Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 52 The Immortal Body Of Vajra

"Ahhh! Come out! Damn! Damn little ant!"

Burning with hatred and anger, he felt machine anger at Su Zicheng's attitude of "avoiding and not fighting". He hammered his chest violently like Tarzan of the ape. They all shivered fiercely.

Falk, who is the boss who can actually make this big monster so angry!

"Since you want me to come out, then I will come out."

The indifferent voice fell.

About a hundred meters away from the abomination, Su Zicheng emerged from the shadows again.

It's just that it's different from holding the bow before, he has put the bow on his back again.

Hate had already sensed Su Zicheng's aura, his eyes gleamed cruelly, and he stomped hard on his feet, turning them into shells.

With a sound of 'pong', the air wave surged violently, tearing the air.

Clenched his fist as big as two basketballs in his right hand, and threw it at Su Zicheng viciously.

Before the fist arrives, the wind of fist arrives first.

The fierce fist wind is like a knife, and any object it touches, even a stone, will be crushed.

If the strength is divided into levels, the normal Hulk is level 70, then the power of the abomination exceeds level 100! This is not empty talk, but an official message from Marvel. One can imagine how terrifying this guy's power is.

If this punch hits, even Captain America will be enraged.

But Su Zicheng didn't move at all.

Even the wind of the fist that could crush everything was blowing on his face.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

In the depths of the flesh and blood that others could not see, a faint golden color quickly climbed to Su Zicheng's whole body.

Facing the attacking hatred, Su Zicheng floated up his left hand, blocking it with the back of his hand.


Two terrifying forces collided.

It was as if two missiles collided, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The fierce wind roared, and terrifying air waves swept all around, blowing up the concrete floor and building facades within 100 meters around, swirling in smoke and dust, and splashing gravel.

With Su Zicheng as the center, he was mercilessly punched down several meters, forming a super big pit.

The smoke and dust rose slowly into the sky like that mushroom cloud, the power of the punch of Abomination and Su Zicheng was really appalling.

The angle of view changed.

Hate originally thought that with this punch, the ant in front of him should be smashed into pieces by himself.

When Su Zicheng raised his left hand in an attempt to block the punch, he was still laughing wildly at his overpowering in his disgust.

However, at the moment of contact, its expression changed, becoming extremely incredible.

As if it was not a human being, but the hardest steel in the world, except for some shocking momentum around it, it was originally not hurt at all.

Moreover, the incomparably terrifying countershock force started from the place of contact, and quickly spread to its entire arm. The bones inside were all exploded at this moment, destroyed into pieces, and the severe pain was transmitted to the nerves. His screams spread across several blocks, the voice was loud, and his eyes were full of horror and pain.

As for Su Zicheng, he didn't get hit passively after easily blocking the blow, his eyebrows frowned suddenly, he gave a soft drink, and his right hand gathered all the strength of his whole body, a faint touch of gold even wrapped it, suddenly He punched out.

"Die to my father!"


An exaggerated sonic boom sounded, and the air was crushed at this moment.

The hatred that hadn't reacted yet was punched in the abdomen.

An incomparably terrifying power and dark energy quickly spread out centered on the abdomen of the loathe.


At this moment, the abdomen of the abomination was hit instantly sunken, his face glared, a stream of green pus and blood rushed up his throat, struck like a cannonball, and was sent flying hundreds of meters like a cannonball, like a shocking The dolls at the left and right were trembling with limbs, and they barely stopped until they smashed through countless buildings.


A mouthful of pus and blood spurted out.

Hate only felt that the muscle fibers all over his body were exploded.

With a look of horror in his eyes, he stood up with great difficulty.

how is this possible? how is this possible?

Why is the defense ability of this ant so strong! Why is power so terrifying!

I can't believe the hatred. After becoming a monster, it can be said to have expanded unprecedentedly. Even if Hulk came, it didn't pay attention to it, but in such a period of expansion, it was punched by an "ordinary person" it regarded as an ant. Flying, causing countless bones on his body to break.

It's not frustrating at all.

It felt like it was dreaming, but the severe pain on its body and the slightly trembling fists told it all the time, no, all of this was real.



Su Zicheng did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

He was marveling at his defense.

Damn, upgrading the Indestructible Body of Vajra to lv.3 is indeed the right choice!

The indestructible body of King Kong can make his defense power reach 90 with a physique of 30 at lv.2.

Now his physique has 50 points, and his indestructible body has also been raised to lv.3.

That would be even more terrifying.

Su Zicheng doubted that anyone with a physique less than 300 might not be able to break through his own defense.

Moreover, plus the +5 hunter suit, it is even more exaggerated, wanting to hurt Su Zicheng, start at 350!

Just like that abomination, a punch came over and scratched him without any harm, but the counter-shock force shattered his hand.

In terms of physique, Su Zicheng is already invincible on earth.

Definitely, this does not mean that Su Zicheng is really invincible. You must know that in the Marvel world, apart from Hulk with pure physique, there is also magic. The elemental arrows of the elemental bow belong to magic damage.

Hmm... Su Zicheng certainly wouldn't be so stupid as to shoot himself an arrow.

At present, the elemental arrows of the +10 elemental bow, he himself doubts how powerful it will be? Can you kill the abomination directly?

He was skeptical about this.

In fact, you can pull out a bow and try it at any time.

But he doesn't want to.

Everything is so quickly resolved, life will be very boring.

(PS: Three more, please collect, reward, and flowers!)

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