Chapter 575


"Come again."


"Come again."


"I'm fucking meow"



"My Falk,"

"What exactly is going on,"

"Keep going.


In this way, the world outside the hunter's space, the sky is full of white belly, and the sky is bright. Looking at the hunter space, it is still booming... the sound of explosions is endless.

Stephen Strange still had a free day today. No more nagging from Ancient One, no more harassment from Kaecilius. Stephen Strange was so leisurely holding a feather duster on the second floor of the Holy Place in New York, sweeping this and wiping that. The appearance of ten greasy middle-aged uncles who are occasionally amused by the red magic cloak behind them.

It's just that Stephen Strange didn't know the three-day deadline set by Su Zicheng, and didn't know that the coming storm had already involved him silently. What's more, in a strange space in this holy place, a vigorous explosion feast is being staged

That's right, this strange space is the hunter space.

Watching Su Zicheng, tossing and tossing for several days has already made him feel uncomfortable. The dust from the explosion painted his original black hunter suit with a layer of charcoal black again.

Moreover, at the moment Su Zicheng opened his arms and legs, and he was lying on the ground in a big shape, motionless, only his breathing one after another proved that he was still alive


It can be seen from Su Zicheng's palms that were blown black, his exhausted demeanor, especially his body that can't breathe evenly [Su Zicheng has hardly been tossed enough.

"Where is the problem?

"It can't be that my method is wrong."

Su Zicheng, who was lying in the hunter's space, his eyes were empty, took advantage of this gap of rest, talking to himself.

Needless to say, Su Zicheng still hasn't made other Level Universe skills into magic weapons these days.

The soul pendant on Su Zicheng's chest started to emit a soft white light at some point, because he replenished his spiritual power.

In the past few days, Su Zicheng was exhausted. He conducted experiments day and night, not to mention hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times. Su Zicheng himself didn't know how many times he exploded.

Su Zicheng felt as if he had been bombed and numb. In the end, even if he held it in his hand and exploded, it couldn't cause any change in Su Zicheng's expression or demeanor.

Definitely, not without gain. In addition to harvesting the empty spirit caused by excessive and excessive use of mental power, there is also a tired body, and Vibranium raw materials that decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For a few days, the experiments continued, the sun and the moon rotated, but Su Zicheng did not rotate. It was only after the explosion just now that Su Zicheng gave up temporarily and planned to take a break to continue the experiment.

Since he still intends to continue the experiment, it proves that Su Zicheng still has something to gain, otherwise, without hope, it is absolutely impossible to continue with Su Zicheng's temper.

After resting for a long time, Su Zicheng finally came to his senses. Without hesitation, he moved his hand and picked out a piece of Vibranium raw material again and took it together in his hand.

His right hand became a sword finger, and his spiritual power was wrapped around it like a thread. As before, he repeated the action just now.

According to the three-day deadline set by Su Zicheng, Su Zicheng knew that today was the third day. Just right, now Su Zicheng Hunter, the time inside is synchronized with the outside. .

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