Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 555 Sorcerer Supreme Opens Dark Form

Chapter 555 Sorcerer Supreme Opens Dark Form

Borrowing this unique method, the energy of Dormammu, or the energy of the dark matter world, can be temporarily carried over to Kaecilius, so as to achieve the effect of enhancing strength.

Now that Kaecilius has gained strength, shouldn't it be Ancient One's turn to reverse, and then there will be the scene Su Zicheng wants to see. Even if it doesn't work, at least let Su Zicheng watch the evenly matched matches to enjoy his eyes.

Sure enough, with Dormammu's help behind him, Kaecilius became much braver, and he was a completely different person than before.


For some reason, Su Zicheng actually saw Kaecilius stabbing Ancient One's magic shield into pieces with a sharp knife composed of dark matter energy.

Obediently, it's different to have someone backing you up. It was Kaecilius and his younger brother who resisted Ancient One just now, even so, they were still beyond their power, but now Kaecilius pierced Ancient One's magic shield by himself.

Just when Su Zicheng thought that Ancient One was about to retreat one after another, suddenly, another same breath descended. Looking at Ancient One, her aura seems to have changed.

how. Is Ancient One also using this ritual to draw energy from the dark matter world?

Su Zicheng stared at Ancient One without blinking. All of a sudden, Ancient One opened her eyes suddenly, and the yellow cloak attached to her body instantly stirred up, as if an unknown wind was blowing her, making it flutter.

However, apart from the changes in Ancient One's aura, what is more noticeable is a symbol on her forehead. A thin black line outlines the pattern, and it seems to have seen 0 somewhere

The Book of Cagliostro, to memory, is the symbol inscribed on the pages of Dormammu.

According to the book, this is a representation of dark matter energy, the evil embodiment of Dormammu. Anyway, it's a bad omen.

Definitely, Su Zicheng didn't feel any surprise when he saw these. After all, Su Zicheng knew about it a long time ago. It was only a matter of time before the Ancient One was revealed.

Su Zicheng doesn't care, but it doesn't mean others are the same as Su Zicheng.

Turning his head to look at the black magician and Stephen Strange who had been watching the show, both of them frowned, as if they were thinking about something.

Among them, the black magician is even worse. Su Zicheng knew that this black man had been speculating about Ancient One a long time ago, and from some gossip, he also seemed to know that Ancient One was secretly absorbing energy from the dark matter world, but he had no direct evidence to explain it, and Ancient One One can also be regarded as his savior, which made him bury this suspicion in his heart.

But now, the performance of Ancient One has truly confirmed the doubts in the mind of the black magician. For a moment, he felt cheated.

Back then, when I was entangled by dark matter, all the family members of the black magician died in Kaecilius, a magician scum who abused magic and stole dark matter energy.

And at this critical juncture, it was Ancient One who rescued the black magician and provided him with a place to live, so that he could come back to life safely.

For so many years, the black magician has been learning magic from Ancient One, in order to help Ancient One be able to completely wipe out the dark matter energy one day, and completely clear the magician scum like Kaecilius. .

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