Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 561 Killing Kaecilius

Chapter 561 Killing Kaecilius

Don't forget, this is the downtown area of ​​New York, where Ancient One, Kaecilius and the others fought just now. If it weren't for the mirror world, this street would have been destroyed for a long time.

Now, when everyone evacuated and the mirror world disappeared. This place seems to be exposed to people's sight again.


"Ah ah ah ah ah,

"Corpse, corpse,"

"There's Deadman."

As soon as Su Zicheng left, he heard several heart-piercing exclamations behind him. Someone must have seen the younger brother who was stabbed to death by Casilla as a shield.

With just this scream, a group of people gathered here in a short while, surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside. It is estimated that the body of the younger brother Kaecilius will be dissected as a strange species after being taken away by the police, or sliced ​​for research.

Behind the crowd, a shadow appeared from a corner, and a figure whoosh disappeared in place.

That's right, this person is Su Zicheng. At this moment, Su Zicheng did not follow Stephen Strange back to New York Holy Place, but disappeared in another direction.

Don't think too much, Su Zicheng is not planning to give up the task released by Ancient One and walk away with the star core, but Su Zicheng has more important plans to implement.

Still in New York State, in the suburbs fifty kilometers away from the bustling downtown area of ​​New York Holy Place, this is a dilapidated small town in an alley next to a small convenience store.

This is a paradise for garbage dumps, the whole alley is stinky, and from time to time there are a few stray cats and dogs in the garbage cans, randomly picking up leftovers discarded by people

Across the alley, you can even hear the clerks in the convenience store who are dissatisfied with the price of the goods making a lot of noise, and the rumbling sound of the inferior air conditioner in the kitchen in the distance.

Here, it seems to be a place abandoned by people, no one cares about it, and there is no popularity. Maybe even if a shootout breaks out here, no one will notice this place. Some are just wild cats and dogs screaming for food.

Suddenly, in such a place, a bad guy wearing the uniform of an ancient warrior landed here. For a while, frightened by this, several little wild cats that were snatching food were frightened and fled out in panic.

Why is it called a bad person, and why is it here? Because, this person is not only dressed strangely, but also looks strange. Especially the dark circles under the eyes, black and red, as if they are about to rot, uglier than rotten meat in the garbage dump. Moreover, this person fell from the sky suddenly without anyone knowing what was going on. Those who didn't know thought that the second senior brother fell from the sky.

That's right, this person is Kaecilius. Even though he used a despicable method not long ago, he stabbed to death the famous Sorcerer Supreme on the earth, but now his situation is not easy.

Don't forget, in the battle just now, Kaecilius couldn't defeat Ancient One. The reason why he was able to barely kill Ancient One with a sneak attack was because Kaecilius used a special sacrifice method.

Because Kaecilius used this method in order to obtain Dormammu's Ability in the battle, but now it seems that the sequelae, the price paid for obtaining high amounts of energy is also huge amounts of. .

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