Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 568 Thanks To The God Of Luck

Chapter 568 Thanks to the God of Luck

This time, Su Zicheng simply sat down with his legs crossed, in order to be able to concentrate more, let the mental power and magical energy intertwine with each other, and jointly outline a new magic circle.

After half an hour. Su Zicheng's irregular spherical Vibranium is covered with thin patterns, and each pattern is like a mountain range with ravines and ravines, with twists and turns. But if you take a closer look, these patterns are all connected end to end, forming a new pattern together. It looks like a well-crafted work of art.



Taking a deep breath, Zicheng finally recovered from the portrayal task just now.

Originally, Su Zicheng thought that this sketch would take at least a few hours to start, but he did not expect to finish it so quickly. What's more, I didn't expect that I really got shit luck, a blind cat met a dead mouse, and successfully combined the circular magic circle and the blazing meteorite magic circle for the second time. Just now Su Zicheng has been doing a moment painting for a day, and failed again and again, but he really didn't expect to be so muddled-successful.

"Thanks for the blessing of the god of luck."

Yes, Su Zicheng attributed all the credit to the blessing of the god of luck. If he hadn’t purchased this skill before, Su Zicheng would not have believed it. He had invented such a brand new magic. Compared to other people who made light bulbs and failed hundreds of times, he was definitely a super lucky star. .

However, Su Zicheng supported his forehead, feeling a little empty mental power, and the excitement just now was much less. Although Su Zicheng had successfully integrated the two magic circles just now. But the spiritual power consumed is too huge, and I can't afford to consume it at all.

If during the battle, instead of spending huge amounts of mental power to portray such a thing, it is better to preserve physical strength and fight to the death. It's not worth it, it's not worth it, and this experiment is not a complete success, because it does more harm than good.

Forget it, stuff was created anyway. Let's restore our mental strength now.

Thinking about it, Su Zicheng put the painted ball aside and continued to sit cross-legged. The soul pendant on his chest continued to emit soft light, constantly replenishing Su Zicheng's spiritual power, and there was also meditation, and meditation did not Stopped running and continued to refill.

0...seeking flowers...

Su Zicheng sat for more than ten hours before he knew it. Counting that it was almost ten hours just now, I didn't expect that a day had already passed in the hunter's space. Definitely, a day in Hunter space might only be a few hours outside.


This is why Su Zicheng came to the hunter space to experiment. One is safety, the space is large, even if it explodes, no one can see it, and it doesn't matter if you are injured, anyway, you are alone, and your privacy is absolutely leveraged.

The second reason is that the time here is passing faster, don't think about it, if Su Zicheng wants to find out such a new thing, it will definitely take a lot of time. Scientists, whoever discovers what theorems and formulas, take dozens or hundreds of years to complete. But Su Zicheng doesn't have so much time to waste knives. .

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