Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 557 Kaecilius' Conspiracy

Chapter 557 Kaecilius' Conspiracy

Under the rapid operation of the brain, Stephen Strange had to wait and see what happened, and continue to observe before speaking.

Just now, Su Zicheng was also secretly using mind reading to watch the changes in the hearts of the black magician and Stephen Strange. It has to be said that, in comparison, Stephen Strange is obviously much more rational than the black magician.

However, Su Zicheng didn't pay too much attention to them. Anyway, they were two small characters. Even if Stephen Strange really became stronger in the future, he wouldn't be able to afford Su Zicheng's ability to be a bounty hunter.

It might be changed that before the car accident he barely had that strength, but now, apart from paying Time Gem and Eye of Agamotto, it can be said that Stephen Strange basically has no relationship with Su Zicheng for 800 and a half cents.

As for the black magician, this guy may become a stumbling block in Stephen Strange's growth path in the future. Don't look at him standing beside Stephen Strange with a pleasant face now, but his face is getting darker and darker. Let him go further and further down the evil path.

Continue to set your sights on Ancient One and Kaecilius.

After they each used dark matter energy just now, in general, Ancient One is slightly better. It may be because Kaecilius was allowed to run away once, but this time Ancient One opened the mirror world just in case, and even made a much firmer move than before.

On Kaecilius' side, although he was much stronger than before, even with the help of his assistants, he was still not as powerful as Ancient One, or in other words, it was impossible to overcome the situation.

Suddenly, Su Zicheng, who had been watching all this in obscurity, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if the gap had reached a small, imperceptible movement.

Just when Kaecilius and his little brother rushed forward together, wanting to form a siege around Ancient One and then attack, suddenly, Kaecilius made a sharp turn and came directly behind his little brother.

That is, when Ancient One was about to use the aged magic shield in his hand to get close to Kaecilius' younger brother, trying to knock him out, Kaecilius also turned behind his younger brother through Ancient One.

Before Ancient One raised the magic shield in his hand and swung it down, and even before his little brother realized what he was going to do, Kaecilius stabbed out the meter-long machete that he had been holding in his hand.

"It's a good trick to fight cattle across mountains,"

"Kaecilius is really willing to let the child play wolf."

Su Zicheng at the side also felt horrified when he saw this scene. This guy Kaecilius took advantage of his unpreparedness, took his little brother as a shield, and stabbed him down, not only piercing his little brother's body, but also Ancient One was stabbed like Stephen Strange. .

I saw that Ancient One was feinted by Kaecilius and stabbed fiercely in the body. Ancient One just opened his mouth wide and couldn't make any sound. Su Zicheng felt that he could stuff his fist into the mouth so wide open. up.

Not only that, the hand that Ancient One raised just now, that is, the magic shield in his hand flickered a few times and then went out, exactly the same as what happened to Stephen Strange just now. .

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