of Kaecilius followed closely behind, and one of them also wanted to follow Stephen Strange's example and wanted to open a magic portal. The other two simply got into the magic door that Stephen Strange had opened and hadn't closed yet. However, when those two people also disappeared into the holy place, before the other one came out, suddenly another portal appeared behind him. A person suddenly jumped out of it.

Isn't this man Stephen Strange? This is a trick to turn the tiger away from the mountain. I saw that there was still a magic shield in Stephen Strange's hand, and before Kaecilius' little brother came back to his senses, the 493 shield swept over it.

Su Zicheng who was on the roof could hear a piercing sound, and when the shield went down, that unlucky little brother saw Hong directly. The long wound on his chest was bleeding unstoppably. Stephen Strange is worthy of being a doctor, and he didn't act sloppily at all.

The only pity is that possibly Stephen Strange's first real fight too. Maybe on the operating table he is the god who controls other people's lives, but now he is also a rookie who is afraid of death. It is estimated that the blood he saw just now was caused by his failure to master several techniques.

After a hit, Stephen Strange saw hope even more, and quickly flew up to make up the knife. Probably due to the desire to survive, Stephen Strange's kick was so strong that he actually kicked this unlucky guy flying off the second floor. He rolled down the stairs into a pile of armors, and those armors were so thick, this time, he was buried in the scattered armor ruins without any movement, probably dead or alive.

The other two who had just come out of the magic portal, saw this scene, and immediately became more careful.

Stephen Strange glanced at them, then continued to open the portal, and got in.

At this time, Su Zicheng was surprised to find that the remaining two were just standing there motionless. Neither does Might and Magic Chase, nor does Stephen Strange open it. Not bad, pretty smart. If the villains in Marvel can maintain this IQ at any time, they probably won’t be beaten so badly by superheroes, and they won’t be killed, injured, or sent to prison...

The two of them didn't move, they waited quietly for Stephen Strange to show up. Now, it was Stephen Strange's turn to be dumbfounded. Just like he said, the holy place is here, so how can he run away? go.

Su Zicheng was just about to applaud Stephen Strange's cleverness, but someone came and waited and used Stephen Strange's tricks.

No, Stephen Strange was dumbfounded as soon as he showed his head. The two younger brothers who were waiting on the spot punched Stephen Strange directly in the face. Fortunately, as a neurosurgeon, Stephen Strange's reaction speed and reflex arc are absolutely top-notch. Just when the enemy's fist was about to hit him, the shield in Stephen Strange's hand blocked it. In front of him.


A dull voice came out, and Stephen Strange was directly blasted a few meters away. .

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