Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 545: The Duped Doctor Strange

Chapter 545 The Doctor Strange Who Betrayed

Continue watching the duo of Kaecilius and Stephen Strange downstairs.

I saw Kaecilius whimpering, as if he was about to say something.


"what do you want to say?"

Stephen Strange hesitated, turned sideways, and cautiously moved to Kaecilius step by step. After San confirmed that he could no longer move, he took off the device on Kaecilius' mouth.

"Don't read 06,"

"Oh Schett, don't read it,"

"I tell you to stop."

Even after Stephen Strange took off the device that gagged Kaecilius' mouth, the guy was still bulging like a broken mind. Because Su Zicheng was far away, it might also be because Kaecilius couldn't speak clearly, or he didn't know what he was saying, so not only Stephen Strange, but even Su Zicheng couldn't hear what Kaecilius was chanting clearly.

However, from Stephen Strange's expression, repetitive tone, and exploding foul language, it shouldn't be hard to imagine that Kaecilius is saying some nasty things.

"It won't stop, Mr. Doctor."

Huh? No, it seems that Su Zicheng got it wrong. What made the sound just now was the metal device that restrained Kaecilius' movements. Why, these days, even a magic weapon has converted to Buddhism like Ancient One. It’s okay to tie him up, and give him a great compassion spell to wash his brains?

"What, I don't even know what it is?"

Su Zicheng didn't even know what was going on with that device, let alone Stephen Strange, who also looked confused. Stupidly froze in place. (It may also be because he was still in the moment of shock just now, and he has not recovered from his senses. After all, Stephen Strange has never been at peace since Kaecilius came to the holy place in New York.)

"This is the end,"

"Also the beginning,"

"The results change from more to less, and from less to one."

"If you're being so polite to me,

"I'll just use this to gag your mouth again."

I don't know what Kaecilius said there. Let alone Stephen Strange, Su Zicheng has heard enough.

That's right, under the tutelage of Ancient One, Kaecilius' skillful mouth, following Ancient One's ears and eyes, these great principles don't need to be organized in advance, they just come out of your mouth. No wonder Stephen Strange was so violent. After all, before coming here, he had just come out of the 'touching' speech of Ancient One...

"Speak, Mr. Doctor."

Seeing that Stephen Strange lost his temper, Kaecilius calmed down, 050 However, from his words, Yincheng knew what he wanted to say to Stephen Strange.

"Oh Shet, listen,"

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange became even more irritable when he was called a doctor. I have just sold out countless gold and silver treasures, villa luxury cars, and Lamborghinis, not to mention those precious watches worth tens of thousands, tens, and millions of dollars.

What did Stephen Strange spend so much money for? It was to heal the consequences of his two lines of tears caused by his irregular driving. .

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